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LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 16:37


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6791785)
No, they didn't like the story. Some Nintendo DS game is.

Come again?

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 16:42

He's talking about Fire Emblem: Awakening. I personally, think it deserves it.

Valentino 20-05-13 17:47

Did anyone from Crystal go work at Naughty Dog? Or vise versa. Because TLoU has a bow, caught in a trap and hung upside down while shooting enemies, crafting weapons/upgrading them, survival game. Was TR a survival game? W/e but I just watched some new gameplay and was thinking "woah, reminds me a lot of TR2013". Just like when people were saying the new TR reminds people of Uncharted. I can't wait for the game though.

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 17:51


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6791951)
Did anyone from Crystal go work at Naughty Dog? Or vise versa. Because TLoU has a bow, caught in a trap and hung upside down while shooting enemies, crafting weapons/upgrading them, survival game. Was TR a survival game? W/e but I just watched some new gameplay and was thinking "woah, reminds me a lot of TR2013". Just like when people were saying the new TR reminds people of Uncharted. I can't wait for the game though.

People who worked on Legend moved to Naughty Dog apparently. Though that's all we know. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

The1andOnlyTR 20-05-13 17:57

Anyone wanna fanboy/girl with me for a bit?

Imagine if tomorrow, during the Xbox reveal, they announce a trailer that starts with: "The following is in game footage" or something to that affect, and they reveal a VoiceOver teaser trailer for the new TR with something simple like next gen Lara. :cln:
I'd die. :p

skylark1121 20-05-13 18:12


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6791951)
Did anyone from Crystal go work at Naughty Dog? Or vise versa. Because TLoU has a bow, caught in a trap and hung upside down while shooting enemies, crafting weapons/upgrading them, survival game. Was TR a survival game? W/e but I just watched some new gameplay and was thinking "woah, reminds me a lot of TR2013". Just like when people were saying the new TR reminds people of Uncharted. I can't wait for the game though.

I find it ironic that TR has been so compared to Uncharted, and now, The Last of Us is getting comparisons to TR. Here at least. Are people on other forums, etc. comparing Last of Us to TR? I would be interested to know. :p


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6791964)
Anyone wanna fanboy/girl with me for a bit?

Imagine if tomorrow, during the Xbox reveal, they announce a trailer that starts with: "The following is in game footage" or something to that affect, and they reveal a VoiceOver teaser trailer for the new TR with something simple like next gen Lara. :cln:
I'd die. :p

I would die, too. :cln: :D

spyrostr 20-05-13 19:06

i would love it if she could be a freerunner or if she could perform some parkour movements in the sequel

i already miss her acrobatics

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 19:09

Meh, I have Mirrors Edge for that. Plus, a lot of that seems entirely impractical and just being flashy for the sake of it.

Mikky 20-05-13 19:25


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6792030)
Meh, I have Mirrors Edge for that. Plus, a lot of that seems entirely impractical and just being flashy for the sake of it.

Yeah, exactly.

Maybe chimney jumps can return, but full on parkour? Naaah. :p

spyrostr 20-05-13 19:31


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6792049)
Yeah, exactly.

Maybe chimney jumps can return, but full on parkour? Naaah. :p

i said that she could have some parkour movements.....not to be an entirely freerunner ;)

Mikky 20-05-13 19:38

So, like... Chimney jumps. :pi:

LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 19:49


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6792026)
i already miss her acrobatics

This, I give no **** as to how unrealistic they are but they MUST return!


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6792030)
Meh, I have Mirrors Edge for that. Plus, a lot of that seems entirely impractical and just being flashy for the sake of it.

But that's the point of it! Did the handstand ascent or the swan dive or the acrobatics in the TRilogy have any actual use? No, it was just for fun yet they are the most iconic moves of Lara (the first two at least) !

_Ninja_ 20-05-13 19:54

If swimming will return then I'm pretty swan dive will return. But doing gymnastics doesn't really fit this Lara.

LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 19:56


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6792096)
If swimming will return then I'm pretty swan dive will return. But doing gymnastics doesn't really fit this Lara.

If only she wasn't such an idiot... the previous Lara was much more agile and fit than this one :/ , not to mention attractive!

Seriously, just as I was fine with the idea of the reboot nostalgia hit!

_Ninja_ 20-05-13 20:03


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6792100)
If only she wasn't such an idiot...



the previous Lara was much more agile and fit than this one :/ , not to mention attractive!
I think the new one is more attractive.

LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 20:05


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6792107)

I think the new one is more attractive.

I don't know, for some reason she seems tοo incapable to accomplish anything :p ! Skills-wise that is. The only think she can do is climb stuff and (apparently) kill.

She looks like a monkey and on some renders like a boy, but fair enough, everyone has their own taste.

_Ninja_ 20-05-13 20:10


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6792110)
I don't know, for some reason she seems to incapable to accomplish anything :p ! Skills-wise that is.

That's kind of a big stretch. Lets not forget that this was day 1, first adventure, origin story.

spyrostr 20-05-13 20:12


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6792110)
She looks like a monkey and on some renders like a transgender, but fair enough, everyone has their own taste.

yeap TRU Lara forever <3

LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 20:13


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6792115)
That's kind of a big stretch. Lets not forget that this was day 1, first adventure, origin story.

Still, I don't think that many things will change in the next game. The only possible additions will be more advanced equipment and firearms from the beginning of the game. Maybe even faster climbing by default.


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6792118)
yeap TRU Lara forever <3

I'm fine with that if you remove her forehead wrinkles. They're scary...

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 20:24


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6792121)
I'm fine with that if you remove her forehead wrinkles. They're scary...

So...make her more like a blow up doll?

LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 20:37


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6792133)
So...make her more like a blow up doll?

And having no wrinkles makes you a blow-up doll because???

I'm not talking about the wrinkles everyone has when they make grimaces, because the ones Lara had were too stressed because she had wrikles because she was old, not realistic.

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 20:51


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6792148)
And having no wrinkles makes you a blow-up doll because???

I'm not talking about the wrinkles everyone has when they make grimaces, because the ones Lara had were too stressed because she had wrikles because she was old, not realistic.

Underworld Lara had wrinkles?

Literally only had one you said you aren't talking about. :p

LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 20:54


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6792157)
Underworld Lara had wrinkles?

Literally only had one you said you aren't talking about. :p

Ohhh :p ... well, in that case, forget everything I said xD !

Valentino 20-05-13 21:11

How far do we wanna go with realism? Wanna start adding tiny hairs on her arms? I know we all have them but I think for Lara, she shouldn't have wrinkles. Yeah, wrinkles when she frowning or angry but not when she has no emotions. And I know some might think its pathetic to be debating about wrinkles but even the slightest change can make a difference.

motoleo 20-05-13 21:13

There's no such thing as realism in games other than looks. But I like mystical aspects, I like magic and witchcraft, something I can believe in.

Spong 20-05-13 21:19


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6792198)
There's no such thing as realism in games other than looks.

So what about the sim & RTS genre?

motoleo 20-05-13 21:25


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6792213)
So what about the sim & RTS genre?

Maybe, but I wouldn't say The Sims, was "realistic". Unless you mean some other kind of simulation game.

shockwave_pulsar00 20-05-13 22:25


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6792231)
Maybe, but I wouldn't say The Sims, was "realistic". Unless you mean some other kind of simulation game.

He meant simulation games. Not "The Sims".

motoleo 21-05-13 00:53

Is it true that Angel of Darkness sold more than TR9?

egypt_gypsie 21-05-13 03:38

Huh, they discuss Roanoke in American Horror Story. Interesting.

Melonie Tomb Raider 21-05-13 03:44


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6792543)
Is it true that Angel of Darkness sold more than TR9?

Looks like it outperformed LAU too?? :confused:

motoleo 21-05-13 03:51

I don't doubt it.

Shark_Blade 21-05-13 04:21


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6792543)
Is it true that Angel of Darkness sold more than TR9?

I shall bookmark this so I can rub it into the hater faces later. ;)

Melonie Tomb Raider 21-05-13 04:54

Judging by that sales chart, it's really disheartening to see that classic Tomb Raider could have continued and sold just as well, if not better. :/

I love CD and will be the first to preorder all their IPs with great excitement, but Tomb Raider just hasn't felt like Tomb Raider since Core was fired.

Azerutan 21-05-13 04:55

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness PS2 - 1.25

Tomb Raider (2013)
PS3 - 1.16
XBox - 0.99
PC - 0.16
Total = 2.31

No, AOD didn't outsell TR :)

Melonie Tomb Raider 21-05-13 05:21


Originally Posted by Azerutan (Post 6792683)
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness PS2 - 1.25

Tomb Raider (2013)
PS3 - 1.16
XBox - 0.99
PC - 0.16
Total = 2.31

No, AOD didn't outsell TR :)

It outsold all of them individually on a single platform.

Azerutan 21-05-13 05:56


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6792693)
It outsold all of them individually on a single platform.

Any classic TR would outsell a Crystal Dynamic TR on a single platform. This is no news Melonie, Tomb Raider as a videogame franchise survives now because it sells to inumerous platforms, it can't compete with for example Uncharted in the Play Station platform (which is very ironic isn't it?).

These are the numbers for each main Tomb Raider title:

Tomb Raider: featuring Lara Croft - 1996 - 5.66 (PS, PC)
Tomb Raider II: starring Lara Croft - 1997 - 7.53 (PS, PC)
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft - 1998 - 4.02 (PS, PC)
Tomb Raider: the Last Revelation - 1999 - 3.54 (PS, PC)
Tomb Raider: Chronicles - 2000 - 0.61 (PS)
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness - 2003 - 1.25 (PS2)
Tomb Raider: Legend - 2006 - 1.52 (PS2, PSP, Xbox, XB, GC, DS, PC)
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - 2007 - 2.22 (Wii, PSP, PS2, Xbox, PC)
Tomb Raider: Underworld - 2008 - 3.24 (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PC)
Tomb Raider - 2013 - 2.33 (PS3, XBox 360, PC)

And there are other additional titles such as Tomb Raider Trilogy and Tomb Raider the Prophecy.

I for one do not trust this list one bit :p

Melonie Tomb Raider 21-05-13 06:06

With the growth of the gaming community, I personally don't see why Tomb Raider shouldn't be outselling it's predecessors on individual platforms. More platforms means more development costs. Not that I'm saying Tomb Raider shouldn't be multi-plat, but comparing its sales on a variety of platforms to AOD on just one is unfair.

Financially speaking, AOD's ROI was much higher. There is something to be said about that.

BigR4444 21-05-13 06:27

Isnt vgchartz considered unreliable?... can we really trust those numbers?... and isnt vgchartz usually a few weeks behind as well?

Im looking at the console chart at the front page, and it says the 360 has sold more than the ps3... I read articles about the ps3 passing the 360 months ago...

_Ninja_ 21-05-13 08:36


Originally Posted by BigR4444 (Post 6792717)
can we really trust those numbers?...


Bioshock Infinite has sold more than 3.7 million copies according to Take-Two.

Vgchartz has it at 2.13 on all platforms. Vgchartz is only reliable for old games that have been out for a long time.

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