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Lukass 08-09-12 00:16


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6423321)
I'm not sure. But there's something off about her face and it's certainly somewhere in the upper half...maybe it's just the blood on her forehead, though. Because it makes her forehead seem a lot shorter than it actually is. And I don't really like her eye colour, either. It seems to be almost a bit greenish whereas it should be either just plain brown or brown with a tad of orange.

I agree. In some parts of the footage her eyes are chocolate brown and almost yellowy-green-ish in other parts..

italibabee 08-09-12 00:23

The eyes are going to be the new hair talk.

Remember how crazy people were when the Turning Point trailer was first played?
People were talking about the eye color like people are talking about the hair now

We're getting to the point where we need General Threads for different features of Lara.

General Lara's Hair
General Lara's Eyes
General Lara's Bewbs

larafan25 08-09-12 00:25


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6423321)
I'm not sure. But there's something off about her face and it's certainly somewhere in the upper half...maybe it's just the blood on her forehead, though. Because it makes her forehead seem a lot shorter than it actually is. And I don't really like her eye colour, either. It seems to be almost a bit greenish whereas it should be either just plain brown or brown with a tad of orange.

After photoshopping her head, I felt her forehead was much shorter than most (okay, well shorter than Angelina's).

Tabuu 08-09-12 00:27


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6423337)
The eyes are going to be the new hair talk.

Remember how crazy people were when the Turning Point trailer was first played?
People were talking about the eye color like people are talking about the hair now

We're getting to the point where we need General Threads for different features of Lara.

General Lara's Hair
General Lara's Eyes
General Lara's Bewbs

yes general lara bewbs, awsome:jmp: just imagine you log on and its there i wood die laughing :vlol: me?

larafan25 08-09-12 00:28

Most of it can be discussed in the Post a Picture of Lara Croft in TR10 thread, which is for conceptualizing Lara's wardrobe.


Lukass 08-09-12 00:29


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6423337)
The eyes are going to be the new hair talk.

Remember how crazy people were when the Turning Point trailer was first played?
People were talking about the eye color like people are talking about the hair now

We're getting to the point where we need General Threads for different features of Lara.

General Lara's Hair
General Lara's Eyes
General Lara's Bewbs

Yes and you love it! :p

Love2Raid 08-09-12 00:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6423340)
After photoshopping her head, I felt her forehead was much shorter than most (okay, well shorter than Angelina's).

Right, it's indeed rather short. Her eyes are therefore placed quite high on her face, much higher than the average 'half-way' that you learn when drawing faces... I don't think it's abnormal, just unusual.

larafan25 08-09-12 00:33


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6423355)
Right, it's indeed rather short. Her eyes are therefore placed quite high on her face, much higher than the average 'half-way' that you learn when drawing faces... I don't think it's abnormal, just unusual.

Plus her eyebrows, someone mentioned they always seem too high.

Lara is just abnormal. At least she's pretty. :p

italibabee 08-09-12 00:34

I admit
It's quite entertaining, with what some people come up with.

Tabuu 08-09-12 00:35


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6423358)
I admit
It's quite entertaining, with what some people come up with.


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