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Weemanply109 06-02-13 21:30


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6638936)
Old news.... :p

I've been avoiding some TR media, so it's news to me. :o

LNSNHGTDS 06-02-13 21:36


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638921)
OMG. Is this for real?

I mean, I've seen so many horror films where it's a TV show or something that turns bad. This is such a mess.

OMG, imagine Lara as an annoying reporter in a formal suit and a tight shirt :vlol: !

*And we are here, live from the Dragon's Triangle as things are getting worse for my crew, Steph was sacrificed for the island's deity, Conrad was bitten by a wolf and Sam and her orange have been kidnapped... what will happen next? Stay tuned on Ancient TV ;) ! *



Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638972)
I've been avoiding some TR media, so it's news to me. :o

Don't worry same here, Zach Levy annoys me so I don't watch the Final Hours , Guide to Survival is too long for me to give a damn and I can't keep up wit heverything with everything going on on this thread, mainly because (apparently) the Americans are the ones keeping this place alive as during the time when it's day here in Europe the place is pretty much dead but during nighttime everything turns to life :p !

Mikky 06-02-13 21:40

Guide to Survival episodes are only about 4 minutes long. :p

LNSNHGTDS 06-02-13 21:45


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6638998)
Guide to Survival episodes are only about 4 minutes long. :p

Really? Woops... my cover is blown :p ...


That's strange and outrageous at the same time!

Look the red letters, Lara is ****ing locked by default?! Are you kidding me? Who am I gonna play with until I unlock her?! Roth?! Whitman?! Steph?! They wish they were nearly as cool as Lara!

Sam and/or Reyes better be unlocked by default.

Rai 06-02-13 21:58


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638921)
OMG. Is this for real?

I mean, I've seen so many horror films where it's a TV show or something that turns bad. This is such a mess.

I haven't read the comic, obviously, but the way I understand it, Dr Whitman is this TV archeologist/adventurer and Lara just happens to be an archeology student who happens to become part of the crew going on the exhibition. It's Sam who's the film student. I think Conrad Roth, as the Endurance captain who takes on the students as part of his ship/exhibition crew. I don't think it's too bad at least I don't think this is a big part of the game - as clearly the part where it all goes wrong is at the very beginning. I like the inclusion of the camcorder footage Lara finds and watches occasionally; it'll give a nice incite to everyone's characters.

LNSNHGTDS 06-02-13 22:01

To be honest, while I like all these nice additions of the comic book I would have appreciated it a lot more if they had just putted that as the game's intro :/ , I hope nothing more story-wise is released as DLC or other seperate merchandinse D: !

Girafarig32 06-02-13 23:37

So, will this game take place entirely on this island, or will we be able to venture out onto the ocean/other places. And Croft manner fans will be disappointed (as a random side note :p). I wonder if in one of the future tomb raider games we will get to see her house. Will they keep with the mansions? :D

Rai 06-02-13 23:40


Originally Posted by Girafarig32 (Post 6639175)
So, will this game take place entirely on this island, or will we be able to venture out onto the ocean/other places. And Croft manner fans will be disappointed (as a random side note :p). I wonder if in one of the future tomb raider games we will. get to see her house. Will they keep with the mansions? :D

Someone from CD (I forget which one) said that he likes the manor and that they're looking in to the possibility of including it in the future (totally paraphrasing here). To answer your question, it seems the entire game is set on the island, yes.

trfanX34 06-02-13 23:40

Why dafuq are her lips black? :confused:
She looks ridiculous in this pic. :/

LNSNHGTDS 06-02-13 23:40


Originally Posted by Girafarig32 (Post 6639175)
So, will this game take place entirely on this island, or will we be able to venture out onto the ocean/other places. And Croft manner fans will be disappointed (as a random side note :p). I wonder if in one of the future tomb raider games we will. get to see her house. Will they keep with the mansions? :D

Lara doesn't know how to swim so just the island it is. I find it weird that she can't swim actually :confused: but I got over swimming a long ago.

As for her house her parents are rich but they aren't noble anymore and neither is she (D':) and even though her parents are famous archaeologists she pulled the "I'm gonna make it on my own without daddy''s and mommy's money" attention-seeking trick and we know that she was working in a bar she must be living in a rat hole :p ...


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6639176)
Someone from CD (I forget which one) said that he likes the manor and that they're looking in to the possibility of including it in the future (totally paraphrasing here).

Oh my gosh Rai that just made my evening :'D !!!


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6639177)

Why dafuq are her lips black? :confused:
She looks ridiculous in this pic. :/

NO idea :confused: . She should never EVER touch black lipstick again, just stick to your casual brown/pink-ish one Lara, you look a lot less weird with that on!

Girafarig32 06-02-13 23:43


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6639176)
Someone from CD (I forget which one) said that he likes the manor and that they're looking in to the possibility of including it in the future (totally paraphrasing here). To answer your question, it seems the entire game is set on the island, yes.

Thanks for the useful info, as always. :)


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639179)
Lara doesn't know how to swim so just the island it is. I find it weird that she can't swim actually :confused: but I got over swimming a long ago.

Maybe she can venture via boat? :p

LNSNHGTDS 06-02-13 23:45


Originally Posted by Girafarig32 (Post 6639180)
Maybe she can venture via boat? :p

Good idea :tmb: , there are some smaller isles and islets around the main island so maybe there is something there, however, since the island has a strong magnetic field around it she would get pulled back.

scremanie 07-02-13 00:15

Not to mention the giant ****ing waves.

:}hello friend 07-02-13 00:23


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6639177)

Why dafuq are her lips black? :confused:
She looks ridiculous in this pic. :/

New Lara has probably been playing some AOD lately.

Valentino 07-02-13 00:24

I like unexpected levels in games. Like half way through the game or a point in the game there could be a part where we walk around the boat which explains a point in the game. Is anyone hoping we get to go on the beach with all the wrecks? I keep imagining her boots sinking into the wet sand as she's walking.

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:26


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6639223)
I like unexpected levels in games. Like half way through the game or a point in the game there could be a part where we walk around the boat which explains a point in the game. Is anyone hoping we get to go on the beach with all the wrecks? I keep imagining her boots sinking into the wet sand as she's walking.

I think they said ther'e s a Spanish ship we will explore somewhere in the wreckage shore so yeah we will go there, I wonder if the Spanish ship is the only explorable wreckage.

Evan C. 07-02-13 00:30


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639179)
Lara doesn't know how to swim so just the island it is. I find it weird that she can't swim actually :confused: but I got over swimming a long ago.

As for her house her parents are rich but they aren't noble anymore and neither is she (D':) and even though her parents are famous archaeologists she pulled the "I'm gonna make it on my own without daddy''s and mommy's money" attention-seeking trick and we know that she was working in a bar she must be living in a rat hole :p ...

Oh my gosh Rai that just made my evening :'D !!!

NO idea :confused: . She should never EVER touch black lipstick again, just stick to your casual brown/pink-ish one Lara, you look a lot less weird with that on!

The fact Lara looks weird is because that's a picture of her resumee wich Witman is holding and watching.

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:31


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6639228)
The fact Lara looks weird is because that's a picture of her resumee wich Witman is holding and watching.

So... people have black lips on their resumee pics :p ? I don't get it :o .

TheShadowOfMe 07-02-13 00:34


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639231)
So... people have black lips on their resumee pics :p ? I don't get it :o .

No, her face looks weird, because its a pic that Witman is holding... And her lips, well... I don' know... :D

Peep Show 07-02-13 00:35


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6639223)
I like unexpected levels in games. Like half way through the game or a point in the game there could be a part where we walk around the boat which explains a point in the game. Is anyone hoping we get to go on the beach with all the wrecks? I keep imagining her boots sinking into the wet sand as she's walking.

There is a beach hub so yes...

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:37


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6639235)
No, her face looks weird, because its a pic that Witman is holding... And her lips, well... I don' know... :D

Oh, but when did anyone talk about her looking weird other than the lips :p ?

TheShadowOfMe 07-02-13 00:39


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639240)
Oh, but when did anyone talk about her looking weird other than the lips :p ?

Oh, sorry... Well then... She was eating blackberries before taking that pic... There :p :D

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:40


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6639243)
Oh, sorry... Well then... She was eating blackberries before taking that pic... There :p :D

Ok, now I'm satisfied :p !

Peep Show 07-02-13 00:42

Does anyone have the footage from the German site that showed Lara right after her first kill, where she climbs that ladder and stuff...lmao I don't know how to explain it but I can't find that video anymore. :/

Valentino 07-02-13 00:44


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6639236)
There is a beach hub so yes...

OMG REALLY!! Get outta herreee...reallly!!! No wayyy!! Omg i'm excited. :jmp: When was this ever said though??

TheShadowOfMe 07-02-13 00:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639244)
Ok, now I'm satisfied :p !

Haha, glad I helped! :p
Problem solved... :D

Peep Show 07-02-13 00:47


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6639248)
OMG REALLY!! Get outta herreee...reallly!!! No wayyy!! Omg i'm excited. :jmp: When was this ever said though??

I think Karl or someone from CD confirmed it a while ago plus there is the "kill Feefee (the crab)" trophy so it's likely that we find her on the beach.

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:48

Do we know what FeeFee is :p ? (other than a crab)

TheShadowOfMe 07-02-13 00:52


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639251)
Do we know what FeeFee is :p ? (other than a crab)

Yeah... It's Sam's mutated orange... :p

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:54


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6639256)
Yeah... It's ... :p

Oh, I see, better not tell anyone Sam might hear us...!

Seriously though, why is she so important and why does she have a name :p ?

Peep Show 07-02-13 00:58


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639258)
Oh, I see, better not tell anyone Sam might hear us...!

Seriously though, why is she so important and why does she have a name :p ?

She's not important but TRF gave her that name so it's cute that CD actually called her that.

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 00:59


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6639263)
She's not important but TRF gave her that name so it's cute that CD actually called her that.

See people, they do love us :') ! <3 <3 <3

Billy959 07-02-13 01:04


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639265)
See people, they do love us :') ! <3 <3 <3

no,Meagan love us!

If they really showed love they wouldn't make our head explode with so many pre-order stuff and XBOX exclusive thingies :pi:

TheShadowOfMe 07-02-13 01:07

But after all, they do love us... That's why they are giving us so many DLCs and other things... :p :whi:

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 01:07


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6639268)
no,Meagan love us!

If they really showed love they wouldn't make our head explode with so many pre-order stuff and XBOX exclusive thingies :pi:

I continue to belive that they are all awesome :pi: !

I'm not denying that all those pre-orders are annoying (besides, they are timed exclusives, sooner or later they'll be available for PS3, except a MP character and, obviously, the controler) but as long as it's not as tragic as Beneath the Ashes and Lara's Shadow, a.k.a. as long as it's not missing parts of the story of the game, I'm fine with it.

Peep Show 07-02-13 01:13


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6639268)
no,Meagan love us!

If they really showed love they wouldn't make our head explode with so many pre-order stuff and XBOX exclusive thingies :pi:

With that logic no developers care about their fans, it's just how business works nowadays.

Billy959 07-02-13 01:39


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6639277)
With that logic no developers care about their fans, it's just how business works nowadays.

I was just bitching :p

In any case,CD like their fans more than most companies I know!

Peep Show 07-02-13 02:16

Yay just found out that my version of the game includes 4 languages: English, German, Italian & French. :jmp:

ItIsOkBro 07-02-13 03:12

I hope Camilla has really convincing death screams.

Denis 07-02-13 04:10


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6639273)
But after all, they do love us... That's why they are giving us so many DLCs and other things... :p :whi:

which they seem to be cut out from the game just to get more money,
talking about love.. right.
on 2nd note, i doubt that we will get anything new until the game comes out next month

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