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yaron 19-06-13 17:17


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6827784)

I like it!!

I tried to edit the colors.. , like?


Spong 19-06-13 21:37

^That filesize of that image is 1.9MB :eek:. The maximum for the forum is 500KB (you'll need to change it to a link) :pi:
But how did you make it so big anyway? Larafan's original (which is larger in dimensions) is only 238KB, and they're both PNG images.

dream raider 20-06-13 10:16

The fact that the raindrops are so big makes me think that Lara is a miniature. :p

AimlessThunder 21-06-13 05:32

larafan25 21-06-13 05:36

Honestly. Camilla is perfect.

Those groans are amazing. I SEE bloody caverns and 21-year old Lara in a grimace of pain.

Spong 21-06-13 11:14


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 6830064)

Better than the actual ending :tmb:
At least you didn't end on a fade to white and that cringe-worthy "A survivor is born" subtitle. Worst. Ending. Ever. :hea:

Phlip 21-06-13 11:22


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6830066)
Honestly. Camilla is perfect.

I just don't know how you can say that.

To people like me and Sponge her shoddy "English" accent is offensively obviously bad. :p

EscondeR 21-06-13 11:33


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6830217)
At least you didn't end on a fade to white and that cringe-worthy "A survivor is born" subtitle. Worst. Ending. Ever. :hea:

Tsk-tsk-tsk... You're too harsh. Not the worst perhaps, simply the ending for... "tank commanders" ;) :p

Phlip 21-06-13 11:45


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6830227)
Tsk-tsk-tsk... You're too harsh. Not the worst perhaps, simply the ending for... "tank commanders" ;) :p

Which is why it's the worst. :(

EscondeR 21-06-13 11:51

For me and you... not for tank commanders though... and not for the devs for the unfortunately obvious reasons ;)

Phlip 21-06-13 11:53


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6830242)
For me and you... not for tank commanders though...

I thought you meant we were tank commanders, because we prefer the classics that happens to have tank-Lara.

EscondeR 21-06-13 12:04

:hea: "Tank commander" = one who is in the tank = not too "sharp" one ;)

...And shame on you for calling Classis Lara tank. Boo! :p

Phlip 21-06-13 12:06


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6830260)
...And shame on you for calling Classis Lara tank. Boo! :p

She is, though. Nu-Laura moves much better, apart from the inconsistencies, but an analogue stick 360 degrees movement-style is better than crappy tank and fixed camera. :p

LNSNHGTDS 21-06-13 12:18


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6830263)
She is, though. Nu-Laura moves much better, apart from the inconsistencies, but an analogue stick 360 degrees movement-style is better than crappy tank and fixed camera. :p


(It's funny how I always randomly butt in in this thread and a new subject is up :p ! )

MyRaider4Life 22-06-13 05:48

I didn't know where else to post this, since there's no art thread for this game (which is unfortunate), so here will do. I thought I'd just share something I made last night. :)

a phoenix rising from the ashes. a survivor is born.

Hope y'all like it. :)

larafan25 22-06-13 05:51

^OMFG. That's awesome! D:

hayden 22-06-13 05:57

That. Is. Amazing :eek:

dantedmc 22-06-13 07:04


Originally Posted by myraider4life (Post 6830958)
i didn't know where else to post this, since there's no art thread for this game (which is unfortunate), so here will do. I thought i'd just share something i made last night. :)

a phoenix rising from the ashes. A survivor is born.

hope y'all like it. :)

i love it!:)

_Ninja_ 22-06-13 10:48

So SE is making another 'AAA' Hitman title despite that game also "not meeting expectations". And Darrell Gallagher (former head of CD) is now head of studios for Square Enix's North American and European operations.

Granted how TR sold better than Hitman and how CD employees keep getting promoted I think this bodes well for the sequel.

God Horus 22-06-13 11:56


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6830958)
I didn't know where else to post this, since there's no art thread for this game (which is unfortunate), so here will do. I thought I'd just share something I made last night. :)

a phoenix rising from the ashes. a survivor is born.

Hope y'all like it. :)

OMG, this is SO flawlessly amazing *dies*

NYCL@R@ 22-06-13 17:05


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6831069)
So SE is making another 'AAA' Hitman title despite that game also "not meeting expectations". And Darrell Gallagher (former head of CD) is now head of studios for Square Enix's North American and European operations.

Granted how TR sold better than Hitman and how CD employees keep getting promoted I think this bodes well for the sequel.

I can care less for Hitman, I want them to focus on the Tomb Raider franchise.

_Ninja_ 22-06-13 19:25


Originally Posted by NYCL@R@ (Post 6831305)
I can care less for Hitman, I want them to focus on the Tomb Raider franchise.

It's not why I mention the game.

Rai 22-06-13 22:49


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6830958)
I didn't know where else to post this, since there's no art thread for this game (which is unfortunate), so here will do. I thought I'd just share something I made last night. :)

a phoenix rising from the ashes. a survivor is born.

Hope y'all like it. :)

That's beautiful. I swear there was a fanart thread for TR'13 at some point, but I can't find it.

I'm sure I'm late with this, but I just saw it on twitter:

Jason Graves ‏@jgmusic 21 Jun
Complete cinematics posted, including original, unreleased ending to the game (Killing Sam).

Sabi96 22-06-13 22:57

Killing Sam?? So possibly the soul transfer could be completable if you don't kill the Oni stalker quick enough, and get Himiko (Sam) as the final final boss

larafan25 22-06-13 23:00

It was simply an alternate ending they were going to use, but had then decided Sam should live instead. I don't think it was ever something that was affected by our speed in the final boss.

Stevo505 22-06-13 23:03

Thankfully they didn't kill off Sam. Now we have the best pairing ever.

PallasAthene 23-06-13 00:31

I was actually hoping that transformed Himiko-Sam would be the final boss. I make no secret of being on team anti-Sam :D

motoleo 23-06-13 00:32


Originally Posted by PallasAthene (Post 6831651)
I was actually hoping that transformed Himiko-Sam would be the final boss. I make no secret of being on team anti-Sam :D

Final boss? Why? It's not like you could fight her.

TRBeth 23-06-13 00:53


Originally Posted by PallasAthene (Post 6831651)
I was actually hoping that transformed Himiko-Sam would be the final boss. I make no secret of being on team anti-Sam :D

No joke. Could CD have picked a more pointless and unlikable brat for Lara to have to rescue! LOL

motoleo 23-06-13 03:04


Older sexy Lara is coming back.

tiann 23-06-13 03:41


Originally Posted by TRBeth (Post 6831654)
No joke. Could CD have picked a more pointless and unlikable brat for Lara to have to rescue! LOL

we can't have Lara kill off her lesbian partner :mis:

MyRaider4Life 23-06-13 03:48


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6830960)
^OMFG. That's awesome! D:


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6830961)
That. Is. Amazing :eek:


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6830976)
i love it!:)


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6831125)
OMG, this is SO flawlessly amazing *dies*


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6831616)
That's beautiful. I swear there was a fanart thread for TR'13 at some point, but I can't find it.

Aw, thank you guys so much for your kind comments! :hug:

Evan C. 23-06-13 04:15


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6831690)

Older sexy Lara is coming back.

I don't see any resemblance with the older sexy Lara you name :p

Phlip 23-06-13 04:17


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6831690)
Older sexy Lara is coming back.

No, she's not. Boring, young, unsure, generic, plain, American Lara is here to stay.

motoleo 23-06-13 04:22


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6831711)
I don't see any resemblance with the older sexy Lara you name :p

Older as in age. She's going to take her parents money. Go back to England and wa-lah!

Sabi96 23-06-13 09:07

Why not? Shoot himiko down to stab her with the torch, simple as that

NYCL@R@ 23-06-13 12:58

Can they release a new render?

motoleo 23-06-13 13:31


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6831802)
Why not? Shoot himiko down to stab her with the torch, simple as that

No point. There's no reason to shoot her down when she can't fight back. It was just a dead body the whole time.

xXhayleyroxXx 23-06-13 13:31


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6831713)
No, she's not. Boring, young, unsure, generic, plain, American Lara is here to stay.

I actually liked the fact she's human now, and doesn't have 'superhuman' abilities like she previously had. I cared a lot about what happened to her, while previously I used to recklessly throw Lara around and focus more on the environments :p This Lara has genuine interest in archaeology, and that little gasp of wonder when she raids the side tombs was a really nice nod back to the classics. Previously, it just felt like Lara went on these adventures for 'sport', simply because she was rich and powerful enough to attempt the unattempted, only to procure the artifacts for her own personal collection. New reimagined Lara now has a purpose, a reason behind her sometimes cold and withdrawn attitude and a believable backstory which I think has really catapulted the series into a positive direction, when previously the tomb raider games were dying and referred to only for nostalgic memories. I don't think she's boring, or plain - I think she's stunning and beautiful even though she's covered in mud, and blood. Of course she's unsure - wouldn't you be in that situation? :p

dream raider 23-06-13 14:03


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6831713)
No, she's not. Boring, young, unsure, generic, plain, American Lara is here to stay.

Agreed. TReboot Lara is a very poorly executed character. They throw her on a spike, make her limp, give her generic friends that she sacrifices/test her limits to "grow" as a character, and this supposedly makes her human. :rolleyes:

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