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Tabuu 21-09-12 00:45

did you guys hear about the tomb raider parody for this game. Its disgusting i was so shocked :yik:

robm_2007 21-09-12 00:59

It's a porn, isn't it? We've already had those, so don't worry.

SeanCordernay 21-09-12 01:06


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6443512)
did you guys hear about the tomb raider parody for this game. Its disgusting i was so shocked :yik:

The trailer for it is pretty wack :/

Tabuu 21-09-12 01:09


Originally Posted by robm_2007 (Post 6443523)
It's a porn, isn't it? We've already had those, so don't worry.

ok just saying i just saw it idk why im shocked this is america isnt it

Steven_1379 21-09-12 02:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443438)
I don't know what they think, but look...

Sam's pockets are 3D.

Lara's are just textures.

Lara's nails :p

Even bloody Whitman has more detailed nails :vlol:

and then they go and close up on em god ;/

Evan C. 21-09-12 03:20

Guys, have you seen this new hands-on review?

They said some things on a negative way that I founded really cool. And be careful, there's info about the guy who wich Lara get the bow -_- :
Personally, I loved this:

"... the island looks truly wild and intimidating; Lara's reaction and state fitting. When you're playing the game though, that's not what you're feeling. Instead, all you care about is finding the next crate you can smash open to get +10 salvage. Then, instead of feeling like a survivor reliant only on your cunning, you feel annoyed that you're going to need to retrace your steps for 20 minutes just to get back to your camp."

Getting lost on the island? I LOVE that. Or maybe this reviewer was very stupid.

"It's a powerful scene, but one that's ruined by the difficult Quicktime event and button mashing which was our only focus and interaction for the entire five minute sequence. Lara may be guilty, but we were just annoyed at having to see a GAME OVER screen twelve times before we managed it."

A hard QTE? I LOVE that one too. Or maybe this guy was way too stupid.

just*raidin*tomb 21-09-12 03:24

A difficult QTE? lol

Too lazy to backtrack? lol

There is nothing to be said.

Stevo505 21-09-12 04:00

Is he referring to the QTE where Lara kills the Russian dude? That doesn't look hard at all.. in fact it looks easier than Legend's QTE's :vlol:

lcroft_lc 21-09-12 04:43


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6443277)
I has inside informations ;)

No, it was:

She didn't answer when I asked if it was the Final Hours #2. Larafan or lcroft_lc would be convinced that would mean it is :p.

Nah it wouldn't be TFH2 either. TFH2 supposed to feature Rhianna Prachette. Nothing to do with Camilla, but if she doesn't feature in it, she might have listen something during her mo-cap. I think its some kind of new contest though I wish its not.

But fun could be-
MULTIPLAYER announcement. :cln:

BTW, was that Geocoaching thing ever done? I mean they supposed to go on a tour! :confused:

Peep Show 21-09-12 10:29

^If that isn't fun idk what, give us the MP!

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