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just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 17:40

So the comments are negative about the podcast because the podcast is so negative? THE PLOT THICKENS. O_O

I'm not going to watch it either. Nothing I hate more than listening to people hate on things without having a civilized discussion. G4 ****ing hates Tomb Raider though. They always have. G4 is irrelevant and always will be. And not just because they hate TR, they genuinely suck.

Stevo505 29-06-12 17:41

Bitches gonna bitch.

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 17:41

Apparently they all admitted themselves to being biased against the series. I wouldn't know because I didn't watch it, but it isn't that difficult to believe. One of the comments mentioned Morgan saying that she'd "only play the game because she has to", so expect a glowing review from her. :tmb:

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 17:46


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6291863)
Apparently they all admitted themselves to being biased against the series. I wouldn't know because I didn't watch it, but it isn't that difficult to believe. One of the comments mentioned Morgan saying that she'd "only play the game because she has to", so expect a glowing review from her. :tmb:

Lawd have mercy somebody hold mah weave.

But seriously, they lack so much professionalism. They're immature and annoying.

Lost_Paradise 29-06-12 17:54

lol I watched the full thing, it was pretty hard to bear.
That morgan woman basically said all tomb raider games sucked.
One thing I found funny was that they were judging the whole game based on the crossroads trailer, they didn't even mention if they watched or not the full behind closed doors demo.

Stevo505 29-06-12 17:55

Dude doesn't even know how to pronounce "Darrell."

Lost_Paradise 29-06-12 17:57


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6291905)
Dude doesn't even know how to pronounce "Darrell."

yeah durrel or something lol.

Stevo505 29-06-12 18:01

"The moaning is sexual in nature"

Oh god.

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 18:01

It's completely fine, though. G4 really is insignificant.

If someone has the patience to write up a transcript too, that'd be great. Listening to them ramble about something they don't know much of isn't worth the time for me.

Lost_Paradise 29-06-12 18:07

I don't think the problem lies with the moaning, I think it's more about the amount of stuff that CD throws at lara, I mean I think the rebar scene was well done, but some scenes are really weird like the bear trap.

I get that they want to show that lara is human but i get the feeling they are trying too hard.

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