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Lara_Zoz2006 15-02-12 13:06

Will do :hug:

I don't think it will help but i've put how feel forward so its of my chest now x x x

Lukass 15-02-12 13:08


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977605)
Will do :hug:

I don't think it will help but i've put how feel forward so its of my chest now x x x

I understand :vlol:

I'm so wondering if they'll reply :D

klona 15-02-12 13:24

Who receives the messages anyway? :p

Rai 15-02-12 13:35

Well I hope you get a reply, Susie. But wait, you said the trailer was in October 2011, wasn't it earlier than that? :p

Adrenaline 15-02-12 14:23

I'm getting scared that everyone forgot about Tomb Raider. it's all Crystal's fault. :/

Lukass 15-02-12 14:39

^ Meh, don't worry.

klona 15-02-12 14:49

Don't worry guys, a new trailer will refresh people's minds. :p

Spong 15-02-12 14:53


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 5977721)
I'm getting scared that everyone forgot about Tomb Raider. it's all Crystal's fault. :/

That was their intention, wasn't it? Didn't Crystal say, right at the start, "forget everything you know about Tomb Raider"?


lcroft_lc 15-02-12 15:02


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977574)
I sent this to Crystal today :

Good Morning

Apologises i appreciate you are a very busy company but please if you could take a moment to read the below id be really grateful.

Mine names Susie Hampton, im 24 years old and have been Tomb Raider fan since its first release in 1996, Lara has been the reason im pursuing a career in game design, i participated in before it sadly had to be closed last year , so ive very much been online through the Tomb Raider Legacy, Seen all the ups and downs :)

The reaction to when you guys came in with TR : Legend was amazing :) It was so refreshing a whole new zing of life for Lara and that trend has continued. Especially after seeing the trailer for the new Tomb Raider in October 2011 , every tomb raider fan hit the roof :)

But thats the thing... October. !!

We have had no real news since October except podcasts, now while i totally appreciate the reason behind the podcasts , looking into different areas of game development etc , thats not something the general public are going to go for, It would be Visuals that would attract the attention needed to compete with Resident Evil 6 , Silent Hill 6 etc , im concerned that these games have recently had trailer release on TV in the Uk and we saw so much more from the in that short space of time.

We have had no screenshot , art or anything visual or news of any kind since October last year , despite veiled promises from members of community staff on twitter. Im sure as you know as TR fans love a good tease but this is getting quite silly and its the first time ive since fans quite so angry , even in angel of darkness days. You know what we are like just one screenshot of a new area would do us. Or even a concept art. If you head over to Tomb Raider Forums you will see the frustrations of alot of members now. i don't think this marketing strategy of keeping everything as hushed as possible is working anymore, its beginning to annoy loyal long terms fans who would never dare to talk bad of tomb raider.

I'm very pleased with what we have seen and very excited but i must admit its even beginning to dim for me because we are seeing the same old article, the same screenshot and the promise of new exciting things from tweets but we never ever see !!! Its kind of cruel really if you think about it,

Im sorry to send an email like this, i actually really didn't want to as i am one of these fans that would never want to say anything about TR , but im getting a little tired of it now too , to be honest and im worried about the general public perception when they are seeing all this other media from the competitors.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Concerned TR Fan but also very excited as to what may be :)

All the best


Which Trailer released in October 2011? :confused: Did I miss anything? :confused:
I watched these three trailers:
  • 'Turning Point' trailer released on June 2, 2011
  • E3 'scavenger den' demo on June 6, 2011
  • Leaked footage from on June 19, 2011

Lukass 15-02-12 15:08


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5977791)
Which Trailer released in October 2011? :confused: Did I miss anything? :confused:
I watched these three trailers:
  • 'Turning Point' trailer released on June 2, 2011
  • E3 'scavenger den' demo on June 6, 2011
  • Leaked footage from on June 19, 2011


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5977791)
I watched these three trailers:


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5977791)
I watched these three trailers:

:eek: As far as I know there's just one trailer.

Lara_Zoz2006 15-02-12 15:08

I just went by the date they had for turning point on the official website :)

Rai 15-02-12 15:17


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977804)
I just went by the date they had for turning point on the official website :)

They're going by the American way of dating: so 6/10/11 is really 10/6/11 (10th June) by the UK way of doing it :p

@Lukass and then he points what it is he's watched: The trailer, the gameplay vid of the den and the leaked extended gameplay. He simply used the word 'trailers', not a big deal, hun. :)

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 15:45

I don't study all 210 country about what they call trailers. :p Videos isn't correct either. Cause I watched lots of interview videos. :p

Lukass 15-02-12 15:47


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5977852)
I don't study all 210 country about what they call trailers. :p Videos isn't correct either. Cause I watched lots of interview videos. :p

I was watching all the interviews today! :D

Spong 15-02-12 15:50


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5977857)
I was watching all the interviews today! :D

You need to get out more :ton:

Lukass 15-02-12 15:52


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5977865)
You need to get out more :ton:

And you too :ton:

I can't go out anyway. I have a flu :p

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 15:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5977857)
I was watching all the interviews today! :D

I didn't like Noah Hughes interviews. His voice sux. :p

Lukass 15-02-12 15:59


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5977884)
I didn't like Noah Hughes interviews. His voice sux. :p

I don't like voice of Daniel Hamburger.

Spong 15-02-12 16:03


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5977884)
I didn't like Noah Hughes interviews. His voice sux. :p


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5977888)
I don't like voice of Daniel Hamburger.

Are you two just randomly making up names?

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 16:54


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5977896)
Are you two just randomly making up names?

Stevo505 15-02-12 16:54


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5977896)
Are you two just randomly making up names?

What a lack of news will do...

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 17:08


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5977888)
I don't like voice of Daniel Hamburger.

Nice name for the burger looking guy at E3 Demo. :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:
Daniel Burger would do better. :p

Lukass 15-02-12 17:19

His name is Neuberger or something like that, innit? :p

klona 15-02-12 17:21

All we know is there is 'burger' in his name.

jhs270694 15-02-12 17:30


Originally Posted by klona (Post 5978054)
All we know is there is 'burger' in his name.

i guess we can find him at McDonald. the question is which one??

klona 15-02-12 17:31


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978065)
i guess we can find him at McDonald. the question is which one??

There are thousands of Mcdonalds there...

Stevo505 15-02-12 17:32


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5978025)
Nice name for the burger looking guy at E3 Demo. :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:
Daniel Burger would do better. :p

You think he LOOKS like a burger? :vlol:

jhs270694 15-02-12 17:35


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5978072)
You think he LOOKS like a burger? :vlol:

i can haz cheezburger? JK lol

Stevo505 15-02-12 17:43


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978074)
i can haz cheezburger? JK lol

LOL I wanna see one of those with Lara in it.

Lukass 15-02-12 17:45


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978074)
i can haz cheezburger? JK lol



larafan25 15-02-12 18:21

Daniel Neuberger.

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 18:39

TR Facebook page:

The Tomb Raider branded Xbox 360s just arrived in the office! We’ll have them out to trivia winners this week. Aren’t they beautiful?

Sorry, these aren’t for sale, but we’ll offer up a few more as prizes throughout the year. :)

larafan25 15-02-12 18:42

Those should be for sale, I'd buy one, and the TRU DLC. :cool:

skylark1121 15-02-12 18:43

I need one of those. :_)

jhs270694 15-02-12 19:06

wow, ubisoft just announced they will release ACIII October 30th (dunno if its worldwide release date or regional), they work pretty fast considering they only released AC Revelations a couple of months ago. i feel like they rush the AC series but the games they release feel so polished IMO. it's hard to believe they have been making ACIII for 3 years while simultaneously building Brotherhood and Revelations respectively, they must work overtime LOL.

I wish CD would work at least as competent as them (karl needs to lay of a few beers LOL). dont get me wrong i Love CD, but their pace is slower than turtles these days that's its almost frustrating. :pi:

Linoshi Croft 15-02-12 19:11


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978262)
but the games they release feel so polished IMO.

Did you play Revelations :eek:

jhs270694 15-02-12 19:13

yep, on the xbox though (if that makes a difference). lol im not stating a matter of fact, just opinion :)

Linoshi Croft 15-02-12 19:14


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978281)
yep, on the xbox though

...Yes, I played it on the xbox also and it was completely unpolished and glithchy IMO :/ I fell through the map on numerous occasions.

jhs270694 15-02-12 19:16

no game is perfect, its bound to have one flaw or another. tbh i came across one but it was the last one. i got stuck in a bush on masyaf (first level) lmao i couldnt get out ezio just kept floating. AC isnt really known to have significant glitches. AC1 had hilarious glitches though LOL

i remember playing tomb raider underworld, lara was just invisible. she was there but i couldnt see her lol. the mission was when lara wants to get back the first of thors gauntlets from that ship which amanda was on (while laras in the tomb). i cant remember proper now, havnt played for a long time.

Rai 15-02-12 19:39

Those Xbox 360s look amazing.

Edit: (took me a while to take this in) Finally the 'fun info', whoo! Probably. :p

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