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Linoshi Croft 01-03-13 02:24

Everyone seems to think they are pre-loading TR on steam tomorrow :pi: I'd love a source for this..

Spong 01-03-13 02:54


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6677871)
Everyone seems to think they are pre-loading TR on steam tomorrow :pi: I'd love a source for this..

The internet.

Stevo505 01-03-13 02:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6677893)
The internet.

The most reliable source on earth!

TippingWater 01-03-13 03:01

Rhianna Pratchett Interview on Lara Croft

Spong 01-03-13 03:09


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6677894)
The most reliable source on earth!

That's what the internet says too, so it must be true :p

tombraiderxii 01-03-13 03:16


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6677645)
Omgomgomgomgomg I have the game OMG OMG it's updating now!!!

So jealous. Enjoy that shizz. It's a really fun game! :tmb:
However, May I ask how and where you got it? :p
Why is every store selling it early. I'm dying to get my hands on my CE already. D':

God Horus 01-03-13 03:16

I am not going to spoil the game at all guys, I promise!! But the game is HARD. well not hard, but its not easy either. I was playing on normal and I had to switch to easy during a combat sequence near the beginning. And I died a LOT too. I just experienced a death twice, and it is so gruesome, I think it is the most gruesome death ever in a TR game. I literally wanted to SCREAM when it happened.

TRItheMaster 01-03-13 03:19


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6677910)
I am not going to spoil the game at all guys, I promise!! But the game is HARD. well not hard, but its not easy either. I was playing on normal and I had to switch to easy during a combat sequence near the beginning. And I died a LOT too. I just experienced a death twice, and it is so gruesome, I think it is the most gruesome death ever in a TR game. I literally wanted to SCREAM when it happened.

:cln: Definitely restorin' my faith!

tombraiderxii 01-03-13 03:20


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6677910)
I am not going to spoil the game at all guys, I promise!! But the game is HARD. well not hard, but its not easy either. I was playing on normal and I had to switch to easy during a combat sequence near the beginning. And I died a LOT too. I just experienced a death twice, and it is so gruesome, I think it is the most gruesome death ever in a TR game. I literally wanted to SCREAM when it happened.

I know right?! I had to switch from hard to normal because the enemies go aLL OUT and open a can of whoop-ass on you if you get caught. And you can't stay put, otherwise they'll take advantage of your hiding spot and bombard you. You have to constantly keep moving. It really is a refreshing change of pace to see actual difficulty in combat. Did it involve arrows getting lodged in the knee/shins or a machete to the face... that's what happened to me in December.. so gruesome.

Zebra 01-03-13 03:22


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6677910)
I am not going to spoil the game at all guys, I promise!! But the game is HARD. well not hard, but its not easy either. I was playing on normal and I had to switch to easy during a combat sequence near the beginning. And I died a LOT too. I just experienced a death twice, and it is so gruesome, I think it is the most gruesome death ever in a TR game. I literally wanted to SCREAM when it happened.

I've heard other people say that this game's hard mode is easier than most games' normal modes so I'm not sure what to believe :p.

God Horus 01-03-13 03:51

It's hard... Near the beginning when Lara first gets her pistol, I tried to use stealth/bow to pick off enemies, but enemies are smart, I don't think I have ever seen such smart enemies ever before. And the game is HUGE... The secret tombs are amazing, just perfect!! And the death I am talking about is when the enemy slits Lara's throat when she is hung upside down.

Heartache 01-03-13 03:55

i played to the radio tower on hard and had no problems. only "hard" part were in the house which begins to burn and you have to kill the enemies fast in order to escape

Love2Raid 01-03-13 04:02

Is there even a reward for completing the game on hard?

Spong 01-03-13 04:13


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6677947)
Is there even a reward for completing the game on hard?

Nope. You get an achievement for finishing the story and that's it. The achievements for the single-player game are pretty laughable really.

You'll probably unlock a reward in-game for completing it (I hope), although it'll no doubt just be some pointless concept art to stare at (that we've all probably seen anyway :p).

KasumiBlosssom 01-03-13 04:14

I know this is off the topic everyone is on right now but I just wanted to say that I'm excited bc I got an email from Amazon saying my Limited Edition guide has shipped and will be here Tuesday. Originally they said it'd be here on the 7th. XP

Anyways....carry on. :o

Love2Raid 01-03-13 04:27

Congrats! :p

There should have been something. Achievement, outfit, weapon, whatever. I think I'm just playing it on normal now. After I've beaten it and collected everything, there won't be a reason to play it again. :o

Spong 01-03-13 04:47


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6677961)
There should have been something. Achievement, outfit, weapon, whatever. I think I'm just playing it on normal now. After I've beaten it and collected everything, there won't be a reason to play it again. :o

To go by the achievements alone, in the single-player game there's not very much incentive to do anything beyond upgrading weapons and shooting a lot.

God Horus 01-03-13 07:02

Again, NOT going to spoil the game. But I guess I passed the halfway point and ... wow ... the storyline is REALLY well written... there was a HUGE event that happened that literally had me on the edge of my seat, and then another event that just happened that literally made my JAW drop... the writing is excellent and it is on par with other games such as Telltale's TWD.

NOT going to spoil anything but... OMG... I CANNOT believe that just happened... just so... omg... I haven't felt like this since I played TWD Episode 3.

ANYWHO, I love Camilla's voiceacting but I am sorta sick of it and I haven't even finished the game yet. Dialogue wise it is excellent, but I have died, a LOT, and in some death scenes it sounds like she's having an uncontrollable orgasm. SERIOUSLY.

MyRaider4Life 01-03-13 07:31

TR just broke street date here. ;_;

****ing EB sent me a message AFTER their store had closed however, so I can't pick it up until tomorrow. >_>

NCFirebolt21 01-03-13 07:37

^Same thing happened! Officially grabbing mine from EB Games tomorrow! Woo hoo!

zackfarron 01-03-13 07:37


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6678127)
TR just broke street date here. ;_;

****ing EB sent me a message AFTER their store had closed however, so I can't pick it up until tomorrow. >_>

lol horrible luck, but at least you get it tomorrow i have to wait until the 5th :mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(

italibabee 01-03-13 07:39


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6678133)
lol horrible luck, but at least you get it tomorrow i have to wait until the 5th :mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(:mad::(

You're not alone</3

Stevo505 01-03-13 07:40


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6678127)
TR just broke street date here. ;_;

****ing EB sent me a message AFTER their store had closed however, so I can't pick it up until tomorrow. >_>

Good god, I need to move to Australia.

NCFirebolt21 01-03-13 07:44

I think this is the first time since Batman: Arkham City I've known EB Games to break the release date...

tombraiderxii 01-03-13 07:46

Why is this happening everywhere?!?!!? D:
Can't GameStop just break it as well.
Oh well... 5 days to go... sigh

zackfarron 01-03-13 07:49


Originally Posted by tombraiderxii (Post 6678143)
Why is this happening everywhere?!?!!? D:
Can't GameStop just break it as well.
Oh well... 5 days to go... sigh

don't say 5 days that's ugly! its It is 4 days, 7 hours, and 10 minutes :tea:

JsotoTRSaga 01-03-13 07:49

I wonder if here in Puerto Rico they have also released the game early.

Ivy Valentine 01-03-13 07:57

Does anyone know whether they're selling it now in London?!!!!!!

Peep Show 01-03-13 10:28


CRYING right now OMG OMG

HAHA LOOOL XD 01-03-13 10:29


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6678323)

CRYING right now OMG OMG

Have fun :hug::D

Carbonek_0051 01-03-13 10:34

Well since everyone is getting the game early I am hiding this section. See you all after I get the game on the street date.

My Shadow 01-03-13 10:40

Damn, it seems many people are getting the game early. Oh well, I guess I have to avoid all Tomb Raider threads until I get to play the game myself on March 5th.

Jami393 01-03-13 10:46

I really want to know if my copy of TR will get to my house before release. I want my CE version, and I want my controller. Oh yeah and I want the necklace that comes with my Limited Edition Strategy guide. :(

Kiss-Bite 01-03-13 10:51

If they're being sent by post there is a chance you may get them a little earlier. As for UK shops, I think it's very unlikely that the new game is on the shelf to buy right now (early). I may be wrong but I haven't seen any posts from members in the UK saying otherwise... yet!

My Shadow 01-03-13 10:52

I'm going to get the Survival Edition, because soundtracks and art books are always nice. The figure that comes with the Collector's Edition is damn ugly in my opinion.

Jami393 01-03-13 10:54


Originally Posted by Kiss-Bite (Post 6678376)
If they're being sent by post there is a chance you may get them a little earlier.

I'm hoping for tomorrow or Monday then, if there is a chance in getting the game early.


Originally Posted by Kiss-Bite (Post 6678376)
As for UK shops, I think it's very unlikely that the new game is on the shelf to buy right now (early). I may be wrong but I haven't seen any posts from members in the UK saying otherwise... yet!

I actually don't think any UK stores are putting on shelves early or selling it early for that matter. I know my local GAME isn't selling it early.

Kiss-Bite 01-03-13 10:56

The figure will also be sold separately, with it's own packaging, if fans really want it as well. :)

shockwave_pulsar00 01-03-13 11:36


Originally Posted by tombraiderxii (Post 6678143)
Why is this happening everywhere?!?!!? D:
Can't GameStop just break it as well.
Oh well... 5 days to go... sigh

I feel your pain. D:

LARA_geek 01-03-13 11:42

O got my copy today :jmp: allready playing

_Ninja_ 01-03-13 11:43

Damn you all. :p There is no chance Steam just decides to unlock early.

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