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Tabuu 07-09-12 23:58


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6423279)
Well smack me down dumb, I didn't know :p. Take a looky at Camilla. Lara's looks may not be based on Cam's, but they have a similar length in the gap between the nose and mouth (I forget the correct term).

Some people (I dunno if it's a female thing) just seem to have that.

cam is looking better than ever; maybe love 2 raid maybe but maybe not ouch why you got to hit meh you need a hug :hug:

Love2Raid 07-09-12 23:58

I know you're new, but how many times do we have to tell you: use that edit button my friend! :smk:

One would almost think you were doing it on purpose. ;-)))

Zebra 08-09-12 00:00


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6423279)
Well smack me down dumb, I didn't know :p. Take a looky at Camilla. Lara's looks may not be based on Cam's, but they have a similar length in the gap between the nose and mouth (I forget the correct term).

Some people (I dunno if it's a female thing) just seem to have that.

Yeah. The size of the gap wasn't what bugged me, though. I kind of think the part where nose, eyebrows and forehead connect looks weird (at least in the picture you posted).

Rai 08-09-12 00:03


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6423291)
Yeah. The size of the gap wasn't what bugged me, though. I kind of think the part where nose, eyebrows and forehead connect looks weird (at least in the picture you posted).

Oh, right. I can't see anything wrong there. I guess it's personal perspective.

Lara_Fan1 08-09-12 00:05

Did you know that every voice actress of Lara Croft has had brown eyes.

Stupid and nothing to do with anything just thought I would share the knowledge

trfanX34 08-09-12 00:08

Something even more shocking about Lara's voice actresses is that they've always been women! :yik: Eidos are overly feminist or something.

Lukass 08-09-12 00:09


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6423313)
Something even more shocking about Lara's voice actresses is that they've always been women! :yik: Eidos are overly feminist or something.


Zebra 08-09-12 00:12


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6423297)
Oh, right. I can't see anything wrong there. I guess it's personal perspective.

I'm not sure. But there's something off about her face and it's certainly somewhere in the upper half...maybe it's just the blood on her forehead, though. Because it makes her forehead seem a lot shorter than it actually is. And I don't really like her eye colour, either. It seems to be almost a bit greenish whereas it should be either just plain brown or brown with a tad of orange.

Tabuu 08-09-12 00:12


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6423313)
Something even more shocking about Lara's voice actresses is that they've always been women! :yik: Eidos are overly feminist or something.


Love2Raid 08-09-12 00:15

Maybe her nasal bridge is starting too high or something... @_@

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