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andre_costa 02-11-21 22:04


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8328645)
I think that's the recent bug. I've seen a few people on Discord ask about the "Loading game issue", and the Community Manager said that it SHOULD be resolved this week. Or at least have answers about the issue.

Not sure if it's related to your problem, haven't really been paying too much attention to the chat there.

Oh okay thank you :o

UroshUchiha 03-11-21 14:55


Originally Posted by andre_costa (Post 8328655)
Oh okay thank you :o

They posted this today on their discord:

We are rolling out a new client hotfix (0.12.1) to the stores, and if everything goes smooth, we will release it to everyone today or tomorrow.

🐞 Fixed an issue when players get stuck on loading screen (iOS)
🐞 Fixed server error that sometimes occurs when loading the game
🐞 Fixed an occasional error on personal offer post completing a run
🐞 Fixed an exploit with shards in the puzzle rooms

andre_costa 03-11-21 17:37


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8328733)
They posted this today on their discord:

We are rolling out a new client hotfix (0.12.1) to the stores, and if everything goes smooth, we will release it to everyone today or tomorrow.

🐞 Fixed an issue when players get stuck on loading screen (iOS)
🐞 Fixed server error that sometimes occurs when loading the game
🐞 Fixed an occasional error on personal offer post completing a run
🐞 Fixed an exploit with shards in the puzzle rooms

Great news, thank you!

andre_costa 04-11-21 21:07

So I updated my version of TR Reloaded to the 0.12.1 version but my problem remains... the game doesn't load

UroshUchiha 04-11-21 22:45

Have you tried cleaning your games data/cache from your phones settings? Did you install the game directly through the playstore or did you use an apk?

I don't know of any other methods of contacting the games support other than to already be inside of the game. Maybe they have an email or something.

Another method is to join Discord and ask for help there, the community manager there is frequently online.

Or just wait for the global launch or another patch. Who knows at this point what is going on. It is an early access game after all still full of bugs that come and go as they please apparently. From server issues to game breaking bugs that you have now.

andre_costa 04-11-21 23:04


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8329059)
Have you tried cleaning your games data/cache from your phones settings? Did you install the game directly through the playstore or did you use an apk?

I don't know of any other methods of contacting the games support other than to already be inside of the game. Maybe they have an email or something.

Another method is to join Discord and ask for help there, the community manager there is frequently online.

Or just wait for the global launch or another patch. Who knows at this point what is going on. It is an early access game after all still full of bugs that come and go as they please apparently. From server issues to game breaking bugs that you have now.

I tried now deleting my cach and I even tried to desinstall the game and install it again (I did it directly from play store) and it didn't work.
Where can I find the Discord? The only thing I found was a general Tomb Raider Discord, nothing really about TRR

UroshUchiha 05-11-21 08:21

I know that the discord can be accessed from within the game, if they are advertising the link elsewhere, I haven't seen it.

DM me on Discord Urosh Uchiha#0242 and I'll throw you the invite link.

jackali 05-11-21 10:37

Not sure if this is a new issue with the new update, but would advise against upgrading your gear for a little while.

Just upgraded a legendary item from 29 to 30, the game threw up an error and restarted itself, and the gear is gone.

Have contacted support to see if they can do anything, but otherwise that's months of grinding down the drain.

Ellioft 05-11-21 10:52

I Have a new upgrade on my pistols, I think they are on level 16 and I don't feel the change at all.

I'm still at Qualopec's Tomb it's a nightmare to re do over and over the first three levels.

I can't upgrade Lara to the level 11 even when I'm doing the complete Lost Valley run...

Raxel 05-11-21 19:51


Now that the fancy artwork has arrived, I'm so excited to say the @tombraider Reloaded soundtrack by the lovely @StampAudio including a performance by the legendary @Tinaguo is nominated in the @HMMAwards!!! #TombRaiderReloaded

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