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ItIsOkBro 22-12-12 23:31

There was less linear platforming in the secret tombs video than all of Uncharted combined.

TippingWater 22-12-12 23:49


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6575661)
There was less linear platforming in the secret tombs video than all of Uncharted combined.

I agree! :)

BinRaider 22-12-12 23:58

Does anyone have a link to that thread with the OP about CD's new IP? There was a description about the game or something. Futuristic and story-driven etc.

Dark_Messiah 23-12-12 00:01


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6575675)
Does anyone have a link to that thread with the OP about CD's new IP? There was a description about the game or something. Futuristic and story-driven etc.

There is none, everything about CDs new IP is speculation because there is no info yet

BinRaider 23-12-12 00:06


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6575676)
There is none, everything about CDs new IP is speculation because there is no info yet

What was that one set in the future then set for the next gen console? And they had a couple of paragraphs about the setting of the story. I could have sworn there was a thread about it...

Thanks anyway.

Stevo505 23-12-12 01:47


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6575655)
Yes it is, it was so annoying when they called Nate a 'grave robber'.

whatever, let's leave it here.

And in the game Elena called him a "tomb robber".... I was like really?? :p


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6575678)
What was that one set in the future then set for the next gen console? And they had a couple of paragraphs about the setting of the story. I could have sworn there was a thread about it...

Thanks anyway.

You're probably thinking of CD's canceled project called "Downfall."

BinRaider 23-12-12 03:15


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6575726)
You're probably thinking of CD's canceled project called "Downfall."

yeah that's probably it.

klona 23-12-12 20:57

Wait what?


The in-game Explorer Bundle is Only At GAME. Included in this bundle is an exploration themed Challenge Tomb and an early access bonus survival advantage:

Challenge Tomb - An exclusive tomb for Lara to raid! In this new location, Lara will encounter all new environment puzzles that will test her abilities
Fast Climb Upgrade - Early access to the fast climb skill upgrade will let Lara ascend mountain faces more quickly. Handy when avoiding her attackers in a fight to take the higher ground!
Key Features of Tomb Raider on PlayStation 3

A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and ancient tombs to discover.
Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
Winner of 44 E3 awards including IGN’s Game of Show 2012

Lio123 23-12-12 21:05

tomee 23-12-12 21:06

I was about to post this..
.. but then I saw klona's post.

Nice find, I guess that finally confirms it.

Cristina 23-12-12 21:19


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6576358)

Multiplayer!!:yah::yah: but wy CD didn't announce it yet? is nearly 2 months from the releace:confused:


BinRaider 23-12-12 21:20


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6576358)



WHAT THE ****?

Omg we are actially getting multpiayder?!!

I can.

I cannot.


I dunno.



King.Louie 23-12-12 21:26

I knew it. LOL at all pressed bitches who didn't believe it had multiplayer!

ItIsOkBro 23-12-12 21:30


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6576358)

Oh my

Rider 23-12-12 21:34

WTF?? This was weirdest "announcement" ever!
I feel sad for that "Final Hours" guy...

TippingWater 23-12-12 21:35

I knew that it will feature Multip :).

klona 23-12-12 21:35


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6576389)
WTF?? This was weirdest "announcement" ever!
I feel sad for that "Final Hours" guy...

I would do if this was going to be their announcement. :vlol:

Underhoe 23-12-12 21:38

Seems like I'm the only who doesn't give a flying poop. xD

Evan C. 23-12-12 21:40

Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.

After the Survivor Trailer, it was SO obvious :p

Phlip 23-12-12 21:42


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6576358)

You ****ing what mate.

Soul 23-12-12 21:42


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6576394)
Seems like I'm the only who doesn't give a flying poop. xD

You are not alone :hug:

Peep Show 23-12-12 21:43

I knew it since day one y'all were all delusional.

PhantomPain 23-12-12 21:46

They're pulling it down in 3...2...1...

Rider 23-12-12 21:48


Originally Posted by PhantomPain (Post 6576406)
They're pulling it down in 3...2...1...

Too late, flop has happened!

trfanX34 23-12-12 21:49

*Adds to the list of leaks/clues regarding MP* And that makes it one million :)

PhantomPain 23-12-12 21:50


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6576411)
Too late, flop has happened!

True, this game has had worst kept announcements ever.

TippingWater 23-12-12 21:52


Originally Posted by PhantomPain (Post 6576416)
True, this game has had worst kept announcements ever.

:vlol: Well it's not really their fault that we, the fans are so smart lolz and that some people are a bit naive and post vital info on their website :p.

PhantomPain 23-12-12 21:54


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6576420)
:vlol: Well it's not really their fault that we, the fans are so smart lolz and that some people are a bit naive and post vital info on their website :p.

Hey there, are you not Camilla anymore? :mis:

trlestew 23-12-12 22:25

Remember when Microsoft and Sony made it obligatory for game developers to include trophies/achievements in all of their games? Well, now I think they're forcing them to include an MP component.

I can't help but think it'd be a derivative mess.

ItIsOkBro 23-12-12 22:39


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6576450)
Remember when Microsoft and Sony made it obligatory for game developers to include trophies/achievements in all of their games? Well, now I think they're forcing them to include an MP component.

I can't help but think it'd be a derivative mess.

I think it's gonna be simple and nice like just throw 10 people into a hub and let them kill each other.

Rider 23-12-12 22:39

One thing that bothers me little is that they first said that Lara will be lonely on mysterious island and that she will have to become survivor if she want to get out of the island alive.
And now i can see that there are so many ppl there from the ship and plus many enemies on the island. And now this multiplayer thing with all the characters??
I know that they had to make us do something in the game actually but this seems kinda wrong to me.

I wanted great and long singleplayer mode! I hope that saving other survivors is not only thing i will have to do for 10-12 hours.

italibabee 24-12-12 01:05


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6576381)
I knew it. LOL at all pressed bitches who didn't believe it had multiplayer!

Hell yes!
People were like "Hell NO it won't have it."

As Elena would say in multiplayer in Uncharted...
"In Your Face!"

TippingWater 24-12-12 01:15

I actually think that multiplayer will be a fantastic addition to the game. I can already see how more packs could be released later on :).

James_Rutland 24-12-12 01:39

71 days guys :jmp: Actually SO excited now...

To think it's been over 4 years since Underworld... and we've been waiting for this one for nearly 3... and now it's out... in just over 2 months...

What are we gonna be like on the night before it's release? I won't sleep :/

Dustie 24-12-12 01:46

This just came to me... what happened to the Castaway ball somewhere in the cave at the beginning of the game? I remember it was spotted sometime ago on one of early gameplay videos. Just wondering if it's still there somewhere :p

italibabee 24-12-12 02:12


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6576611)
71 days guys :jmp: Actually SO excited now...

To think it's been over 4 years since Underworld... and we've been waiting for this one for nearly 3... and now it's out... in just over 2 months...

What are we gonna be like on the night before it's release? I won't sleep :/

We're going to be insane.
Which reminds me, I have to preorder the game at GameStop.
Hopefully they'll have a midnight release.

Originally Posted by Dustie (Post 6576615)
This just came to me... what happened to the Castaway ball somewhere in the cave at the beginning of the game? I remember it was spotted sometime ago on one of early gameplay videos. Just wondering if it's still there somewhere :p

I just mentioned Wilson in another thread not long ago!
I hope he's still there.

TRItheMaster 24-12-12 02:13


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6576358)


Stevo505 24-12-12 02:13


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6576632)

We're going to be insane.
I have to preorder the game at GameStop.
Hopefully they'll have a midnight release.

I hope so too! The guy at my local GameStop said they weren't sure yet since it's a couple months away, but it's likely since they've been doing midnight releases for most games lately.

TRItheMaster 24-12-12 02:15


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6576381)
I knew it. LOL at all pressed bitches who didn't believe it had multiplayer!

That gif gets me everytime :vlol:

italibabee 24-12-12 02:20

So then, we're going to see multiplayer in the next Final Hours?!
I can't wait to see it in action!

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