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Khaled 19-04-12 18:55

I want those Dual pistol right now >_< .

Mikky 19-04-12 19:01

She must use them for her cosplaying. :D

Lukass 19-04-12 19:22

I want all those framed posters....they're just sitting on the ground. I would put them on my wall. I'll pay the postage, Meagan...

Bomb Fighter 19-04-12 20:07

I canīt believe she put the Day One print behind the trash can! I would never...

Lukass 19-04-12 20:11


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6118016)
I canīt believe she put the Day One print behind the trash can! I would never...

OMG, you're right! :eek: And wasn't that the prize in the last competition? Now we see how they appreciate the fans :vlol: That's where we all belong - in the bin! :vlol:

Bomb Fighter 19-04-12 20:14


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6118026)
OMG, you're right! :eek: And wasn't that the prize in the last competition? Now we see how they appreciate the fans :vlol: That's where we all belong - in the bin! :vlol:

And I have the feeling that behind the Day One is Brianīs picture for the now running By Hand competition! I am competing for a picture from behind a trash can...sounds great!

Spong 19-04-12 20:16

The Goomba plushie is the best thing in those pics. I should know, I've got one, as well as a Toad plushie :cool:

Lukass 19-04-12 20:16


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6118032)
And I have the feeling that behind the Day One is Brianīs picture for the now running By Hand competition! I am competing for a picture from behind a trash can...sounds great!

I can't even...:vlol:

Lee1711 19-04-12 21:45

isn't a podcast overdue?

Lukass 19-04-12 22:12

^ Yes, it is. We're getting it next week, on Friday probably. So it should better be worth the waiting and not what they gave us month ago :/ That wasn't even ridiculous, that was just sad :/

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