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Lara_Fan_33 22-02-13 06:30

I can't wait to see what Laras overall attitude is like at the end of the game, I hope she has an iconic glow to her lol I drew this picture of what I hope she looks like :p
EDIT: just looked at the date holy i had no idea that was so long ago that i drew that LOL

Stevo505 22-02-13 08:59


It's coming!!!

lcroft_lc 22-02-13 09:08

So where's the Detail go? :p

CBS_TombRaider 22-02-13 09:11


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan_33 (Post 6663260)
I can't wait to see what Laras overall attitude is like at the end of the game, I hope she has an iconic glow to her lol I drew this picture of what I hope she looks like :p
EDIT: just looked at the date holy i had no idea that was so long ago that i drew that LOL


It's like she's dancing almost :pi::p

Stevo505 22-02-13 09:19


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6663311)
So where's the Detail go? :p

I just took a screenshot :p the link takes me to locations near me that are having a midnight launch.

klona 22-02-13 09:22


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan_33 (Post 6663260)
I can't wait to see what Laras overall attitude is like at the end of the game, I hope she has an iconic glow to her lol I drew this picture of what I hope she looks like :p
EDIT: just looked at the date holy i had no idea that was so long ago that i drew that LOL

It looks amazing! :D

Soul 22-02-13 09:24


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6663316)
I just took a screenshot :p the link takes me to locations near me that are having a midnight launch.

How about posting the SOURCE of the midnight-release-pic? ;)

Stevo505 22-02-13 09:25


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6663320)
How about posting the SOURCE of the midnight-release-pic? ;)

Voila :)

Soul 22-02-13 09:36

Thanks! As expected there's nothing where I live but others will definitely appreciate it :tmb:

supasaba 22-02-13 09:55

WOW ... In case anyone is wondering EB Games (Australia's Gamestop) is already sold out of all collectors editions and only has survival editions on ps3 available. Good sign for the sales ... :jmp:

SpyrosMonster 22-02-13 10:46


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6663350)
WOW ... In case anyone is wondering EB Games (Australia's Gamestop) is already sold out of all collectors editions and only has survival editions on ps3 available. Good sign for the sales ... :jmp:

Not Surprised. :rolleyes:
I believe that this is going to be the best Tomb Raider yet to be honest. :)

croft-girl-fan 22-02-13 10:51


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6663350)
WOW ... In case anyone is wondering EB Games (Australia's Gamestop) is already sold out of all collectors editions and only has survival editions on ps3 available. Good sign for the sales ... :jmp:

Sold out in my country too. At least everywhere I know of that was selling it is now sold out. PS3 and Xbox CE's. Glad I pre-ordered mine in December. I usually wait until like a week before release date. Something told me to order early this time :D

Tonyrobinson 22-02-13 12:20

So the launch trailer should be soon right? :)

Underhoe 22-02-13 12:21

I must admit the first music is really beautiful in the new Guide to Survival episode. I'd just wish the composer didn't re-use the same motif so many times...

TRItheMaster 22-02-13 12:26


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6663463)
I must admit the first music is really beautiful in the new Guide to Survival episode. I'd just wish the composer didn't re-use the same motif so many times...

If I understand correctly, they did the same thing in TRL. IMO it's actually kind of nice! :D

Underhoe 22-02-13 12:30

Was that the case? Legend had different music for every locating as far as I remember, although I never really was a fan of its soundtrack. :p (except for a few, like Nepal) Either way, I really am loving this version in the new video. It's dramatic and very adventurous.

Valentino 22-02-13 12:35


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6663472)
Was that the case? Legend had different music for every locating as far as I remember, although I never really was a fan of its soundtrack. :p (except for a few, like Nepal) Either way, I really am loving this version in the new video. It's dramatic and very adventurous.

:eek: x1000

LNSNHGTDS 22-02-13 12:41

I love the fact that there are actually Oni there, I can't wait to search all the side-tombs to find out about the island. I'd even "pause" the main story to explore the side-tombs and the hubs :jmp: !!!

CBS_TombRaider 22-02-13 12:44


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6663485)
I love the fact that there are actually Oni there, I can't wait to search all the side-tombs to find out about the island. I'd even "pause" the main story to explore the side-tombs and the hubs :jmp: !!!

Gorl, I will explore everything there is to explore on that island. Who cares about the main story? :ohn::p I just really want to find all the artifacts, read all the backstory and find out about the history of the island.

LNSNHGTDS 22-02-13 12:46


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6663487)
Gorl, I will explore everything there is to explore on that island. Who cares about the main story? :ohn::p I just really want to find all the artifacts, read all the backstory and find out about the history of the island.

I'm a story-whore, I just HAVE to learn the story of the game by heart and search for every piece of backstory there is to find.

Hell, I even refused to continue playing Uncharted because the story was poor :p !

Bomb Fighter 22-02-13 13:38

Will Tomb Raider be playable from start to finish in the Paris gaming night tomorrow or just the demo? If the first case, we should be super careful to avoid spoilers not only here but on the internet over all.

TippingWater 22-02-13 13:43

Not self-promotion, but I just made this, and I did not know where to post it :o. It certainly doesn't deserve a thread of its own.

renspyro 22-02-13 14:49

Another clip of the Spanish Campaign for Assassin's Creed and oh, wait...

I'm still not understanding how this fits with Tomb Raider:confused:

Spong 22-02-13 14:52


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6663628)
I'm still not understanding how this fits with Tomb Raider:confused:

Why aren't you asking that question about TR9 itself?

renspyro 22-02-13 14:59


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6663631)
Why aren't you asking that question about TR9 itself?


Good One! :tmb:

LNSNHGTDS 22-02-13 15:00

I'm starting to think that the Spanish campaign wasn't meant to be relevant with the game, which was propably the case all along. It's just meant to draw attention, just like how the kick-boxer was completely irrelevant.

Love2Raid 22-02-13 15:01


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6663631)
Why aren't you asking that question about TR9 itself?

Spong 22-02-13 15:25

Some article at Eurogamer about TR9. I couldn't be bothered to make a thread for it (or read it properly in fact).

**LARA LOVER** 22-02-13 15:36


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6663308)

It's coming!!!

Awe man the closest midnight launch is almost 40 miles away near me! :hea:
Oh well guess I'll get it in the morning!

Love2Raid 22-02-13 15:40


Crystal Dynamics' first Tomb Raider was Legend, a return to form after the incoherent tragedy that was Angel of Darkness. Stripping away some of the excesses that had plagued Core's later games, it was a revival that took Lara back to her bare essentials, displaying Crystal Dynamics' understanding of what makes the series tick.
Can't say I agree with this. Angel of Sadness was indeed a tragedy, but what they stripped away was more than just 'excesses'. :o

Amidst the violence and the shrieking of press demonstrations, there's been understandable concern that the spirit of Tomb Raider - the large, lonely spaces that are open for exploration - has been lost. "It's an important part of Tomb Raider, and it's tough to show that because you have to get lost in an environment and be absorbed by it," says Gallagher. "We see people doing this in the largest environments we've ever built, but it's not something you can show in a stage demo at E3. As Noah was saying, that makes it tough, because what's great about this game is the broad palette of experiences that you get.
I think they could show it, but they just don't want to since it would scare away the 'shoot first, think later (or better: not at all)' type of gamer.

With its breadth, its checklist of systems and its appetite for grand spectacle, there's been a nagging sense that this is a game designed in the boardroom rather than one that's in tune with a focused creative drive.
So true.

The series might have been in Crystal Dynamics' care longer than it was with Core, but it's been with the fans since the start - and right now they're waiting to be convinced.
Indeed. :tmb:

Valentino 22-02-13 16:40

Does multiplayer down grade scores in reviews??

Linoshi Croft 22-02-13 16:43


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6663802)
Does multiplayer down grade scores in reviews??

Sometimes, depends if it's bad. If it's mediocre generally not, if bad it will do. Tombraider's seems pretty mediocre so I doubt it'll pull the score down massively. Plus, most reviewers will review it much lighter than they would COD for example as the multiplayer is the actual focus there where in TR it's just an add on and more of just an extension to the main part of the game which is the singeplayer.

LarasFan 22-02-13 16:53

I just pre-ordered TR :jmp: So happy! Plus I get the steelbook for free...

SpyrosMonster 22-02-13 16:58


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6663827)
I just pre-ordered TR :jmp: So happy! Plus I get the steelbook for free...

I want the steelcase so bad!!! Hm. I guess I can't have it all...

LarasFan 22-02-13 16:59


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6663841)
I want the steelcase so bad!!! Hm. I guess I can't have it all...

I'm so freaking shocked that it even has it :p I'm so happy :jmp:

SpyrosMonster 22-02-13 17:01


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6663845)
I'm so freaking shocked that it even has it :p I'm so happy :jmp:

So jealous... :(
Well I got the Survival Edition. :ohn:

LarasFan 22-02-13 17:07


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6663853)
So jealous... :(
Well I got the Survival Edition. :ohn:

Well, the standart version was 48 eur, and the survivor 54. But the survivor edition didn't sell me... :/ DLC sucked, plus I could get the scans of the artbook from the net, as the soundtracks as well, and the pouch was usless. Can someone tell me why is the TR facebook page in french? :confused:

SpyrosMonster 22-02-13 17:11


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6663872)
Well, the standart version was 48 eur, and the survivor 54. But the survivor edition didn't sell me... :/ DLC sucked, plus I could get the scans of the artbook from the net, as the soundtracks as well, and the poutch was usless. Can someone tell me why does the TR facebook page is in french? :confused:

Yes but It has the flawless Survival Edition Packaging! :ohn:

ERMAHGERD! I pre-ordered it from here:

And when I did I didn't even bother to read the Information!

According to the site
They will give me (Except The Weapon Pack DLC Which is part of the Survival Edition):

Pistol Silencer Upgrade
Headshot Reticule Upgrade
Pistol Burst Mode Upgrade
Animal Instict Skill Upgrade

Didn't know I'll get those too! D:
Super Excited! :jmp:

LarasFan 22-02-13 17:12


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6663884)
Yes but It has the flawless Survival Edition Packaging! :ohn:

ERMAHGERD! I pre-ordered it from here:

And when I did I didn't even bother to read the Information!

According to the site
They will give me (Except The Weapon Pack DLC Which is part of the Survival Edition):

Pistol Silencer Upgrade
Headshot Reticule Upgrade
Pistol Burst Mode Upgrade
Animal Instict Skill Upgrade

Didn't know I'll get those too! D:
Super Excited! :jmp:

I wish your ps3 dies the day you get it! :pi: May it burn in the darkest pits ever..... :mad:

SpyrosMonster 22-02-13 17:14


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6663891)
I wish your ps3 dies the day you get it! :pi: May it burn in the darkest pits ever..... :mad:

I love you too! :hug:

But if everything you said happens. I WILL FREAKING KILL YOU! :mad:

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