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larafan25 12-10-12 18:09


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6477463)
I hope they'll be expansive and complex, I don't want puzzles like Underworld >.>


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6477468)
They are expansive, complex and fully explorable.

What would we do in these expansive and complex underground areas?

Spong 12-10-12 18:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6477455)
In fact I wonder if many of the tombs will be expansive and complex, or just linear horror-ish segments.

I hope for the former, but I expect the latter :/

LNSNHGTDS 12-10-12 18:10

I think that the tombs will be the exact opposite of the cavern we begin in.

I think they pretty much confirmed it actually in an interview which was posted somehwere here.

larafan25 12-10-12 18:11


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6477473)
I hope for the former, but I expect the latter :/

Don't we all.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6477478)
I think that the tombs will be the exact opposite of the cavern we begin in.

I think they pretty much confirmed it actually in an interview which was posted somehwere here.

Could the tombs be equivalent to the full tomb levels in CD's past three games? Because that wouldn't be too bad at all.

LNSNHGTDS 12-10-12 18:13


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6477484)
Could the tombs be equivalent to the full tomb levels in CD's past three games? Because that wouldn't be too bad at all.

I wouldn't have a problem either but for even saying that it could be like that we are subject to virtual stoning by most TRF members :p ...

Lukass 12-10-12 18:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6477472)
What would we do in these expansive and complex underground areas?

I would explore every inch, solve challenges...whatever.

TippingWater 12-10-12 18:15


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6477449)
I'd love something like this: :cln:

She really remind me of Rhianna Pratchett in this particular shot :).

larafan25 12-10-12 18:17


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6477493)
I would explore every inch, solve challenges...whatever.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6477489)
I wouldn't have a problem either but for even saying that it could be like that we are subject to virtual stoning by most TRF members :p ...

But what kind of stuff can they put in these tombs/ caves?

Hopefully some good platforming with crumbling surfaces and some tricky jumps.

But we obviously won't have traps like TRA and classics.

Nor will we have contrived puzzles. Will we find nonsense contraptions? IDK. :/

Lots of wading, but through what? Linear narrow tunnels leading in one direction?

Richard_Croft 12-10-12 18:20


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6477484)
Don't we all.



Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6477493)
I would explore every inch, solve challenges...whatever.

This! I don't care how are they. I just want them to be fully explorable like, do that puzzle to find a key that opens a door which contains another puzzle to actually open the big thing! Lol, am I sounding too cliché? :o

larafan25 12-10-12 18:22


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6477508)

This! I don't care how are they. I just want them to be fully explorable like, do that puzzle to find a key that opens a door wich contains another puzzle to actually open the big thing! Lol, am I sounding too cliché? :o

Who cares if it's Cliche when that's fun and what the game is?

If we have to find even one key in this game, I'll crey with happiness. That would be so cool.

edit: We really don't know how the game plays in that respect, or if we do it's just not similar at all too the old fetch-tasks.

I\d love the carrying of heavy blocks to return from TRU though. That stuff is cool, make some good physics puzzles CD.

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