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klona 16-03-13 11:37


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6707448)

omfg im over this **** just give me a endless bank account.

Calm Down. :vlol:

ThatToastyBass 16-03-13 11:52


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6707444)
Has anyone seen this:

What is it exactly? o-o
I preordered it.

The Amazon description is poor to say the least, and there is little to read online about it... If it encompasses the whole canon, then I might consider purchasing it.

Valentino 16-03-13 12:16

For god sake I can't even get the collectors edition on PS3 everywhere is sold out and Amazon has these STUPID sellers selling them for over 100. Who the hell is gonna pay that much. Idiots. I'm annoyed. Tesco doesn't even look like its selling them anymore. It doesn't even have a page for the collecotrs edition.

ajrich17901 16-03-13 12:22


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6707494)
For god sake I can't even get the collectors edition on PS3 everywhere is sold out and Amazon has these STUPID sellers selling them for over 100. Who the hell is gonna pay that much. Idiots. I'm annoyed. Tesco doesn't even look like its selling them anymore. It doesn't even have a page for the collecotrs edition.

The retail price is $100, your not gonna get it under that for a bit yet.

Caldwin 16-03-13 13:03


Originally Posted by voltz (Post 6707269)
So what's this thing on idiots calling Tomb Raider an Uncharted clone?

oh and here's a quote from said idiot...


Obvious troll. Yeah, for one thing, Tomb Raider was around long before Uncharted. But also, Dragon Quest came before Final Fantasy. I love Final Fantasy, but it is hardly original. Go from the very first Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior in NA) and then play the very first Final Fantasy. The only difference in gameplay is Final Fantasy had a bigger party.

Yeah obvious troll. It's even in his name.

Valentino 16-03-13 13:11


Originally Posted by ajrich17901 (Post 6707501)
The retail price is $100, your not gonna get it under that for a bit yet.

In the UK it ranges from 64 to 74 pounds in retail stores. And no where has had it for over a week now.

NYCL@R@ 16-03-13 13:28


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6705621)
CD should have really kept this hair for the console version:

I Love it. Less hair around the face. I cant stand how stiff its moving lol. They should have developed something that could've came close to the TressFX hair for the consoles.

Shark_Blade 16-03-13 13:33


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6707444)
Has anyone seen this:

What is it exactly? o-o
I preordered it.

This could be crap. But the moment I saw Bradygames' name, I take it back. They're the ones who produced the game guide book.

This must be something special.

lcroft_lc 16-03-13 13:44

GT User rating 6.6 with 520 votes? WTH! :confused:

Shark_Blade 16-03-13 14:02

I sense pressed Uncharted fans. :pi:

klona 16-03-13 14:12


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6707607)
I sense pressed Uncharted fans. :pi:

This. :ohn:

voltz 16-03-13 14:56


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6707581)
GT User rating 6.6 with 520 votes? WTH! :confused:

aw **** em!

They couldn't tell a good game if it landed on their face and started to wiggle.

johnboy1983 16-03-13 15:15


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6707494)
For god sake I can't even get the collectors edition on PS3 everywhere is sold out and Amazon has these STUPID sellers selling them for over 100. Who the hell is gonna pay that much. Idiots. I'm annoyed. Tesco doesn't even look like its selling them anymore. It doesn't even have a page for the collecotrs edition.

I got my copy from and there still selling it :D

lcroft_lc 16-03-13 15:17


Originally Posted by voltz (Post 6707683)
aw **** em!

They couldn't tell a good game if it landed on their face and started to wiggle.
Even the game received 8.6 rating on Metacritic where most games usually gets below 5-6 from Fans.


Spong 16-03-13 15:20


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6707715)

That's my personal stats :cool:
I hate the deer and the crabs, they all deserve to die :pi:

lcroft_lc 16-03-13 15:22

Tomb Raider players have robbed 3,570,956 tombs – more stats released


Square has released some interesting Tomb Raider stats: 5,294,879 deer and 1,417,750 crabs have been hunted; Lara has had 13,742,891 “close calls” and 11,067,764 enemies have been dodged. 147,675,058 enemies have been killed with the bow and 20,601,083 of those were with with fire arrows and folks have looted and salvaged 356,988,302 arrows from these fallen enemies. On top of this, players have robbed 3,570,956 tombs, which is what Tomb Raider is really all about isn’t it? That sweet, sweet loot! Tomb Raider is out now on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Girafarig32 16-03-13 16:56

I finally got Tomb Raider yesterday! I played up until the... [warning, may be a spoiler]

...part where Sam is gone and she finds the others. So far, really good! I am doing pretty well accept for the beginning where she kept getting crushed by the block in that underground tutorial(?) level! It was pretty funny, to be honest. :P

My question is that when you are walking on that path far above (this is before she gets a basecamp) there was a part where I had to jump to a ledge, but she didn't pull up, and ended up sliding down to the next area. Was there anything I missed? Thanks! Great game, i'm impressed as much as everyone else said I would be :tmb:

CBS_TombRaider 16-03-13 17:00


Originally Posted by Girafarig32 (Post 6707826)
I finally got Tomb Raider yesterday! I played up until the... [warning, may be a spoiler]

...part where Sam is gone and she finds the others. So far, really good! I am doing pretty well accept for the beginning where she kept getting crushed by the block in that underground tutorial(?) level! It was pretty funny, to be honest. :P

My question is that when you are walking on that path far above (this is before she gets a basecamp) there was a part where I had to jump to a ledge, but she didn't pull up, and ended up sliding down to the next area. Was there anything I missed? Thanks! Great game, i'm impressed as much as everyone else said I would be :tmb:

Nope, sadly we never get to see what was over on that distant ledge :p That's entirely scripted.

Girafarig32 16-03-13 17:00


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6707835)
Nope, sadly we never get to see what was over on that distant ledge :p That's entirely scripted.

Thank god! That's a relief. I was worried I missed something good! :)

Spong 16-03-13 17:03


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6707835)
Nope, sadly we never get to see what was over on that distant ledge :p That's entirely scripted.

I remember when we all first saw the footage of that very ledge and the speculating about whether or not we'd get back there later. Looks like we were all wrong. Shame really. Just as well there's tonnes of other stuff to explore :p

CBS_TombRaider 16-03-13 17:11


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6707839)
I remember when we all first saw the footage of that very ledge and the speculating about whether or not we'd get back there later. Looks like we were all wrong. Shame really. Just as well there's tonnes of other stuff to explore :p

Yeah, it would've been fun to get back up there. Future DLC? :p

LarasFan 16-03-13 17:13

I finished the game yesterday!!! OMG!!! SO AMAZING! THE ENDING IS TOO GOOD!! Lara's smurk is priceless x) *SPOILER* Btw, a day before finishing the game I was listening to the soundtracks, and looking at images I saved on my pc, and I saw the one with her at the ending where she's smiling and saying "I'm not going home". And I noticed in the trailer that the ship isn't Endurance, I was like. . . no . . effing... way :pi: I just found out the ending. TR story related now, I'm sad that CD killed off the only characters that were real heroes. I guess CD doesn't want anyone to outshine Lara now :whi: Even though I hate Roth, the way he died was really sad :( And so was Alex's. I'm a guy and I was about to cry when I found Alex's last document saying that he wants to catch Lara's attention, and ended up saving her and killing himself she gives him just a cheek kiss :pi: I can relate so much with the poor guy :o The final chapter (Chasm place with the Oni and after) was mind blowing. CD has definitely made a masterpiece. 9.9/10 from me. MP trophies suck that's why :p

lcroft_lc 16-03-13 17:36


Originally Posted by Girafarig32 (Post 6707836)
Thank god! That's a relief. I was worried I missed something good! :)

WTH you did! You missed the best thing, there was first and only part of Dual Pistol lying on the floor right beside a fire. Go get it back.jk

No white texts. ;)

Nemo_91 16-03-13 18:28

Flying Lotus, I love you even more now.

Spong 16-03-13 18:29

^Who's he? :confused:

Nemo_91 16-03-13 18:32


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6707988)
^Who's he? :confused:

Electronic music artist, his music is amazing. And the fact that he might be a TR fan... so awesome. :D

Spong 16-03-13 18:34

I learn something new every day.
His music might be suspect (to me :pi:) but he seems to have an acceptable taste in games :tmb::p

innocentvenus 16-03-13 20:41

I just beat story mode and omg! :jmp: :tea:

I am absolutely in love with this game! I cannot wait until the next one.

yaron 16-03-13 20:43

The TressFX hair need more update!
It does not fly in the wind..

Mikky 16-03-13 20:50

I wonder when we'll get some single player DLC. I wonder how much single player DLC there's actually going to be... Hmm... Here's hoping they announce something soon.

Dark_Messiah 16-03-13 20:50

^ they are changing it in every patch. They'll get it right - eventually

Spong 16-03-13 20:53


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6708201)
I wonder when we'll get some single player DLC. I wonder how much single player DLC there's actually going to be... Hmm... Here's hoping they announce something soon.

Ring them up and demand it :ohn:

Mikky 16-03-13 21:08


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6708206)
Ring them up and demand it :ohn:

If I had their number, I'd actually consider doing that. :pi:

Killercowz 16-03-13 21:16

I just finished the Solarii Fortress. How far into the game is that?

Irrelevant but I found it hilarious when Lara got punched in the face like five times....

Mikky 16-03-13 21:27

Probably just over half way through the game. Ish. You still have a while to go.

egypt_gypsie 17-03-13 02:06

Does anyone have the picture of the Turning Point CGI model?

Here is a small version of it:

italibabee 17-03-13 02:09


Originally Posted by egypt_gypsie (Post 6708547)
Does anyone have the picture of the Turning Point CGI model?

Here is a small version of it:


Stevo505 17-03-13 02:10


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6708201)
I wonder when we'll get some single player DLC. I wonder how much single player DLC there's actually going to be... Hmm... Here's hoping they announce something soon.

I hope there is. I would buy anything that gets me to play Lara again, even if it's just a new tomb to raid. I would still love to play on the Endurance before it crashed.

JerryC 17-03-13 02:12

seeing this already?

Lara want to kill herself.

egypt_gypsie 17-03-13 02:22


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6708552)

Yes, thanks a bunch =]

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