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tomblover 20-02-13 14:24

I'm taking French and Japanese simultaneously -- but I've been learning French since about six years back, so it's kinda natural these days... :p

Baratheon 20-02-13 14:26


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6659496)
I'm taking French and Japanese simultaneously -- but I've been learning French since about six years back, so it's kinda natural these days... :p

English is pretty second nature to you, too! You’re just perfect. <3

Edit: I mean, I can sing in Simlish. Can I be counted as bilingual?

LNSNHGTDS 20-02-13 14:26


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6659496)
I'm taking French and Japanese simultaneously -- but I've been learning French since about six years back, so it's kinda natural these days... :p

I need French for the Uni. I want to attend, otherwise I'd go learn Japanese as soon as I finished English :p !

tomblover 20-02-13 14:28

Or you could study linguistics like I do... you're pretty much forced to learn at least like three languages besides English and (in my case) Swedish. :p


Originally Posted by Baratheon (Post 6659497)
English is pretty second nature to you, too! You’re just perfect. <3

Let us not even mention the Latin courses I'm taking as well! :vlol: <3

LNSNHGTDS 20-02-13 14:33


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6659500)
Or you could study linguistics like I do... you're pretty much forced to learn at least like three languages besides English and (in my case) Swedish. :p

I want to become a translator. The only Uni. to study so is the Ionian Uni. in Corfu. You have three options (English, French or German) out of which you need to know two. I already know English and I somewhat did French from the fifth grade until the last year of Secondary school but I should propably start from scratch. There were some seperate courses for Spanish or Turkish but having to put up with French was a torture enough thanks :p !

After I'm done with my school I want to learn Japanese and then off to Japan where I'll propably take up Korean at some point.

But anyway, (like Spong once said) Tomb Raider and stuff... :p !

.:Tirivol:. 20-02-13 14:56

guys I know it's a little offtopic but do you remeber what was the name of the fan film inspired by this reboot? I really don't remeber..there was a video from youtube floating around :)

Rai 20-02-13 14:58


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6659534)
guys I know it's a little offtopic but do you remeber what was the name of the fan film inspired by this reboot? I really don't remeber..there was a video from youtube floating around :)

There are a couple. One has gone live as seen in this thread: Tomb Raider: Reboot.

And there is a thread for the second one too: Tomb Raider: Origins

.:Tirivol:. 20-02-13 15:01


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6659539)
There are a couple. One has gone live as seen in this thread: Tomb Raider: Reboot.

And there is a thread for the second one too: Tomb Raider: Origins

oh thanks!! It was the second one :)

LNSNHGTDS 20-02-13 16:49

I don't know if we knew that but, apparently, Himiko was the queen of Yamatai-Koku. You should read the article on Wiki, it's almost intresting :tmb: !

Also, is the island of the game actually Yamatai-Koku or is it just some random evil island?

Rai 20-02-13 16:53

The island is meant to be Yamatai island, yes.

Stevo505 20-02-13 16:55

The whole Yamatai thing is so interesting. I'm glad Tomb Raider is getting back to ancient and lost civilizations again.

Lee1711 20-02-13 16:58


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6659697)
The whole Yamatai thing is so interesting. I'm glad Tomb Raider is getting back to ancient and lost civilizations again.

I just hope it works out well.

MuhaBagci 20-02-13 17:12

Looks like a lot of countries will have a TR-Commercial which is simillar to the frech one, I hope a german commercial will air soon on TV. : o

Rai 20-02-13 17:15

For a second there, I thought it said Natla :vlol:.

Stevo505 20-02-13 17:17


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6659738)
For a second there, I thought it said Natla :vlol:.

Me too! I was like "Oh god, not again."

Linoshi Croft 20-02-13 17:17

Me too :p

Not see one in the UK yet :(

MuhaBagci 20-02-13 17:19

^Me too, trololol. :D But a Natla combeack would be awesome. ;o

jajay119 20-02-13 17:20


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6659697)
The whole Yamatai thing is so interesting. I'm glad Tomb Raider is getting back to ancient and lost civilizations again.

The last three games were set around Atlantians, you don't get more ancient and lost than that:p

I know what you mean though :)


Originally Posted by MuhaBagci (Post 6659750)
^Me too, trololol. :D But a Natla combeack would be awesome. ;o

Please, tell me that was a joke :p

MuhaBagci 20-02-13 17:30


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6659752)
Please, tell me that was a joke :p

In the Italian TR commercial it says "Nata" and for a sec we all thought it says Natla, lol.

Guys, are these Multiplayer Screenshots new?

TippingWater 20-02-13 17:32

I thought it said Natla too :vlol:. Btw she looks gorgeous during the tower scene :cln:.

Weemanply109 20-02-13 17:33


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6659242)



How do we get these, though? Pre-order incentives? Survival Edition incentives, etc?


TippingWater 20-02-13 17:35


Guys, are these Multiplayer Screenshots new?
^Only the second and the third are from Tomb Raider :).

MuhaBagci 20-02-13 17:35


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6659774)
How do we get these, though? Pre-order incentives? Survival Edition incentives, etc?


I hope we'll at least get one outfit if we finish the game.^^

Weemanply109 20-02-13 17:40

I hope there's more outfits than the pre-order/bonus ones, actually. Nothing like Legend's bikinin's or objectifying. As a reward for completing challenges/achievements, etc or the game itself, like you said.

Rude Rebel 20-02-13 17:42


Not quite sure if this picture has been already posted here. :/

LarasFan 20-02-13 17:42


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6659481)

This scavenger is the best one I believe.. All the other ones look lame :o

Billy959 20-02-13 17:45


Originally Posted by Rude Rebel (Post 6659798)

Not quite sure if this picture has been already posted here. :/

O.O. CD need to realese all the remaining artwork from this game

Only TR lover 20-02-13 17:49


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6658999)
I don't know what's wrong, i can't fix it

Is that an official artwork? ... the left one? :)

Weemanply109 20-02-13 17:51

I actually kind of like that artwork. It still looks like Lara, NOT COMPLETELY, but you can still identify her. The other one for that promotional image for the comics had different colour of eyes and everything. :vlol:

[Xmas] 20-02-13 18:43


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6658999)
I don't know what's wrong, i can't fix it

Honestly, the artwork in the FearEffect's post above is just infinite times better than the awful Justin Bieber render they put on the artbook. I hate that one from day 1. I wish they used the one in FearEffect's post, damn she looks so flawless. Honestly, this is cover art material. She is sexy but that's because she is strong and confident. I love that render! Lara's hair <333

Linoshi Croft 20-02-13 18:46

It looks way too much like old Lara imo.

TippingWater 20-02-13 18:47


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6659929)
It looks way too much like old Lara imo.

Yeah, even if she looks flawless, she also looks a bit too mature for a 21 year old :o.

Mikky 20-02-13 19:27

Where'd you get these from?


Originally Posted by DanV (Post 6658963)

This is by far the worst render we've got so far. Why does she look so old? :/

b.gluch 20-02-13 19:38

i really like how she looks in that render, but she does seem older, thats how id want her to look in the future, its the right combination of the new lara with the old lara imo

MuhaBagci 20-02-13 19:41

I personally don't like the render. It looks like an artwork for a Barbie Lara doll...!~~60_35.JPG


Dark_Messiah 20-02-13 20:06

Did you guys see that already? Looks so weird xD

Phlip 20-02-13 20:07

New to me, thanks for posting. :)

[Xmas] 20-02-13 20:08

Troloooolll.... This has to be my favourite trailer BY FAR :tmb:

The music rocks :vlol:

And the chicken! What was Lara trying to do? :p Looollll.

SpyrosMonster 20-02-13 20:09


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6660101)
Did you guys see that already? Looks so weird xD

:vlol: I can't breathe! The chicken part was so hilarious!

Mikky 20-02-13 20:12

What the hell was that?! That was some sort of parody, right? :vlol:

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