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_Ninja_ 26-08-13 15:13


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6890353)
I feel like they wasted a lot of potential with that, too.

Utterly disagree.

larafan25 26-08-13 15:26


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6890353)
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. Also, now that you mention the atmosphere, I feel like they wasted a lot of potential with that, too. On the one hand because of all the shooting and action scenes they put in there (which was another suspense killer). There was barely any time to breathe and take in the environments (not in the indoor areas, anyway - in the TOMBS) and most of the really interesting locations were just way too short (Himiko's tomb, the Solarii fortress, the general's tomb, the Monastery...imagine having to stealthily explore that monastery (not just pre-defined, pre-scripted one-way paths but having to navigate multiple, maze-like ways while there could be Oni lurking around every corner and you're wading through all the blood and bodies on the floor, solving puzzles, searching for the ritual chamber, trying not to be detected)). I think the game's atmosphere was pretty good compared to Underworld and Anniversary. Great even, in some parts of the game. But it could've easily been so much more.

This is completely true. This is also part of the lack of tombs/ tomb raiding. We never stay a while in these interior areas, and a lot of the time some action sequence comes along to sweep us away and it feels like it's come out of nowhere.

You never ever feel like you did in say, TRL England, in which you witness yourself descending deeply into an ever-changing tomb.

Atmosphere is not just visual, there is something about how we interact with the environment and how long we remain there which adds to the atmosphere, and that is not had in TR9.

_Ninja_ 26-08-13 15:31

I'm not talking just about the visuals personally. I think TR had a vivid, eerie, and rich atmosphere. Just the general feel of the setting including all elements.

I don't put that much stock into being specifically inside in a tomb. To me the whole island is one giant tomb.

larafan25 26-08-13 15:43

It's not about it being a tomb.

Whether it's a tomb, or a cavern, some interior space, perhaps the laboratory, there isn't enough physical depth or play time within to really feel the atmosphere of being deep inside somewhere.

It's all just too quick, to the point and shallow.

Zebra 26-08-13 15:45

To me there's just something really special about descending deeper and deeper into these eerily beautiful, ancient structures completely on your own with nobody else around. And that just wasn't there in TR because of the constant enemy encounters and the small size of the tombs/temples.

@larafan: Exactly. It just never felt like you were really digging deep, like you were in any real danger (I mean danger of getting lost or not getting back out), etc. because you pretty much left the buildings right after entering them. It just felt really superficial. I would've liked to see more of the kind of exploration/openness that was in the Mountain Temple area and in the big wooden house in the Mountain Village and on a bigger scale but it never happened.

pirate1802 26-08-13 15:46

Lol, I'd go back and forth to see the statues in that area just before you encounter the Oni for the first time, to ensure I took it all in. Same with other places like inside the Monastery, the Fortress and the endgame locations. So I didn't feel like I didn't have enough tie to be immersed in them.

larafan25 26-08-13 15:47

Also... the connectors sort of eliminate any sense of journeying across the island. You have the night hub, a nice big hub, and you reach the far end of the hub (not really... knowing where you're going but going to save the pilot) and between the end of the hub and the destination is just this weird cavern that we walk through.... it's just a very strange design. It migt not be as strange if the two areas being connected were more complex but otherwise it feels like filler.

_Ninja_ 26-08-13 15:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6890390)
Also... the connectors sort of eliminate any sense of journeying across the island. You have the night hub, a nice big hub, and you reach the far end of the hub (not really... knowing where you're going but going to save the pilot) and between the end of the hub and the destination is just this weird cavern that we walk through.... it's just a very strange design. It migt not be as strange if the two areas being connected were more complex but otherwise it feels like filler.

The cavern where you have the statues and Lara says, "A pilgrimage," leading to the Monastery? I though that was a wonderful little area, very atmospheric.

larafan25 26-08-13 15:52


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6890395)
The cavern where you have the statues and Lara says, "A pilgrimage," leading to the Monastery? I though that was a wonderful little area, very atmospheric.

The game has a lot of visual atmosphere.

It's not the visual atmosphere I'm talking about.

pirate1802 26-08-13 15:54


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6890395)
The cavern where you have the statues and Lara says, "A pilgrimage," leading to the Monastery? I though that was a wonderful little area, very atmospheric.


_Ninja_ 26-08-13 16:01


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6890397)
The game has a lot of visual atmosphere.

It's not the visual atmosphere I'm talking about.

I get it. To me the game as a whole delivers (not perfectly) on things like exploration and immersion. Yes it could have used a big interior hub, like the monastery or the palace. But I'm satisfied with exterior hubs.

thevman 26-08-13 16:57

You guys write a lot over night! :p

I have to agree with much of what zebra wrote. I found the atmosphere too creepy, more like a horror game like resident evil kind of thing. And way too much time outside, more interiors would have been nice. The tombs were way too short, the main thing of a TR game, and all we did is solve a single puzzle and up a cliff we went to reveal a chamber with the illgotten booty. Also the pace was tiring, non stop running for her life, too much survival, not enough exploring. One could only explore on re-visits because we were forced thru the areas in such a panic and rush. Some areas like the cliff dwellings, the gondola town, and that area we parachute thru we can't re-visit to explore at all. They blocked most of the connecting points between areas once we went thru.

BTW, hi Blackmoor! :cln: :hug:

Zebra 27-08-13 01:07

Personally, I actually don't mind creepy. Creepy is great IMO. But YES, there should've definitely been bigger interior areas. Actual interior hubs, actually.

larafan25 27-08-13 01:30

I'd like interior hubs... but at the same time I feel like they need to be complex and have gameplay. Locked doors I need to enter, you know... purpose. They can't just be a farm for collectibles.

Zebra 27-08-13 02:06

I agree. They should be designed with their original function in mind. Not like the levels in TRA that had random poles sticking out of the wall in convenient places, etc.

larafan25 27-08-13 02:12

As made-up and contrived as those poles, and all of the platforming was... I now find myself saying "at least it had design" because TR9 seems to completely lack that on the platforming front.

lcroft_lc 27-08-13 20:17

It was fun doing this-

tomee 27-08-13 20:24

It was fun killing me?


lcroft_lc 27-08-13 20:39


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6891303)
It was fun killing me?


Oh you! I meant it was fun executing that move and charging like crazy. :D

GUMI 27-08-13 20:52


Bad boy :<
You killed Laura! :'(

lcroft_lc 28-08-13 04:25


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6891325)

Bad boy :<
You killed Laura! :'(

Oops my bad. :o Actually all I was thinking about to execute that move and kill Tomee. :D

larafan25 28-08-13 21:30

You will ALL DIE of cuteness

An interview with the makers of Minimates.

BTW the Tomb Raider Minimates are out in September. :D

Blackmoor 28-08-13 21:55

^Cute. And...pretty. Prettier than the game Lara. I they need to reboot what she looks like for the next game.

_Ninja_ 28-08-13 21:58

No way. She looks great :)

Blackmoor 28-08-13 22:27

They're going to need to reboot her image for next gen. Trust me it's for the best. :p

_Ninja_ 28-08-13 22:33

Only in so far as updating the same art direction with next gen graphics and keeping her look development logical and consistent with the last game. No reboots.

Blackmoor 28-08-13 22:55

I'll bet you though, they'll change her. I bet that layered hair around her face goes and I'll bet her eyes get wider, less squinty.

Linoshi Croft 28-08-13 23:14

I think just the jump to next generation will change her massively anyway.

ancientIo 29-08-13 01:34

I think in next gen she'll look like trailer Lara in game. She'll be a younger, slightly prettier Jessica Alba.

larafan25 29-08-13 01:37

She's going to squint her eyes more too.

thevman 29-08-13 13:36

Please, please, please lose that scared to death look on her face! Replace it with the "I'm gonna kick your ass" look.

Linoshi Croft 29-08-13 13:40

Wouldn't it be much better if she had an array of expressions rather than just one. :p

thevman 29-08-13 13:56

All they gave us this time was scared and worried. How about some positive ones, some aggressive ones? Oh, and for god's sake, don't make her look like Jessica Alba...:hea:

Linoshi Croft 29-08-13 13:56


Originally Posted by thevman (Post 6892405)
All they gave us this time was scared and worried. How about some positive ones, some aggressive ones?

...she had those too within the game. :p

Vinkula 29-08-13 13:57

^ Lara was aggressive in the TReboot. (Helicopter scene, after she gets the grenade launcher etc.)

thevman 29-08-13 13:59

I never saw it, I heard it when she **** the army guys when she has a rocket launcher. But her face wasn't all I'm gonna kill you bastards, it was still look at me I'm a scared little teenager look.

Linoshi Croft 29-08-13 14:01


Originally Posted by thevman (Post 6892409)
I never saw it, I heard it when she f-u'ed the army guys when she has a rocket launcher. But her face wasn't all I'm gonna kill you bastards, it was still look at me I'm a scared little teenager look.

Well, maybe you should replay the game as there are a number of scenes where Lara expresses both aggression and positive expressions.

GUMI 29-08-13 14:11

Twerking Lara is a MUST!

thevman 29-08-13 14:58


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6892411)
Well, maybe you should replay the game as there are a number of scenes where Lara expresses both aggression and positive expressions.

I did, I still didn't see it in her face. She talked the talk but didn't walk the walk so to speak. I'm at the final samurai boss and then Mathias and the queen is all that's left.

GUMI 29-08-13 15:00


Originally Posted by thevman (Post 6892455)
I did, I still didn't see it in her face. She talked the talk but didn't walk the walk so to speak. I'm at the final samurai boss and then Mathias and the queen is all that's left.

Are you even sure you played the right game?

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