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FearEffect 21-02-13 05:12


Hope you like it :D

SpyrosMonster 21-02-13 05:33


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6660252)
So Lara's hair finally got fixed. Finally...


Denis 21-02-13 05:35


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6661350)

nothing got fixed mate,

dantedmc 21-02-13 05:37


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6661350)

nowhere, of course.

SpyrosMonster 21-02-13 05:38

I didn't expect it tbh. :p

Denis 21-02-13 05:39

i wonder if cd even pay attention to what we want..
they ignorings us completely.. total losers

ivaneiroX 21-02-13 05:51

So cute :3 i love it ^^

LNSNHGTDS 21-02-13 06:09

Seing all those new concept I was thinking that we are propably looking at this game from a wrong perspective. I now think that maybe Lara won't be the sole survivor, but the hero who saved everyone. I just hope this is true, and seing all these new information at Endurance Week I think that those seven people will be the survivors (because they're propably important) and Alex, Liam and Victor will die.

This is really cool in my opinion because people don't have to die for Lara to get stronger.

Stevo505 21-02-13 06:12


Originally Posted by Denis (Post 6661356)
i wonder if cd even pay attention to what we want..
they ignorings us completely.. total losers

Your bickering about nails and hair is not their priority.

Denis 21-02-13 06:50


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6661374)
Your bickering about nails and hair is not their priority.

nails and hair?? try white ledges and tutorial for kids

HaloHawk87 21-02-13 07:11

I saw an ad on TV for this game for the first time tonight. It was during Letterman or Fallon (I can't remember which, but I think it was during Letterman).

I haven't pre-ordered yet, but I plan to sometime in the next week. I can't decide what I want more, the art book from Amazon or the comic book from Best Buy. I've been leaning towards the art book. I've also thought about the limited edition guide and separate art book, but I don't think I will be getting them. I'm also not planning on getting the collector's edition. The DLC is not a factor, because it may be months before I hook up my ethernet cable to my router to access Xbox Live. I have to move my Xbox 360 to a different room to get it close enough. I have the original 360, so it doesn't have built in wi-fi. The last time I logged on to Xbox Live was in October for DOA 5, which was the last game I bought for it.

dantedmc 21-02-13 07:17


Originally Posted by Denis (Post 6661401)
nails and hair?? try white ledges and tutorial for kids

try all of them, i'd say.

white ledges, hair, nails, scripted events, quick time events, linear paths, ugly textures, bad facial animations and small boobs.

Denis 21-02-13 07:21


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6661422)
try all of them, i'd say.

its not like they would listen.. i hope for a great game experiance and good gameplay as well as a long, interesting game..
if ill get that ill be all happy

tomee 21-02-13 07:28


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6660531)
I guess Alex Victor, Liam and Steph are all secondary crew members?

Who da hell? O_o

FearEffect 21-02-13 07:34


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6661432)
Who da hell? O_o


CBS_TombRaider 21-02-13 11:26


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6661435)

That's our fisherman! :jmp:


Originally Posted by Denis (Post 6661356)
i wonder if cd even pay attention to what we want..
they ignorings us completely.. total losers

That might be because you haven't really shown yourself as a shining example of a person they should be listening to :rolleyes: And if they had to listen to everything the fans wanted, we'd be nowhere. Conflicting opinions and all that.

LNSNHGTDS 21-02-13 11:48


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6661374)
Your bickering about nails and hair is not their priority.

Even though I bicker about those too I agree. I bicker just to bicker, I don't expect them to change anything, they are the experts, they don't have to listen to a bunch of whining whores like us. Besides, we're not the only forums about TR in the Net (even though we're obviously the best :ohn: ) and there are even fans that are not part of any forums, do they ahve to hunt down all of us and ask us what we think? Absolutely not!

They'll do what they think is best, and so far it looks ****ing amazing, as good as the TRilogy, better even :tmb: !

I have 100% faith in Crystal Godamics and their divine game!


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6661560)
That's our fisherman! :jmp:

That might be because you haven't really shown yourself as a shining example of a person they should be listening to :rolleyes: And if they had to listen to everything the fans wanted, we'd be nowhere. Conflicting opinions and all that.

When did we learn he was a fisherman :/ ? If you're talking about this old multiplayer character he's just a random person, he doesn't even look like Victor.

Ditto to that, both parts :p !


As for the white ledges which were mentioned, they are present only at linear paths, a.k.a. where you know where to go, they don't give you a hint or anything close to that. As for the tutorials, you have to learn how to control her somehow, unless you just want to press random buttons in hopes of getting it right...

LENGuin 21-02-13 12:09


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6661374)
Your bickering about nails and hair is not their priority.

Sorry werent you the one who aaaalways mentioned her boot buckles? Or am i confusing ypu with another pedantic member? :p

Peep Show 21-02-13 12:14


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6661609)
Sorry werent you the one who aaaalways mentioned her boot buckles? Or am i confusing ypu with another pedantic member? :p

You are definitely confusing him.

LENGuin 21-02-13 12:54

Which member am i thinking of then? Hmmm. Like every pic thay was released he would complain about the painted on boot buckles

CBS_TombRaider 21-02-13 13:23


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6661640)
Which member am i thinking of then? Hmmm. Like every pic thay was released he would complain about the painted on boot buckles


I'm kidding about the string of numbers, but his username was definitely steven. He had some creepy-looking avatar imo.

LENGuin 21-02-13 13:39

Ahhh sorry Stevo

LNSNHGTDS 21-02-13 16:30

Guide to Survival mah lovelies.

Carbonek_0051 21-02-13 16:50

So apparently, I read that Best Buy is also giving the Scavenger Scout as a pre-order bonus.

If this is true then I will have an extra code as he also comes with the Limited Edition Strategy Guide. So I guess when the game is out if someone wants him, then PM me. The code will be for Xbox depending on how the Guide code works, if the Guide code is compatible with other consoles I will give that one to whoever wants him for their specific console.

KasumiBlosssom 21-02-13 16:50

That was amazing! Love all the finisher moves. :D

Linoshi Croft 21-02-13 16:51

He looks badass! I wonder if that'll be one of his weapons though or it's just there for looks.

Carbonek_0051 21-02-13 16:53


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6662014)
He looks badass! I wonder if that'll be one of his weapons though or it's just there for looks.

I agree, I'll definitely be using him when I get around to MP.

Here's some more:

The fisherman looks pointless. :vlol:

LNSNHGTDS 21-02-13 16:54

The fisherman look useless :p !

TippingWater 21-02-13 16:56


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6662022)
The fisherman look useless :p !

But sexy nonetheless :o.

Valentino 21-02-13 16:57


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6662018)
I agree, I'll definitely be using him when I get around to MP.

Here's some more:

The fisherman looks pointless. :vlol:

She looks so scrawny in that outfit

Edit: I think its her head. It look big. Been photoshopped on?

Linoshi Croft 21-02-13 16:57

I'd love to see Lara's outfits in game...I wonder if the outfits transition to multiplayer or are they just in the multiplayer.

LNSNHGTDS 21-02-13 16:58


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6662026)
But sexy nonetheless :o.

Why is everyone into cougar men on here?

I mean seriously, what's wrong with you people :p ?!

SpyrosMonster 21-02-13 17:00


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6662030)
She looks so scrawny in that outfit

Edit: I think its her head. It look big. Been photoshopped on?

Ofcourse. Also her hair is so photoshoped! LOL

LarasFan 21-02-13 17:01


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6662011)
So apparently, I read that Best Buy is also giving the Scavenger Scout as a pre-order bonus.


If this is true then I will have an extra code as he also comes with the Limited Edition Strategy Guide. So I guess when the game is out if someone wants him, then PM me. The code will be for Xbox depending on how the Guide code works, if the Guide code is compatible with other consoles I will give that one to whoever wants him for their specific console.

I wouldn't mind getting the code (PS3). He's actually the only interesting scavanger that makes me want to play as them... It's up to you tho' bro :whi:

LNSNHGTDS 21-02-13 17:01


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6662030)
She looks so scrawny in that outfit

Edit: I think its her head. It look big. Been photoshopped on?

She also look anorexic, look at her hands :yik: !

Carbonek_0051 21-02-13 17:01

So no one is interested in a free character? Sweet, I'll just sell the code on Amazon or Ebay or something. :p

Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6662011)
So apparently, I read that Best Buy is also giving the Scavenger Scout as a pre-order bonus.

If this is true then I will have an extra code as he also comes with the Limited Edition Strategy Guide. So I guess when the game is out if someone wants him, then PM me. The code will be for Xbox depending on how the Guide code works, if the Guide code is compatible with other consoles I will give that one to whoever wants him for their specific console.

LarasFan 21-02-13 17:02


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6662041)
So no one is interested in a free character? Sweet, I'll just sell the code on Amazon or Ebay or something. :p

Me... *cough* cough* :pi:

SpyrosMonster 21-02-13 17:03


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6662041)
So no one is interested in a free character? Sweet, I'll just sell the code on Amazon or Ebay or something. :p

No WAIT! :vlol:
I want it... :p I'll get the PS3 Version though.

TippingWater 21-02-13 17:03


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6662035)
Why is everyone into cougar men on here?

I mean seriously, what's wrong with you people :p ?!

I did not know that men could be cougars :D. I bet he smells like fish anyway :D.

Linoshi Croft 21-02-13 17:03

I would :pi: but it's probably Xbox. </3

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