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italibabee 03-10-12 02:04

Look at Debra when she was younger.

just*raidin*tomb 03-10-12 02:06

Debra was only 14 when she died. RIP Debra. <3

Stevo505 03-10-12 02:06


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6462090)
Look at Debra when she was younger.

And then she grew up to be Lara food <3

Lio123 03-10-12 04:12

just*raidin*tomb 03-10-12 04:14

Um censor circumvention gonna git u gorl.

larafan25 03-10-12 04:17


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6462179)
Um censor circumvention gonna git u gorl.



I lol'ed at the "I'm so high" one though, and saved a few. :pi:

Tommy123 03-10-12 04:17

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

TippingWater 03-10-12 10:01


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6461871)
I noticed that lara doesn't have that tool belt in the recent videos, I think it might be something we find during the game.
Maybe that's where the axe and torch goes when she is not using them ?

That would be really cool because that means that they won't magically disappear in her ass :D.


Camilla LuddingtonVerified

All the awards tomb raider 2013 has won so far! :)

Lukass 03-10-12 10:02

^ They should also make some space for the GOTY award :D

TippingWater 03-10-12 10:03


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6462327)
^ They should also make some space for the GOTY award :D


Agreed! :D

Lukass 03-10-12 10:06

^ I'm so jealous! I'd sit next to her, chat and play the game together! She doesn't feel like a star at all, she's like our firend who's happy to go to the pub with us or something :D Oh my God, I wish she played Lara in the movie! She HAS TO get that damn role!

TippingWater 03-10-12 10:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6462330)
^ I'm so jealous! I'd sit next to her, chat and play the game together! She doesn't feel like a star at all, she's like our firend who's happy to go to the pub with us or something :D Oh my God, I wish she played Lara in the movie! She HAS TO get that damn role!

She really seems like a down-to-earth sweet girl, I hope stardom won't change her (too much).

Lukass 03-10-12 10:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6462332)
She really seems like a down-to-earth sweet girl, I hope stardom won't change her (too much).

I really want her to tweet how long she played the game :pi: :p

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:09

Lara's wall scramble still bugs me. In real life it would looks something like this :D

Evan C. 03-10-12 14:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6462545)
Lara's wall scramble still bugs me. In real life it would looks something like this :D

Haha totally, not even mentioning with the side recently wounded by a metal spike *_*

SpyrosMonster 03-10-12 14:12


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6462545)
Lara's wall scramble still bugs me. In real life it would looks something like this :D

Actually I think it is possible but not with that wound Lara has...

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:12


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6462547)
Haha totally, not even mentioning with the side recently wounded by a metal spike *_*

Yeah that one also diminishes realism, especially since she didn't even bandaged it :o. I mean was it more important to pick up the camera than to pick up some bandages and sterilize the wound?

Spong 03-10-12 14:13


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6462545)
Lara's wall scramble still bugs me. In real life it would looks something like this :D

It's funny because it's true :vlol:

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:14


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6462550)
Actually I think it is possible but not with that wound Lara has...

Yeah if you are like a parkour expert, but in this adventure Lara is supposed to be an ordinary girl with above the average survival experience.

I certainly can't scramble up walls :p.

Evan C. 03-10-12 14:14


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6462551)
Yeah that one also diminishes realism, especially since she didn't even bandaged it :o. I mean was it more important to pick up the camera than to pick up some bandages and sterilize the wound?

Hahaha, I know. But well, obviously, they won't take realism to that level, basically because Lara should have died breaking her neck on the fall, or if she survived, not being able to do nothing of what she did and died pretty soon. So we have to be realistic on ours expectations.

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:15


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6462555)
It's funny because it's true :vlol:

Thank you. Ikr? And apparently she can scramble on all walls not just that one in the beginning. Totally realistic, I am just grateful that the jump-on-walls move from Underworld isn't back...

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:18


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6462557)
Hahaha, I know. But well, obviously, they won't take realism to that level, basically because Lara should have died breaking her neck on the fall, or if she survived, not being able to do nothing of what she did and died pretty soon. So we have to be realistic on ours expectations.

Sure then they should be more realistic in their descriptions. I actually thought that there will be survival mechanisms, that she will be forced to organize and spare items in order to save up space, but no it is just the same old (Trilogy) gameplay under the wraps of a survival story.

Evan C. 03-10-12 14:18

Oh god no. I am replaying TRU and I see BIG coincidences on moves, effects, sounds, etc. I hope it doesn't feel the same at playing.

And yes, I think at the beggining of the campaing, they were specially misleading. The game was supposed to be more a crude survival experience...drinking water, eating and searching food, something less forced. But it has evolved and changed a lot since that, wich isn't bad, but different.

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:19


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6462563)
Oh god no. I am replaying TRU and I see BIG coincidences on moves, effects, sounds, etc. I hope it doesn't feel the same at playing.

Well they have already re-used the foliage textures from Underworld, I wonder what else they will re-use :p. Ooo some of the baddies voice actors from the trilogy are back as well.

Lukass 03-10-12 14:33


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6462563)
Oh god no. I am replaying TRU and I see BIG coincidences on moves, effects, sounds, etc. I hope it doesn't feel the same at playing.

No, just no! From what I've seen I think it's nothing like TRU.

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6462573)
No, just no! From what I've seen I think it's nothing like TRU.

You are right :).

Spong 03-10-12 14:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6462573)
No, just no! From what I've seen I think it's nothing like TRU.

Except those climbing animations :pi:


Phlip 03-10-12 14:53


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6462564)
Ooo some of the baddies voice actors from the trilogy are back as well.


Lukass 03-10-12 14:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6462585)
Except those climbing animations :pi:


Yeah, they've put no effort in the climbing animations. It's fully copied from Underworld.

*shudders too*

TippingWater 03-10-12 14:57


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6462588)

Check the B-roll footage, you can hear their voices clearly there. Maybe they are only placeholders, but they do sound like the mercs from Legend (Bolivia).

Only TR lover 03-10-12 18:10

They'll be showing The descent demo at Igromir... guess will see different take on that action part :)


tampi 03-10-12 18:13


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6462852)
They'll be showing The descent demo at Igromir... guess will see different take on that action part :)


What means The descent demo?

FearEffect 03-10-12 18:14


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6462856)
What means The descent demo?

+1 :jmp:

Something new ??

CBS_TombRaider 03-10-12 18:14


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6462856)
What means The descent demo?

I'd like to know this as well :p I've heard it before, but I don't know what part of the game it correlates to.

NRO. 03-10-12 18:21

The caves demo from 2011 E3

Stevo505 03-10-12 18:21

^ why would they show that again?


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6462856)
What means The descent demo?

I think it's the E3 2012 Microsoft conference demo, since she's basically crashing her way down a mountain :p

tampi 03-10-12 18:23


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6462876)
^ why would they show that again?

I think it's the E3 2012 Microsoft conference demo, since she's basically crashing her way down a mountain :p

The sequence of rafting and parachute?

CBS_TombRaider 03-10-12 18:26


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6462879)
The sequence of rafting and parachute?

Lol, I'd prefer this one over the cavern one. If we're in luck, we might be able to get some more footage of that sequence and check for the alternative routes :jmp: Cause they're totally there :pi:

Stevo505 03-10-12 18:27


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6462879)
The sequence of rafting and parachute?

Yes, that's my guess.

Only TR lover 03-10-12 18:28


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6462876)
^ why would they show that again?

I think it's the E3 2012 Microsoft conference demo, since she's basically crashing her way down a mountain :p

This! The one with the parachute!

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