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larafan25 06-05-12 20:53


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6153602)
There is one on the ground. Lara is walking past one in a screenshot.

But I mean the giant statue, the giant standing statue.

We spotted in a screenshot above Lara's head what looked to be a shape similar to the top of the giant Buddha statue, but a second...

There's something round up there.

Lukass 06-05-12 20:54


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153599)
The spikes have flags on them (two of them).

Also, are we sure there are more of those on the island? R weee?

I think it's been said there ARE Buddha statueS. Well, they maybe meant the small ones. But this little detail on this picture wouldn't make sense then...

Anyways....the Buddha is connected somehow to the wires, I dare to think, so Rai's theory may be pretty accurate.

larafan25 06-05-12 20:55


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6153609)
I think it's been said there ARE Buddha statueS. Well, they maybe meant the small ones. But this little detail on this picture wouldn't make sense then...

Anyways....the Buddha is connected somehow to the wires, I dare to think, so Rai's theory may be pretty accurate.


Remember I showed you that small detail in the screenshot with a wire connecting to a building?

edit: Plus we thought in the screenshot it was a bug from TRU Thailand, but the longer wire can be seen in multiple shots from different angles.

Lukass 06-05-12 20:57

^ Yes. And isn't that thingy attached to the mountain the Buddha is on?

Gamd1011 06-05-12 20:58

I hope the story isn't ruined now...:(

Stevo505 06-05-12 21:00


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6153617)
I hope the story isn't ruined now...:(

I know right... I think they've solved the mystery before Lara has :vlol:

larafan25 06-05-12 21:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6153616)
^ Yes. And isn't that thingy attached to the mountain the Buddha is on?

Nope, but it's close.

There is another wire closer to the area where the radio tower is on...

Lukass 06-05-12 21:01

We are survivors!! <3


Edit: We should really stop this speculating now. I don't want to ruin the game for myself and the others. We may be wrong, but still...:/

Stevo505 06-05-12 21:02

LF, I thought that was just a graphical glitch like TRU Thailand?

larafan25 06-05-12 21:03

^So did I but it appears from multiple angles, there is another wire connected to a building, and the concept art shows wires everywhere...soo...

I wonder if we'll see Lara's reaction to that giant statue...I mean...her and Roth meet at that camp, wouldn't she see that giant statue and be like "da fuque"?

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