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Lukass 08-09-12 22:25


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6424652)
i always thaught the game look like this for some reason

What do you mean? I don't get it. You thought the pic was official or...?

Tabuu 08-09-12 23:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6424876)
What do you mean? I don't get it. You thought the pic was official or...?

yep i use to think it was i can be really retarded sometimes :hea:

Lukass 08-09-12 23:41

^ :hug:

I wanna play it so bad! ;__;

TippingWater 08-09-12 23:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6424978)
^ :hug:

I wanna play it so bad! ;__;


Lukass 08-09-12 23:51

I had a dream last night. I was browsing XboxLive and I was shocked when I saw there's a Tomb Raider demo. I downloaded it, played it and then I found out, it was taken down, because it appeared there by a mistake :D

Tabuu 09-09-12 00:02


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6424986)
I had a dream last night. I was browsing XboxLive and I was shocked when I saw there's a Tomb Raider demo. I downloaded it, played it and then I found out, it was taken down, because it appeared there by a mistake :D

:p lol i had some dream almost similar but it was like a vision seeing her collect salvage and stuff but i was playing and i killed bambi 4 times :(

Rai 09-09-12 00:54

Is anyone else seeing a face here or am I just over tired? :p

italibabee 09-09-12 00:56

Killer hungry plants and trees with faces.
What's next?

Love2Raid 09-09-12 01:01

Aaaah, what was once seen can never be unseen!! :vlol:

It's a really creepy face too, and it looks like it's wearing a pointy hat... O_O

I'm also tired, yes, that must be it. :p

Lukass 09-09-12 01:02

Oh, it looks like Xolotl :eek:

Rai 09-09-12 01:03

Kinda reminds me of a distorted Professor Sprout from Harry Potter :pi:

Crystal D can say what they want, the supernatural is making its presence known in TR :vlol:

*Is relieved I'm not seeing things*

Lukass 09-09-12 01:06


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6425034)

Crystal D can say what they want, the supernatural is making its presence known in TR :vlol:

:vlol: Exactly!

Tabuu 09-09-12 01:07


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6425030)
Killer hungry plants and trees with faces.
What's next?

killer campfire and crew members maybe her bewbs will go against her too :vlol:

Rai 09-09-12 01:16

It even looks like Lara is looking in that direction...:p

Tabuu 09-09-12 02:13

imgine being in the bar she works at and asking for a drink and she walks up omg i would so touch her :vlol:

JsotoTRSaga 09-09-12 05:43


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6425027)
Is anyone else seeing a face here or am I just over tired? :p
Iv'e always had the feeling that CD where lying to make us all not be aware of the most important aspects of the game when they said there was no Supernatural elements, and when I have a feeling i am rarely wrong and this picture proves it thanks for showing RAI this proves the TR reboot will be a great game without sacrificing one of the most important aspects of the past TR games.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6425033)
Oh, it looks like Xolotl :eek:

It's obviously Natla :ohn:

By the way where all of this images from the leak of 2009? or are they just a MOD of some sort or an art work of some sort (Not official)?

Lio123 09-09-12 06:00

The face looks like Miss Spink and Miss Forcible from Coraline in the other mother's world.

skylark1121 09-09-12 06:00


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6425166)
By the way where all of this images from the leak of 2009? or are they just a MOD of some sort or an art work of some sort (Not official)?

^ I believe those were fan art, but I'm not 100% positive. :)

The1andOnlyTR 09-09-12 06:01

Will anyone be joining me at NYCC?! I'm gonna kill Lara. :3

italibabee 09-09-12 06:01


I think they're just fan art.
I know the 3rd one is XNALara
and the 4th looks like a photo-manip using XNALara

tomee 09-09-12 08:06


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6425177)
Will anyone be joining me at NYCC?! I'm gonna kill Lara. :3

Please, record it too if you can. D:

SeanCordernay 09-09-12 08:10

Gosh, I so hope CD surprises us all when this game comes out

JsotoTRSaga 09-09-12 08:12


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6425263)
Gosh, I so hope CD surprises us all when this game comes out

I have enormous faith that they will.

SeanCordernay 09-09-12 08:20

I would hope so. Don't know why they would reboot the franchise if they weren't going to do something extraordinary with it :/

Lara_Fan1 09-09-12 08:22

I wish CD would release a demo for us to play... Whether it would be the first demo they released in the cave or the Hunting Ground. :mad:

Lukass 09-09-12 08:48

Morning my bitches :wve:

Anything new? :p

Lara_Fan1 09-09-12 08:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6425294)
Anything new? :p

Its a new day and closer to the release date :D

Lukass 09-09-12 08:52


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6425303)
Its a new day and closer to the release date :D

Pffft ;___;

JsotoTRSaga 09-09-12 08:54


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6425294)
Morning my bitches :wve:

Anything new? :p

Good Morning :wve: and to answer your question:

Lukass 09-09-12 08:57

I knew there won't be anything new.

JsotoTRSaga 09-09-12 09:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6425309)
I knew there won't be anything new.


It is so annoying when CD have not said anything new however the Q&A session #7 ended recently so I assume that we will be getting answers soon. Hopefully ;)

Tommy123 09-09-12 09:02

Her right boob be saggin

Lukass 09-09-12 09:24

Gimme demo, oh my God! ;__;

Rai 09-09-12 09:30

I definitely feel there needs to be a 'exploration/puzzle trailer'. It can show a puzzle, just have Lara looking at it. She can even talk if she must, to say out loud 'I wonder how to solve this?' and we can see it but not see how it's done. And they can show snippets of a hub, just Lara in the same area but going off in different directions and one snippet would involve using the axe as a climbing tool. The footage can remain subtle, so to not be too revealing. This needs to happen before Christmas.

Lukass 09-09-12 09:33


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6425349)
I definitely feel there needs to be a 'exploration/puzzle trailer'. It can show a puzzle, just have Lara looking at it. She can even talk if she must, to say out loud 'I wonder how to solve this?' and we can see it but not see how it's done. And they can show snippets of a hub, just Lara in the same area but going off in different directions and one snippet would involve using the axe as a climbing tool. The footage can remain subtle, so to not be too revealing. This needs to happen before Christmas.

I think they already showed it in the Crossroads trailer. There's a hint of the shark cage puzzle. I don't think they'll show us anything new until the release day. We may see some new footage in the FH videos, but that's just my guess.

JsotoTRSaga 09-09-12 09:34

You forgot that they need to show a tomb as well since we haven't seen much of what makes the game be called TOMB RAIDER.

Lukass 09-09-12 09:35


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6425357)
You forgot that they need to show a tomb as well since we haven't seen much of what makes the game be called TOMB RAIDER.

I highly doubt it. They missed everything. There was GamesCon, ComicCon and PAX. Did we see a minute of any new footage? No.

Rai 09-09-12 09:36


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6425357)
You forgot that they need to show a tomb as well since we haven't seen much of what makes the game be called TOMB RAIDER.

This is one element I want to remain a surprise. I have no doubts that tombs are there.

Lara_Fan1 09-09-12 09:38


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6425360)
I have no doubts that tombs are there.

Well we know there will be as Lara says 'I hate tombs' :)

lcroft_lc 09-09-12 09:38

I have a feelings that The Final Hours #2 is coming this week starting tomorrow. :)

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