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Lara_Fan1 18-04-15 15:38

She could of always used disinfectant and bandaged the wound as-well as her other wounds. An when she hit the trees it damaged her side even further. I mean, I don't see how a wound that pieced right through her could heal over time but hey, that's Tomb Raider logic for you.

Patrick star 18-04-15 15:42


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7327945)
I mean, I don't see how a wound that pieced right through her could heal over time but hey, that's Tomb Raider logic for you.

that wound was silly from the very beginning , I doubt any human being will survive that long fall without breaking a hell many bones (she fell right on her back) let alone falling on a SPIKE and getting totally impaled with it ..the game could've happened without it imo .

klona 18-04-15 16:11


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 7327946)
the game could've happened without it imo .

It couldn't have, because it wouldn't be very cinematic like a movie then!



Patrick star 18-04-15 16:15


Originally Posted by klona (Post 7327956)
It couldn't have, because it wouldn't be very cinematic like a movie then!



the game was going to be cinematic , with or without that wound :p

AimlessThunder 19-04-15 17:56

Technically her first kill was the guy she kicked in the face and got smashed by a boulder. :tea:

The1andOnlyTR 09-05-15 08:22

My friend took this picture and I thought I might share it with you lot here, too!

Lara_Fan1 09-05-15 08:46


An people say that DE Lara is horrible.
She looks dark and mysterious there, an beautiful.

Patrick star 09-05-15 09:25

wow , she does look really beautiful here ! (although here she looks older than a 21 year old girl tbh) .


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 7328741)
Technically her first kill was the guy she kicked in the face and got smashed by a boulder. :tea:

it's the boulder's first kill , not Lara's :p

The1andOnlyTR 09-05-15 10:03


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 7328741)
Technically her first kill was the guy she kicked in the face and got smashed by a boulder. :tea:

If you're going on that logic, her first kill might as well have been "Steph" seeing as it was Lara's fault they ended up there. :p

Lara_Fan1 09-05-15 10:52

Well, if that's the case Lara actual first kill would of been the first Crew member to die during the storm of the Endurance. I mean, it was Lara's fault wasn't it? :p

Enya Brennan 09-05-15 11:10

Wow, that face screams LARA CROFT! :cln: Very beautiful pic! And it reminds me of the CGI Lara from the Reboot trailer.

Trenton 09-05-15 11:29


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7341800)
Well, if that's the case Lara actual first kill would of been the first Crew member to die during the storm of the Endurance. I mean, it was Lara's fault wasn't it? :p

Well if that is the case then Roth is the one who killed everyone in the game due to him giving Lara the confidence to go there. What a serial killer eh? :p

Patrick star 09-05-15 14:17


Originally Posted by Trenton (Post 7341829)
Well if that is the case then Roth is the one who killed everyone in the game due to him giving Lara the confidence to go there. What a serial killer eh? :p

it's Sam's family that funded the trip in which Roth gives Lara the confidence by which they ended up on Yamatai where all the killings happened ..
Sam's family are to be blamed IMO :vlol:

Lara_Fan1 09-05-15 15:10


It's Himiko's fault, she had sex and had a child who carried on the family which then lead Himiko to become Sam's ancestor which then lead to her parents funding the expedition which Roth gave Lara the confidence in going the right way. So technically, it's always been Himoko's fault. It's one massive circle.

Patrick star 09-05-15 15:21

I can't :vlol:

Lara_Fan1 09-05-15 15:29

I win :ohn:.

Patrick star 09-05-15 15:35

I'll give you that :p

Lara_Fan1 09-05-15 15:36

You'll only give me it because you can't beat it ;).
So, I win :p.

The1andOnlyTR 09-05-15 20:28

Damn it, Himiko! :p

Enya Brennan 09-05-15 20:59

But Himiko had parents, right? And her parents had parents too. So, y'know... it's all a vicious circle of blame.

Patrick star 09-05-15 21:13

god , enough of that I feel dizzy :p

Enya Brennan 09-05-15 21:23

To understand the present, you have to take a look to the past :p

Patrick star 09-05-15 21:25


Originally Posted by Enya Brennan (Post 7342305)
To understand the present, you have to take a look to the past :p

"but this time , things will be different" \Anniversary Lara :p

Enya Brennan 09-05-15 23:05


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 7342308)
"but this time , things will be different" \Anniversary Lara :p

I wanted to reply with the continuation of that quote, but I don't even remember it :vlol:

Trenton 09-05-15 23:11


Originally Posted by Enya Brennan (Post 7342360)
I wanted to reply with the continuation of that quote, but I don't even remember it :vlol:

Since you don't remember the line you were gonna quote I'll just go ahead and quote TR2013 instead:



Enya Brennan 09-05-15 23:22

:vlol::vlol:!! You win :tmb:You unsavoury little runt xD

Underhoe 03-06-15 21:13

I came across a glitch not so long ago that some of you might find interesting.

MicheleMouse 07-06-15 16:10

^Nice! o.O
I also found one here recently. Maybe it's well known, but it was a surprise for me. :eek:

You just have to reload the checkpoint after you killed those guys with pistol.

Btw, that's the place where Lara couldn't hide?!... :vlol:

dantedmc 12-06-15 06:36

I am trying to get TR on the app store for my mac.

Can you enable tressfx on mac?


Trenton 12-06-15 08:55


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 7368548)
I am trying to get TR on the app store for my mac.

Can you enable tressfx on mac?


Yes, it seems you can. I guess that like on a PC it depends on your specs though. :)

lcroft_lc 12-06-15 09:14

Wow! I have 1184 posts in this thread!! 7th highest in this thread!!! :eek:

pirate1802 12-06-15 09:20


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 7368594)
Wow! I have 1184 posts in this thread!! 7th highest in this thread!!! :eek:

You're 29 years old uncle? Biya phiya kobe korben? :o

lcroft_lc 12-06-15 09:36


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 7368598)
You're 29 years old uncle? Biya phiya kobe korben? :o

I am 100% ready. But maiya to ready nah. :(

FanofTR 12-06-15 11:44


Originally Posted by MicheleMouse (Post 7364361)
^Nice! o.O
I also found one here recently. Maybe it's well known, but it was a surprise for me. :eek:

You just have to reload the checkpoint after you killed those guys with pistol.

Btw, that's the place where Lara couldn't hide?!... :vlol:

The only glitch ive encountered was Lara falling out of the map. :mad:

pirate1802 12-06-15 16:00


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 7368608)
I am 100% ready. But maiya to ready nah. :(

hahahahhahahahahahhaha xD

Ami ready na bhaya. Biye ar bdsm e beshi tofat nei :p

lcroft_lc 12-06-15 16:14


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 7368841)
hahahahhahahahahahhaha xD

Ami ready na bhaya. Biye ar bdsm e beshi tofat nei :p

What is bdsm?

Cipher 12-06-15 16:42


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 7368857)
What is bdsm?

What is google?

lcroft_lc 12-06-15 16:47

Oh right, Fifty Shades of Grey!

Enya Brennan 12-06-15 17:34

:vlol: That conversation doesn't belong here :p

lcroft_lc 12-06-15 17:43

Yeah I quit. But that is why we started in Bangla. :p

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