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FearEffect 20-02-13 03:19

Final Photoshopped version :

Original without Logos :

b.gluch 20-02-13 03:21

the dirt on her looks looks really weird, she looks like a fire victim, other than that she looks awesome imo

edit: wow, i said looks 3x, what a diverse vocabulary i have :vlol:

James_Rutland 20-02-13 03:21


Originally Posted by danv (Post 6658963)

lara del croft?!

dantedmc 20-02-13 03:28


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6659027)
He who calls Lara Laura chooses Multiplayer as THE BEST thing about TR9? What the actual? :confused:

Multiplayer is such a waste. didn't like it in TR at all.

Nice screenshot but what's wrong with arrow :D

Stevo505 20-02-13 03:42


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6659039)

Nice screenshot but what's wrong with arrow :D

Lara's moving fast during that cutscene anyway so it doesn't really matter.. :p

**LARA LOVER** 20-02-13 04:10


Originally Posted by DanV (Post 6658963)

Wow I think that's one of my favorite renders so far! She looks a lot like LAU Lara! :D

tainanlctr 20-02-13 04:14

Anyone know this action figure?

TRItheMaster 20-02-13 04:22


Originally Posted by tainanlctr (Post 6659068)

OMFG!! I love it! :eek:

FearEffect 20-02-13 04:22

And this

b.gluch 20-02-13 04:37

how long do you have to pick up a game you pre ordered after it released?

**LARA LOVER** 20-02-13 04:40


Originally Posted by tainanlctr (Post 6659068)

Looks awesome I hope its official!

Deboda3 20-02-13 04:46


Originally Posted by b.gluch (Post 6659079)
how long do you have to pick up a game you pre ordered after it released?

For Gamestop you have 2 days, But I think it all depends on where you're buying it.

b.gluch 20-02-13 04:58

crap, i might be away :/ does it have to be me that picks up the game or can it be anyone as long as they have the receipt?

thebelljarkid 20-02-13 05:06


Originally Posted by b.gluch (Post 6659089)
crap, i might be away :/ does it have to be me that picks up the game or can it be anyone as long as they have the receipt?

I've had my dad take my pre-order receipt and the card I put the 5 dollars on to pick a game up for me while I was at school. I don't think they care.

b.gluch 20-02-13 05:08

perfect! i no longer need to worry, kinda sucks after all this wait i wont actually have the satisfaction of getting the game myself but whatever

TippingWater 20-02-13 07:28

Just stumbled across this on youtube:

hayden 20-02-13 07:44

^ :jmp:

FearEffect 20-02-13 09:50

TippingWater 20-02-13 09:54

Just saw them! Are they official?!

You've got mad skills! :D She looks fantastic :o.

anotherAODfan 20-02-13 09:56

Recommended PC specs are coming soon (serious :pi: )

TippingWater 20-02-13 09:57


Originally Posted by anotherAODfan (Post 6659248)
Recommended PC specs are coming soon (serious :pi: )

I thought they were already revealed.

anotherAODfan 20-02-13 09:58

Check out the eidos forums

FearEffect 20-02-13 10:00


Jami393 20-02-13 10:03


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6659250)
I thought they were already revealed.

Yeah the specs was put on Steam.

Soul 20-02-13 10:09

Not the RECOMMENDED - ones.

Jami393 20-02-13 10:13


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6659262)
Not the RECOMMENDED - ones.

So really the specs what Valve got and all the specs information?

Soul 20-02-13 10:34

These are only the assumed (Jay said they weren't 100% correct) minimal specs.

Jami393 20-02-13 10:38


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6659276)
These are only the assumed (Jay said they weren't 100% correct) minimal specs.

So the specs are yet to be announced and will be announced soon by Crystal/ Square Enix.

TippingWater 20-02-13 10:47

I can run Dead Space 3 & DmC on the highest settings, I wonder if I can run this game.

Jami393 20-02-13 10:49


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6659284)
I can run Dead Space 3 & DmC on the highest settings, I wonder if I can run this game.

Seeing that they are recent releases this year, I'd assume you shouldn't have a problem. But we'll just have to wait until Crystal release the specs.

TippingWater 20-02-13 11:03


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6659285)
Seeing that they are recent releases this year, I'd assume you shouldn't have a problem. But we'll just have to wait until Crystal release the specs.

I hope that you are right :).

TRItheMaster 20-02-13 11:06

YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! I JUST NOW saw a YT ad for TR pre order @ Gamestop and SERIOUSLY it had some 80's music with Lara chasing some chicken, doing pull ups, balancing herself, climbing and other weird stuff!! :jmp:

Yayyy!!!!!!! But WTF!? :vlol:

TippingWater 20-02-13 11:07


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6659302)
YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! I JUST NOW saw a YT ad for TR pre order @ Gamestop and SERIOUSLY it had some 80's music with Lara chasing some chicken, doing pull ups, balancing herself, climbing and other weird stuff!! :jmp:

Yayyy!!!!!!! But WTF!? :vlol:

Are you lying?

Peep Show 20-02-13 11:07

I can't wait to get the Shanty Town mp map and the challenge tomb. :cln:

TRItheMaster 20-02-13 11:09


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6659305)
Are you lying?

NOOO! I was looking up Harlem Shake and I went to IGN's video and saw it! :jmp:

ItIsOkBro 20-02-13 11:17

Some very interesting stuff here. Missions that can't be completed if you get injured? Oh god wat.

TRItheMaster 20-02-13 11:20


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6659314)

Some very interesting stuff here. Missions that can't be completed if you get injured? Oh god wat.

That's actually good!

DanV 20-02-13 11:30


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6659310)
NOOO! I was looking up Harlem Shake and I went to IGN's video and saw it! :jmp:

A link pls?

Jami393 20-02-13 11:31


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6659314)

Some very interesting stuff here. Missions that can't be completed if you get injured? Oh god wat.

That actually interested me. I like the fact you won't be able to do certain things such as missions due to Lara's injuries.

This also took my attention on that IGN link.


And finally things came to a close with a pre rendered animation of Lara jumping a gap while holding a young child on her back, there was no mention of whether this is footage from the game or just showing of some in game dynamics.

TRItheMaster 20-02-13 11:34


Originally Posted by DanV (Post 6659323)
A link pls?

It was YT ad that played before the video, sadly it had no link. :(

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