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charmedangelin 24-11-20 16:11

It's really a shame the reaction from the community to this game.

People have literally turned into Karen's.

lance6439 24-11-20 16:18

^ you, of all people, shouldn't be talking. like. at all.

Tombraider95 24-11-20 16:18


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255439)
It's really a shame the reaction from the community to this game.

People have literally turned into Karen's.

A lot of the reaction is the same even outside of the TR community. It's not our fault that there's been no gameplay shown which makes everyone assume it's gonna be a typical free mobile game full of microtransations.

The Lara Croft Go reveal trailer had gameplay...

charmedangelin 24-11-20 16:23


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8255440)
^ you, of all people, shouldn't be talking. like. at all.

As if you have the right to speak on it.

Honey, those fat shaming, Facebook stalking posts say hello.

Costel 24-11-20 16:50

If you guys fight even over this...

charmedangelin 24-11-20 16:53


Originally Posted by Costel (Post 8255452)
If you guys fight even over this...

I know, we have idiots saying this model is Pedophiliac even though she isn't sexualized, you have people throwing bitch fits over her boobs even though Lara was never defined by her chest size.

It's like WTH is wrong with people? How is it that this one little thing sparked so much drama.

PallasAthene 24-11-20 17:14

Honestly, the most common reaction I'm seeing is that people love the style but are super disappointed that it's being used for a mobile game rather than a Spyro-style remake trilogy. I'm so happy to see classic TR getting some air time and attention, but it does seem like a waste for it to be just a little F2P mobile game. I'll definitely take this over nothing at all though, obviously.

Avalon SARL 24-11-20 17:39

This is the best hype everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for Classic Lara :D

The joy these people had when they saw classic lara is priceless

killchan 24-11-20 17:56

you people, :vlol:

it's a low budget, free to play, arcade shooter for mobile.

Free to play.
For mobile.

Infinite series of arenas with thingies to tap or aim at to make 'em go poof and get points.
It'll be a miracle if you'll be in control of Lara's movements.

Not a big deal. Possibly a lesser deal than the Brawlhalla crossover.

amiro1989 24-11-20 18:09


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255441)
A lot of the reaction is the same even outside of the TR community. It's not our fault that there's been no gameplay shown which makes everyone assume it's gonna be a typical free mobile game full of microtransations.

The Lara Croft Go reveal trailer had gameplay...

A trailer such as this one would have been most welcomed.

I do agree though, while the announcement of a mobile only game is disappointing, I do think that we should perhaps give it a chance before calling it the worst thing in the world. :)

lance6439 24-11-20 18:11

"tHiS Is wHy sQuArE EnIx nEvEr dOeS AnYtHiNg fOr uS" mindset is so stupid how do i even explain

Rai 24-11-20 18:27


Originally Posted by killchan (Post 8255475)
you people, :vlol:

it's a low budget, free to play, arcade shooter for mobile.

Free to play.
For mobile.

Infinite series of arenas with thingies to tap or aim at to make 'em go poof and get points.
It'll be a miracle if you'll be in control of Lara's movements.

Not a big deal. Possibly a lesser deal than the Brawlhalla crossover.

I think you're jumping to conclusions. SE/CD have described it as "Action Arcade" game. While it may have shooting in it, that doesn't mean it's only that. I think we should wait for gameplay before judging it as such. For all we know, there could be puzzles to solve. lc:GoL, LC:ToO and LC:Go all had elements of puzzles in them, which, imo, bodes well for more mobile/arcade style games for Lara Croft/Tomb Raider.

leoarcie 24-11-20 18:29


amiro1989 24-11-20 18:31


Originally Posted by leoarcie (Post 8255485)

Oh lord. Just what Square Enix needs, another lootbox flop. :ton:

Evan C. 24-11-20 18:34


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8255484)
I think you're jumping to conclusions. SE/CD have described it as "Action Arcade" game. While it may have shooting in it, that doesn't mean it's only that. I think we should wait for gameplay before judging it as such. For all we know, there could be puzzles to solve. lc:GoL, LC:ToO and LC:Go all had elements of puzzles in them, which, imo, bodes well for more mobile/arcade style games for Lara Croft/Tomb Raider.

Being honest, Square Enix and "free" are not two words you can read together without feeling stupid. The game will have both in-game purchase or will have publicity, wich is a pain in the ass IMO. This is why I understand the concern around fans, wich are eager to know more about their favourite franchise and know for sure what we are gettinh instead of playing with the tease. So I don't see how negativity is a bad thing. Blizzard "Do you guys not have phones"? is the first thing that comes to my mind. Because, despite it's going to be a fantastic game, I don't play with my mobile, I do it on my PC or my Xbox. This is marking and trying to sell a product to mass consumers (oh, for free, action arcade) and knowing how the world spins I won't download an app for constant publicit. I don't support hate and suspicious, but I do understand. And Jaywalker tweeting does not help either. Either way, I won't play this game and If I do, I will forget quickly about it because mobile games are not my cup of tea.

Rai 24-11-20 18:39


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 8255487)
Being honest, Square Enix and "free" are not two words you can read together without feeling stupid. The game will have both in-game purchase or will have publicity, wich is a pain in the ass IMO. This is why I understand the concern around fans, wich are eager to know more about their favourite franchise and know for sure what we are gettinh instead of playing with the tease. So I don't see how negativity is a bad thing. Blizzard "Do you guys not have phones"? is the first thing that comes to my mind. Because, despite it's going to be a fantastic game, I don't play with my mobile, I do it on my PC or my Xbox. This is marking and trying to sell a product to mass consumers (oh, for free, action arcade) and knowing how the world spins I won't download an app for constant publicit. I don't support hate and suspicious, but I do understand. And Jaywalker tweeting does not help either.

I don't know why you quoted me, tbh. I didn't say a thing about the negativity. Or try to say people shouldn't have misgivings about it. Relic Run had microtransactions and it's still a very enjoyable game, imo and I haven't spent a penny on it. I was just suggesting that the assumption it's nothing more than a shooter could be wrong.

ANoDE 24-11-20 18:45


Originally Posted by leoarcie (Post 8255485)

Well, well, well. That's one more point for the negative side, then.

I hope we'll get a gameplay trailer soon, so I can finally judge the game on hard facts.

Shirley_Manson 24-11-20 18:48

And if you look at their Facebook page the comments are worrying over there too....

Lara_Fan1 24-11-20 18:58

Tomb Raider could be different; give them a chance at least. Judging an unreleased game based on an older game they’ve made isn’t quite plausible. I know people are just trying to get an idea of what the company is like and how their games play.

lance6439 24-11-20 19:01

"Tomb raider fans need to be grateful and not negative!!!"

everyone else:


no one is excited or cares about a mobile game. Who seriously thought about this idea? :tea:


meanwhile, this TR1 Lara cosplay is going viral:

jajay119 24-11-20 19:10


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 8255492)
Tomb Raider could be different; give them a chance at least. Judging an unreleased game based on an older game they’ve made isn’t quite plausible. I know people are just trying to get an idea of what the company is like and how their games play.

To be fair their previous games seem quite varied.

Tombraider95 24-11-20 19:12

Let's hope as Tomb Raider isn't theirs, they'll do something very different compared to their past titles. Maybe Crystal's "tips" were actually... a good thing? *shrug*.

Yuna´s Wish 24-11-20 19:17


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255497)
Maybe Crystal's "tips" were actually... a good thing? *shrug*.

Only if they were along the lines of "Do everything we wouldn't".

RAID 24-11-20 19:31


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8255500)
Only if they were along the lines of "Do everything we wouldn't".

:vlol: This really cracked me up

I agree though :)

Grizzly Bear 24-11-20 19:44

Finally they're using the title "Tomb Raider" even for a title featuring Classic Lara Croft! I think they shouldn't divide the franchise in "Tomb Raider" and "Lara Croft", both Laras can coexist at the same time and their games can be called Tomb Raider equally

Mikky 24-11-20 20:25

Here's the wallpaper in HD

redfox45 24-11-20 20:33

Getting a strong
"This is all Classic Lara is worth these days let's face it" vibe from this. Or maybe it's a litmus test for what is the best direction moving forward. (Which is pretty self defeating if that is the case)

New Dwight 24-11-20 20:34

SE came hard on everyone with this bombshell.:vlol:

Bear in mind, this is the only classic Lara we'll get. Reboot Lara will be in the next mainline title announced. This is their routine.

Classic Lara = Mobile
Reboot Lara = Mainline


SoraSakai 24-11-20 21:19

You do not need to see gameplay in order to judge this. All of the devs previous work has been terrible garbage.

This game will be no different. Anyone expecting anything other than a lazy, exploitative light show will be severely disappointed.

Shirley_Manson 24-11-20 21:22

So, since it's an "action arcade game" will it be in 2D, will it possibly be a platform puzzle game like Curse of the Sword, or maybe something like Donkey Kong? :D

SoraSakai 24-11-20 21:24


Originally Posted by Shirley_Manson (Post 8255553)
So, since it's an "action arcade game" will it be in 2D, will it possibly be a platform puzzle game like Curse of the Sword, or maybe something like Donkey Kong? :D

It’s free to play mobile game. It’ll be low-effort and terrible.

Shirley_Manson 24-11-20 21:38


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255554)
It’s free to play mobile game. It’ll be low-effort and terrible.

Maybe not terrible, but it is for sure going to be gated off behind paywalls and un-skippable adds, which is bad in itself.
I don't play mobile, but the fact that no gameplay isn't shown has me wondering what exactly is being developed...

Revenge 24-11-20 21:49

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?!!!! Oh my God.
After all this time...





I'm LITERALLY out of my DAMN breath OMG. The trailer looks SOOO good I love the cartoon style, the classic reference, the fact that it looks literal like a TR1 remake cartoon style, it's gonna be AMAZING AAAAAAAaaaaa they can just take all my money I'LL PREORDER A HUNDRED OF THEM THANK YOU

jajay119 24-11-20 21:50

It's free.

Shirley_Manson 24-11-20 21:52

But oh boy, get ready to pay up.

Revenge 24-11-20 21:53


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8255569)
It's free.


Sorry, and thank you hihi


EVEN BETTER THEN yaaay !!! \o/

Literal this made my day !!! I mean my evening but whatever

SoraSakai 24-11-20 22:01


Originally Posted by Revenge (Post 8255571)

Sorry, and thank you hihi


EVEN BETTER THEN yaaay !!! \o/

Literal this made my day !!! I mean my evening but whatever

You’re going to be the most disappointed then.

redfox45 24-11-20 22:22

Every time I see a fandom angry about something they will most likley buy anyway I always think of this scene from The Simpsons

"I don't need your pity!:mad:"

BlueCake 24-11-20 23:04

I LOVE the art style, but what kind of gameplay can we expect, what other action-arcade mobile games do we have to get a idea?

larafan25 24-11-20 23:39


Originally Posted by BlueCake (Post 8255591)
I LOVE the art style, but what kind of gameplay can we expect, what other action-arcade mobile games do we have to get a idea?

That game where you get chased by a bolder was an action arcade game... I think.

I think by 'arcade' they are or are not referencing arcade machines of the past? Hmmm...

I wonder if it will feature their impossibly vague definition of Tomb Raider "exploration, combat and puzzle-solving" or whatever...

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