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Chamayoo 14-03-22 19:42


Originally Posted by LateRaider (Post 8346640)
wow, this is pretty big news. i wonder what was going on? it really does make me think TR isn't going to survive past XII

Crystal Dynamics is planning not only one game but several games. Sorry to disappoint. :D

LateRaider 15-03-22 15:54


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8346781)
Crystal Dynamics is planning not only one game but several games. Sorry to disappoint. :D

crystal are planning several TR games? what's your source? right now, the only things i've heard are:

1. TRR which is in development hell and just had its lead abandon it
2. TRXII which is in the concept phase
3. a vague hope of the Lara Croft games ported to switch
4. an even vaguer hope of TR:U DLC coming to PC, perhaps possibly maybe but it's up in the air

which, tl;dr means there's one game in active game-content-being-made development

Chamayoo 15-03-22 18:40

Sorry I am struggling to find. I think it was in a video (or a written article ?) with Dallas Dickinson saying "gameS" instead of "game". It wasn't the very first video last year when they announced the "unification" project, something more recent.

LateRaider 15-03-22 19:25

Thats kind of reaching but i appreciate your time

SamCactus101 17-03-22 13:43


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8346781)
Crystal Dynamics is planning not only one game but several games. Sorry to disappoint. :D

Please let this be true *insert divine music*

Brendanlovesu1 18-03-22 20:46

I'm just catching up on this thread.

''reflect > regret''

anyone wanna gimme the TLDR version? Did Ed leave Square

charmedangelin 18-03-22 22:03


Originally Posted by Brendanlovesu1 (Post 8347418)
I'm just catching up on this thread.

''reflect > regret''

anyone wanna gimme the TLDR version? Did Ed leave Square

I thought Ed was joking a bit, but it seems something unfortunate went down at Square. This tweet defiantly seems like he is indeed serious about tea time next week.

Reloaded development has been slow, much slower than expected. People were theorizing that something was going on. Then Ed announced he was leaving Square Enix and just this week he said he's going to spill the tea on them.

Brendanlovesu1 18-03-22 22:24

Thanks charmed. this is interesting

''To answer points raised on TRF, Reloaded is in full active development and is releasing in FY23. There's new levels, outfits & characters coming, plus what comes after the TR1 storyline - no one wants to rush it, and my leaving in no way affects it. I'm not that important.''

''Development of this game is no different to any other I've worked on - we would have liked to get it out sooner but as we progressed we decided to do more with it. There's no single formula for making games, each development is a special little ball of hell in its own right''

UroshUchiha 24-03-22 16:04

A new update was just released to 50% of players and based on constant messages on Discord it would appear that the game for the most part no longer works until a fix arrives.

Most (all?) tombs can't be started as you end up in an infinite loading screen, but it does take away your tickets/energy.
And speaking of tickets, they no longer regenerate if your game is closed. You either have to have the game open or running in the background for them to regenerate.

I personally haven't played the game in a little while so this update postponed my comeback.

If you are still on v0.16 make sure to keep it at that until a fix arrives. If you update to v0.17, well, best of luck.

CircusBabysGal 24-03-22 21:03


Originally Posted by Brendanlovesu1 (Post 8347437)
Thanks charmed. this is interesting

''To answer points raised on TRF, Reloaded is in full active development and is releasing in FY23. There's new levels, outfits & characters coming, plus what comes after the TR1 storyline - no one wants to rush it, and my leaving in no way affects it. I'm not that important.''

''Development of this game is no different to any other I've worked on - we would have liked to get it out sooner but as we progressed we decided to do more with it. There's no single formula for making games, each development is a special little ball of hell in its own right''

Why did Ed delete his account? :c

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