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HarleyCroft 17-04-23 20:03

Ooh, and I want to hear the Lara voices we might never get!! :jmp:
(Wait, are they all available? I haven't come across confirmation but haven't looked very hard. I just want to hear the soundclips issall)

UroshUchiha 17-04-23 20:17


Originally Posted by Jonnipants (Post 8396936)
So there’s currently an event happening but excluded from the Netflix version? That’s silly.

Does anyone have screenshots so I can see the rewards I will never win? :p

Just a standard event for the default outfit pieces

CheshireBitch 18-04-23 06:08

Wow, I see now... this is so dumb that Netflix version don't get all the events... This is such a mess... I hope we will get it even if it's a bit after the "full ad" version...

I would like to see some screenshots too please, especially the stickers, they're always pretty !

EDIT: Thanks UroshUchila for that screenshot ! I think it's even more unfair that it can give you outfit pieces since these events are the only way to get those so far !

_Alex_ 18-04-23 07:19

So I guess they really didn't think about iOS users when it came to saving progress? It's stupid that they're telling us we should've had a copy of our Player ID "incase" there was a slight chance that we uninstalled it "for whatever reason". They should've added Game Center as a way to save progress (which is the standard way of saving for iOS).

Jonnipants 18-04-23 09:20

Thanks for the screenshot, UroshUchiha. :) This indeed seems quite unfair since those outfit pieces are locked to events. Serves us right for choosing the ad-free version. :rolleyes:

Also that's a LOT of gems! :eek:

UroshUchiha 18-04-23 12:20


Originally Posted by Jonnipants (Post 8396989)
Also that's a LOT of gems! :eek:

Yeah, I've been playing the game in EA since it became a thing. TRR in EA used to give a lot of gold and gems. The full release nerfed absolutely everything.

The gold spin wheel was nerfed by like 80%, the gem wheel at the end of every temple has been removed, the chance to get 100 blue shards in their specific rooms has either been completely removed or the chances are now 0.000001% cause I haven't seen it since the global release.

The global release didn't even release with a new level either. All of these levels were present in Early Access too.

CheshireBitch 21-04-23 04:22

So netflix version eventually got some kind of event but it's not Machu Madness, it's a previous event they are using a second time. I was so glad when I saw the app downloading an update and then so pissed when I realised it wasn't Machu Madness. :rolleyes:

Chamayoo 21-04-23 08:18


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8397285)
So netflix version eventually got some kind of event but it's not Machu Madness, it's a previous event they are using a second time. I was so glad when I saw the app downloading an update and then so pissed when I realised it wasn't Machu Madness. :rolleyes:

I don't know if you missed something with Machu Madness. It's extremely greedy, like the worse of the events. If you want all the classic outfit points, you have to be constantly on your phone everyday.

CheshireBitch 21-04-23 17:48

@Chamayoo: Oh it looks less fun with that information in mind haha

Well, maybe it was for the best, yeah !

tlr online 21-04-23 18:50


Tomb Raider Reloaded has been updated to version 1.1.1 on Google Play. Changes include bug fixes to address recent crash issues. The studio also warns the current event may have reset for some players. Both the Netflix and Apple iOS version of Tomb Raider Reloaded remain on version 1.1.0.

Inspired by the original Tomb Raider games, Tomb Raider Reloaded features roguelike and procedurally generated stages for a new and varied experience with every run. As players progress through each level, they will be able to stack abilities and perks such as piercing shots, experience boosts, grenade throws and arch shots for more powerful attacks, quicker character leveling and a wider range of damage.

Shelley Blond (Tomb Raider), Judith Gibbins (Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft) and Jonell Elliott (Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness) have all recorded lines for Tomb Raider Reloaded and players will be able to select their favourite Lara Croft voice.

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