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skylark1121 05-12-12 04:17


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550372)
I thought it was intense as ****! I only expected her to stab him once, not a hundred times. :p :cln:i

I was pleasantly surprised by the repetitive stabbing :cln:

TippingWater 05-12-12 04:26


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6550354)
I'm a tad bit disappointed by the wolf den scene...expected more...scary

They did not show the full cave in the footage, there is more building up before the scene

The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 04:32


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6550385)
I was pleasantly surprised by the repetitive stabbing :cln:

I was, too! :yik: <--- Literally my face the whole time.

Tommy123 05-12-12 05:16


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550372)
I thought it was intense as ****! I only expected her to stab him once, not a hundred times. :p :cln:i

now THAT part i liked i was like "DAYUM"

skylark1121 05-12-12 06:38


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550397)
I was, too! :yik: <--- Literally my face the whole time.


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6550414)
now THAT part i liked i was like "DAYUM"

Yes! It confirmed the whole "gritty" gameplay aspect. :D

Anyway, I bet the hour long demo they're going to show is going to be footage of the shanty town and the tomb it leads to. :cool:

TippingWater 05-12-12 06:45


skylark1121 05-12-12 06:50

^ OMMGGG! :vlol:

Stevo505 05-12-12 06:57


TippingWater 05-12-12 06:58


In many ways, Tomb Raider feels fresh, daring, and exciting; in other ways, I worry that neither its ideas nor its creators will be capable of fully realizing their goals. What I can say—with certainty—is that while my expectations for Tomb Raider are now a little more realistic, my excitement is still just as genuine.


By the same token though, the de facto set piece moments seem to represent the new Tomb Raider at its weakest. Once again, Uncharted is an inevitable point of comparison here, and Tomb Raider’s action generally pales in comparison to its descendant. Lara doesn’t animate quite as well as Nathan Drake, the action feels a bit clumsier, and the set pieces aren’t quite as creative.

But the extremely violent action doesn't give the writers any room to explore this. Within minutes, we're whisked from Lara calming her trembling hands with a gasp of "I can do this!" to calmly popping off headshots (for bonus XP) or bashing bad guys in the face with a rock as a melee finisher. And then we're whisked back to the frail young thing again, with a weak reference to "working the late shift at the Nine Bells" explaining away her homicidal aptitude.

But what makes Tomb Raider so especially disappointing is that Crystal Dynamics fails to translate the gritty "survivalist" approach to Tomb Raider to gameplay. The hunting sequence seen at E3 is a one-shot only affair. Lara notes her hunger, kills a deer, and never speaks of food ever again

Setznua 05-12-12 07:10


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