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TippingWater 03-12-12 16:26


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6546776)
The invisible chair one? :p

Yes that one :D.

Gamd1011 03-12-12 16:27


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6547159)

Lara did.

Lee1711 03-12-12 16:28

Wow I've never seen that before, and I'm glad I didn't.
So cheesy

klona 03-12-12 16:30


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6547163)
Lara did.

There has to be a mistake.

Valentino 03-12-12 17:34


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6546989)
I hope that doesn't happen.
It's just an insult to Lara's most favorite and iconic weapon.

Its also an insult to fans. I'm forevor bigging Crystal D up but if that happened I wouldn't buy the next game. Even if I was so desperate to play it and it looked amazing. I can get over this Xbox getting it first thing (even though I don't see how Crystal bennefit from it) Suppose it will give PC and PS3 users something to anticipate about. I'm just not going to like idiots posting spoilers with the SPOILER in the title.

brand.seph 03-12-12 17:39

This might already be brought up for discussion but am I the only one around here who would like to see Lara in a City level (VCI HQ to be exact) again in the future Tomb Raider games?

I just replayed TR: Chronicles and the VCI HQ levels are exciting! Conserving your ammo for your HK gun and saving your Med. Packs for those tricky events are forms of survival.. in a way.

Lost_Paradise 03-12-12 22:55

I think we might get a teaser for the Vga trailer, the last of us got one and so did Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.

Peep Show 03-12-12 22:59


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6547786)
I think we might get a teaser for the Vga trailer, the last of us got one and so did Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.

I know it's off topic but where can I watch the teaser of TLOU?

Lost_Paradise 03-12-12 23:00


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6547797)
I know it's off topic but where can I watch the teaser of TLOU?

Peep Show 03-12-12 23:03


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6547804)

Thanks, can't wait.

TippingWater 03-12-12 23:08


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6547804)

I not impressed.

Peep Show 03-12-12 23:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6547819)
I not impressed.

It's only a few seconds so...

anyway let's go back on topic, i'll have my copy of TR in 3 months. :jmp:

Adrenaline 03-12-12 23:16


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6547827)
It's only a few seconds so...

anyway let's go back on topic, i'll have my copy of TR in 3 months. :jmp:

I'm pre-ordering collectors edition in a few days! :jmp:
I am so excited.. 3 months now guys, after all the waiting and everything we have been through... three months away.. :hug:

Peep Show 03-12-12 23:18


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 6547842)
I'm pre-ordering collectors edition in a few days! :jmp:
I am so excited.. 3 months now guys, after all the waiting and everything we have been through... three months away.. :hug:

I pre-ordered the survival edition cause I don't want the Lara figure. :p

Adrenaline 03-12-12 23:18


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6547844)
I pre-ordered the survival edition cause I don't want the Lara figure. :p

I want the Lara figure. xD
It's midnight release, yes?

TheRCroft 03-12-12 23:19

When was the game going to be released if the delay hadn't happened?

Weemanply109 03-12-12 23:26


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6547846)
When was the game going to be released if the delay hadn't happened?

There never was a date, fans speculated a September or November release, though. So we would've had the game by now.

The1andOnlyTR 04-12-12 01:08

OHP; Never mind. Sorry. I think that was leaked. Thought it was part of the descent demo. Please don't kill me Queen Meagan! D:

italibabee 04-12-12 02:51

You know what I just realized?

The day I get the new TR game will be the day my ps3 dies.

I just know it!

The1andOnlyTR 04-12-12 02:52


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6548082)
You know what I just realized?

The day I get the new TR game will be the day my ps3 dies.

Why do you say that? :yik:

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 02:56


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6547804)

what was the point of that? :vlol:

Looking forward to it regardless.

italibabee 04-12-12 02:58


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6548085)
Why do you say that? :yik:

Ever since I saw the first concept of the game I've been so excited.
I've been waiting for this game and I can't wait to play it!

See, I'll probably get the game, cuddle with it like it's the most amazing thing I've ever had, then when I go to actually play it, I'll turn my ps3 on, I'll put the disk in while jumping around like a crazy person and all giddy-like, then before the ps3 can even load the disk, it will die.


And I will forever be a sad panda.
Or at least until I get a new ps3.

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 02:59

I would cry. omg

The1andOnlyTR 04-12-12 03:02


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6548094)

Ever since I saw the first concept of the game I've been so excited.
I've been waiting for this game and I can't wait to play it!

See, I'll probably get the game, cuddle with it like it's the most amazing thing I've ever had, then when I go to actually play it, I'll turn my ps3 on, I'll put the disk in while jumping around like a crazy person and all giddy-like, then before the ps3 can even load the disk, it will die.


And I will forever be a sad panda.
Or at least until I get a new ps3.

We would all hold a candlelight vigil for your PS3. Don't worry. :hug:

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 03:05


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6548100)
We would all hold a candlelight vigil for your PS3. Don't worry. :hug:

The sad thing is, I would probably actually do this. :pi:

I've had my fat PS3 since only a year after it launched. It's been my baby for years and to see it die whether it gets torn up or to watch it slowly lose relevance due to the generation change will be very sad indeed. :(

italibabee 04-12-12 03:22

Aww thanks!

But then if the ps4 comes out next year, I'd have to wait for that.
And it would probably be months!
Which means I wouldn't be on the forums because I don't want to get spoiled.
Or on a ps3!

The1andOnlyTR 04-12-12 03:32


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6548104)
The sad thing is, I would probably actually do this. :pi:

I've had my fat PS3 since only a year after it launched. It's been my baby for years and to see it die whether it gets torn up or to watch it slowly lose relevance due to the generation chance will be very sad indeed. :(

I've had my 360 for... 3 or 4 years, I think. And I only got the "red ring of death" once. Never had a problem with it after that. And that was like.. 2 years ago. :p


MyRaider4Life 04-12-12 03:37

Sooooo. How many hours until the information starts getting released? I'm getting a tad antsy.

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 03:39

15:00 CET
9:00 EST

so 11-12 hours ish if my calculations are correct.

MyRaider4Life 04-12-12 03:40


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6548123)
15:00 CET
9:00 EST

so 11-12 hours ish if my calculations are correct.

Ah, so a whole day of waiting. Fuuuuuuun.

The1andOnlyTR 04-12-12 03:40


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6548123)
15:00 CET
9:00 EST

so 11-12 hours ish if my calculations are correct.

9pm or am?

Never mind; I'm gonna leave that because I'm SO stupid. :vlol: :vlol:
Obviously in 11-12hrs it'll be 9am here.. :rolleyes:
Sorry, y'all. Long day. :p

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 03:43

I know the feels, yeah 15pm CET time is 9am EST. :)

Denis 04-12-12 03:45


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6548114)
Aww thanks!

But then if the ps4 comes out next year, I'd have to wait for that.
And it would probably be months!
Which means I wouldn't be on the forums because I don't want to get spoiled.
Or on a ps3!

sony never said that

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 03:51


Originally Posted by Denis (Post 6548130)
sony never said that

Key word if my friend. :p

Denis 04-12-12 03:55


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6548133)
Key word if my friend. :p

aw uuu.. i didn't paid much attention now i see an if lol

LNSNHGTDS 04-12-12 06:28

YES!!! Finally an hour that is confortable for Europeans :jmp: !!!

And that means I'm not gonna miss it as I'll be here at 4 pm!!!

Only TR lover 04-12-12 07:15

Can anybody post a link to a biggest version of a box art we have?

edit - got it :)

nevillet 04-12-12 08:55

REALLY keen to discuss the latest Dev Q&A session on the Eidos forums. Do we do that here? Or is it a new thread?

Evermore 04-12-12 10:25


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6548299)
REALLY keen to discuss the latest Dev Q&A session on the Eidos forums. Do we do that here? Or is it a new thread?

Here. :)

RimE 04-12-12 10:27

What are we getting today and what time for EU? Thanks. :D

Gameplay? Screens?

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