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Spong 15-06-12 10:44


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6256928)
They've never let me down :p !

Until now :p

LNSNHGTDS 15-06-12 10:45


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6256929)
Until now :p

Well why would they say that then :p ? It's not like I misread it, it does say that, but why?

Spong 15-06-12 10:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6256930)
Well why would they say that then :p ? It's not like I misread it, it does say that, but why?

I have no idea why IGN is saying that. But each interview at the E3 saw various Crystal mouthpieces making a point at the end to give the March 5th release date. Seems kind of unlikely to me that the devs themselves were wrong or only telling a half-truth.

LNSNHGTDS 15-06-12 10:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6256933)
I have no idea why IGN is saying that. But each interview at the E3 saw various Crystal mouthpieces making a point at the end to give the March 5th release date. Seems kind of unlikely to me that the devs themselves were wrong or only telling a half-truth.

If they do not go for a worldwide release I'm going to explode!

I really hope IGN is wrong!

klona 15-06-12 11:01

Germany: Dec 31, 2011 is just LOL.

Also Available On: Xbox 360 PC
Something is missing here.

LNSNHGTDS 15-06-12 11:22


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6256951)
Germany: Dec 31, 2011 is just LOL.

Also Available On: Xbox 360 PC
Something is missing here.

If you're talking about the PS3 version it's an article having to do with the PS3 version of the game, that's why it says "also available" , it's like saying "Available in PS3 and also (se)Xbox and PC."


Adrenaline 15-06-12 11:57

So what's new guys? :D

Alexander990 15-06-12 12:30

Is this new??

klona 15-06-12 12:31

^ IDK.


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 6256999)
So what's new guys? :D

Nothing, just keep moving. :p

Alexander990 15-06-12 12:33

Looks gd ;)

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