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jajay119 23-11-20 19:28


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254958)
This looks really cool:

Why have the shrunk her boobs and blown up her head and legs? It's like Sid from Toy Story built a Lara doll out of different bits of doll bodies. I'm underwhelmed with this really. If it's only one of things to come then fine but the classic era deserves more love than this. At least give us another GOL style game if they really arent going to remaster the classics.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 19:29


Yeah I thought some of the proportions were off. Lara Croft has big boobs. Who cares. Stop trying to shrink them as if it's a bad thing. Just don't make them crazy massive.


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254958)
This looks really cool:

Ah nice been looking for the full version. It's a shame amazing artwork like this is being wasted on what could be a poor mobile game. A full trilogy remake in this style could have been amazing, just like Crash.

Yeah Crash has a mobile game coming too, but that's AFTER the original trilogy remake and a 4th game.


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 8254962)
I feel more optimistic now that I allowed my disappointment to cool down. Hopefully this isn't the only classic oriented Tomb Raider announcement they've got to make. I'll keep a close eye on this either way, still better than te reboots.

I've been the opposite lol The more I think about the more I'm disappointed because of what it could have been. Gameplay/Screenshots cannot come soon enough.

Mikky 23-11-20 19:29

Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: Unloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Q. Who is the developer of Tomb Raider: Unloaded?
A. Ubisoft Japan. They're very passionate about dating.

Q. Were you involved?
A. We watched a few clips

Q. Can you tell us more about how the game plays?
A. Yes but not right now

Q. When can we expect to play it?
A. We love this iteration of Lara Croft. We can't wait for players to see her again soon.
Well, at least they're giving something to both sides of the fanbase

SnatchingEdges 23-11-20 19:30

No one moved.

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:30

Can y'all chill, y'all acting like CD made this to spit in our faces. Come on, it's obviously a side project that's just to celebrate TR.

Why wouldn't they also make an announcement about remaster or remakes?

We need to wait and see folks, you maybe surprised. Remember when weta workshop said it would be a Monumental year for TR?

Let's just wait and see, let's be happy that they are finally acknowledging TR and she has the Tomb Raider title back.

Evan C. 23-11-20 19:30


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8254970)
Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: Unloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Well, at least they're giving something to both sides of the fanbase


I dieded.

jajay119 23-11-20 19:33


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8254972)
Can y'all chill, y'all acting like CD made this to spit in our faces. Come on, it's obviously a side project that's just to celebrate TR.

Why wouldn't they also make an announcement about remaster or remakes?

We need to wait and see folks, you maybe surprised. Remember when weta workshop said it would be a Monumental year for TR?

Let's just wait and see, let's be happy that they are finally acknowledging TR and she has the Tomb Raider title back.

CD didnt even make this.

I just think after so long clamouring for some classic content another mobile game wasnt the way to go. If its the first of many announcements this year then fine but I remain unmoved.

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:33


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8254970)
Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: UNloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Getting Underworst vibes, it’s gonna tank hard no doubt.

tlr online 23-11-20 19:35

You know what this means? Finest frames are back.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 19:37


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254974)
CD didnt even make this.

I just think after so long clamouring for some classic content another mobile game wasnt the way to go. If its the first of many announcements this year then fine but I remain unmoved.

Maybe you're right. Maybe they're starting off with something small. To get us talking. Then following will be more/bigger announcements going into next year? Hmmm


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8254976)
You know what this means? Finest frames are back.

Nice! I did look for any hidden details but didn't find anything.

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