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Lukass 09-07-13 13:57


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6846418)
It's not

I hope so.

motoleo 09-07-13 14:10


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6846436)
Οh really? Thank you for confirming it.
You don't know what it is so please stop.

confirm this is common sense babe

Spong 09-07-13 14:17

I agree with motoleo & Lukass. It'd be a bit of an anticlimax if LCR turns out just to be some comic. Not that I've exactly been laying awake at night wondering what it is, but I would've hoped it would be something better than that.

motoleo 09-07-13 14:24

if it was a comic it would have been trademarked as a comic but it wasn't it was trademarked as a game

this is key even with the unnecessarily broad trademark applications

[Xmas] 09-07-13 15:01

If it indeed turns out to be another Lara Croft digital title, then I hope it will be nothing like GoL because that's the epitome of blandness and boredom.

SpyrosMonster 09-07-13 15:11


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6846522)
confirm this is common sense babe

Umm please, you don't know if it's a comic or not (I don't really care tbh) but still you can't be so sure about everything.

Evan C. 09-07-13 15:19

It's a comic, an image just got leaked at siliconera :eek:

Meh, I just wanted to share my poop art.

Mikky 09-07-13 15:27

Well, you have a very distinguishable and unique art style (which unfortunately can't be said about the artwork in The Beginning comic). I quite like it. :D

motoleo 09-07-13 16:02


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6846574)
Umm please, you don't know if it's a comic or not (I don't really care tbh) but still you can't be so sure about everything.

I know it's not a comic book, don't try to tell me nothing different. >:I

trfanX34 09-07-13 16:34

I hope it's not a comic.

:}hello friend 09-07-13 16:51


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6846623)
I know it's not a comic book, don't try to tell me nothing different.

Congratz on the double negative :tmb:

motoleo 09-07-13 17:29

I still think the voice of Lara is distinctly different than in the turning point trailer.

spyrostr 09-07-13 20:55


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6846685)
I still think the voice of Lara is distinctly different than in the turning point trailer.

my theory for her voice in the turning point trailer is that she is more mature and she's narrating her story from the near future where she is a fully fledged adventurer

larafan25 10-07-13 01:15

So like yeah, lol. Someone posted this on a Tomb Raider Facebook, I think it was the official one, I can't remember. It's by Brenoch I believe:

It's nice.

At first glance I kind of moan at the fact that the game was so action heavy (after being dazzled by how awesome these pieces are), but then I kind of realize I simply want the action to always be emotionaly driven and hyped, and most importantly framed in a sandbox, non-linear fashion that feels dynamic and natural, real. Not sequences.

edit: Why did I just say it's nice? ._.

It's freaking amazing.

Look at that plane image and the way the rockets are flying through the air, it's cray.

edit: I'm also replaying Kya (still) and the pic of Lara on the turret reminds me of Kya. See, turrets aren't horrible. Whether it's Lara or an enemy behind it. Just don't give me a turret sequence. What's with y'all and sequences.

motoleo 10-07-13 01:34


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6847005)
YEEESSS Yall yes.

I was on his blog like months ago and he said he'd upload some and then it just hit me now after I posted this concept that he probably posted more on his blog HE DID:

Ug. So He's responsible for the best Lara ever. I cannot. D:


edit: a frig double post.

Well that's plain awesome. Gotta try this as background

larafan25 10-07-13 01:44

I wish they'd kickstart Ascension and just...make it like... a SOTC open world island, with different regions, big open spaces to explore. A horse, searching for rope, and other items and tools to cross gaps, more of an isolated, slow exploration game.

Rai 10-07-13 02:09

That Lara concept with the orange vest top is amazing. As much as do like the classic-esque outfit, it's nice to see a bit of colour.

I must be the only one who likes the action sequences. Not the combat part/s, but the actual palace escape and the other dangerous action set pieces. I'll just stand over her in my own corner....:pi:

sierra xb 10-07-13 02:11


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6847019)
I must be the only one who likes the action sequences. Not the combat part/s, but the actual palace escape and the other dangerous action set pieces. I just stand over her in my own corner....:pi:

no worries, aren't the only one who liked those parts of the game :)

*joins rai in the corner*

Rai 10-07-13 02:13

^Yay company. Good to know I'm not alone. :p

larafan25 10-07-13 02:16

I enjoyed them and they were done well and beautiful.

But it's not what I want.

Rai 10-07-13 02:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6847023)
I enjoyed them and they were done well and beautiful.

But it's not what I want.

So what do you want? I mean [no combat] action sequences have always been a part of TR. TR2 had a fair few :pi:.

Actually, forget thhat, I think I have a fair idea of what you want for TR:

You'd like (I don't really like using 'want' it's so demanding :o) a single-player-multiplayer-co-op-action-adventure-puzzle-open-world-hub-system-rpg-fps-survival/life-simulation-multi-character-Lara-generic-whatever-is-popular-now game.


larafan25 10-07-13 02:40

There's a different between the action in TR2 and the reboot. Sure even the action in the classics is confined by level design that is probably linear and must encapsulate the player in that moment, but it's not to the extent that it's done in the reboot. The Great Wall of China has a sequence of traps, and for the fact that it's one sequence within a linear level in a linear-progressing game, I find that off-putting (which is an extreme view). But at least within that restriction, I have full, traditional control of Lara, there is no slow-motion, the action is real time and I can actually die quite easily if I don't behave.

As Tomb Raider fans we all seem to think that each other's benchmark is the past, but I think that's often not the case, at least for me it isn't. So whether or not TR2 did it well doesn't matter all too much, aside from it being a good example of real-time, danger-inducing action.

Though yes, I would want all of the characteristics you've listed, perhaps not all in one game. As for a FPS, I wouldn't mind first person, but an FPS would be too much for me.

Rai 10-07-13 02:50

There were times while we were waiting for TR that I got the impression that you wanted all those things :p

Well, yeah, the action is previous TRs was less cinematic, but no less hectic. And in Reboot, we were in complete control of Lara, with the addition of the odd button prompt and/or slowmo moments during those actiony bits. It didn't seem intrusive though, to me. Also, I suppose the danger of breaking walls or whatever is more superficial, non of it can actually hit Lara from what I can tell. In the core games, if you hung around too long the walls, ceilings and/or floors could have additional traps in them that did injure (or kill) Lara. Falling debri could and did hit Lara.

larafan25 10-07-13 02:58

Climbing up the inside of the burning temple (before jumping off of it) was all fully in game, and we had full control of Lara, but it's mixed in with smaller cutscenes and moments that to me are frivolous and they break the experience up too much for me. I totally enjoyed it, but on a second run-through these parts bother me.

To an extent I am being picky, but part of that is because I'd rather CD make a simulation of Tomb Raider and it's story, instead of a well-paced cinematic performance that hits all the right notes and makes me feel smooth and perfect on my first go. The difference being that one is more about creating a sandbox of a game world and letting the action happen within that, the other feels strictly designed and too perfect.

Phlip 10-07-13 12:12

Replaying TR9 for like... 5th time by now? I love it more every time, but at the same time, I notice Camilla fluffing her lines more and more... it's gotten to the point where she mispronounces something every 3rd scene. :(

Rai 10-07-13 12:19

Which words are you noticing she's mispronouncing? Are listening with your ear up against the screen/speakers to hear that? :p

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 12:22

Well the fact you make a big deal out of her saying elevator instead of lift, when most people use both in England these days I'm intrigued to what else is wrong. :p

Spong 10-07-13 12:22

I've decided what the best cutscene is in TR9. It's the one when Lara reaches the radio tower console. Why is it the best? Because the leaves all over the console look flippin' awesome :cool:

Phlip 10-07-13 12:53

^Graphics hoe.

Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6847268)
Which words are you noticing she's mispronouncing? Are listening with your ear up against the screen/speakers to hear that? :p

"Bowl" as "ball"
"Pestle" pronouncing the "t"
"translation" like an American

A lot of her I's sound almost like A's, like Americans do.

There's just loads and loads of subtle, but definite, mispronunciations. I'm certain she and CD rely on her apparent English upbringing to be enough to do a convincing accent.

Angelina was near-perfect, tbh. =/

Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847270)
Well the fact you make a big deal out of her saying elevator instead of lift, when most people use both in England these days I'm intrigued to what else is wrong. :p

The English word is "lift."

Patrick star 10-07-13 13:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6847019)

I must be the only one who likes the action sequences. Not the combat part/s, but the actual palace escape and the other dangerous action set pieces. I'll just stand over her in my own corner....:pi:

No , I loved them too , they fit the survival story aspect very nicely ..... but then when the game turns into tomb raiding experience ( I'm sure it will , she's the TOMB RAIDER now ) I wish they just reduce them .... not removing at all ....just reducing .

Spong 10-07-13 13:52


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847304)
"Pestle" pronouncing the "t"

She says that for one of the relics IIRC, I'd forgotten about that. Yeah, it certainly grates.

Phlip 10-07-13 13:53


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6847329)
Yeah, it certainly grates.


Spong 10-07-13 14:18


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847330)

No idea what you're talking about :confused:

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 14:21


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847304)

The English word is "lift."

I'm aware being English myself. Yet, I hear both in equal use here so I'm lost to why its such a big deal

Phlip 10-07-13 14:24


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6847342)
No idea what you're talking about :confused:


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847344)
I'm aware being English myself. Yet, I hear both in equal use here so I'm lost to why its such a big deal

Because it is the American version, and even if it was half-half here, it should still at least be the more English side, but I still don't think that's the case.

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 14:25

Would an American even know what a lift was though? :pi:

tiann 10-07-13 14:26


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847347)
Would an American even know what a lift was though? :pi:

really? do you think Americans are stupid?

Phlip 10-07-13 14:27


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847347)
Would an American even know what a lift was though? :pi:

Good chance they wouldn't, but that isn't the point. She said "lift" in Legend, which was made by CD, so... Not that I should even be applauding them for having written locally for Lara.

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 14:42


Originally Posted by tiann (Post 6847349)
really? do you think Americans are stupid?

No, but I've had an American friend over her In England and they didn't understand a lot. It doesn't mean they are an idiot. :confused:


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847350)
Good chance they wouldn't, but that isn't the point. She said "lift" in Legend, which was made by CD, so... Not that I should even be applauding them for having written locally for Lara.

Personally, I don't really see why it's such a big deal. If anything for arguments sake it makes more sense for Legend Lara considering her background and less sense for reboot Lara considering she didn't grow up with an aristocratic background. *shrugs*

trfanX34 10-07-13 15:02


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6847271)
I've decided what the best cutscene is in TR9. It's the one when Lara reaches the radio tower console. Why is it the best? Because the leaves all over the console look flippin' awesome :cool:

IKR? I love that :p

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