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larafan25 21-04-12 21:27


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6122143)

It's practically here.

As soon as June first hits I'll be living in a Heaven-like state.

Killercowz 21-04-12 21:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6122128)
What's going on here?



Lukass 21-04-12 21:33

^ I couldn't resist :vlol:

Anyway, I hope Camilla is excited about her announcement :p it's almost here...D':

larafan25 21-04-12 21:34

wow, I totally forgot about the VA.

just*raidin*tomb 21-04-12 21:36

I couldn't two rats about the VA at this point. .__.

Stevo505 21-04-12 21:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6122159)
^ I couldn't resist :vlol:

Anyway, I hope Camilla is excited about her announcement :p it's almost here...D':

I was thinking about Camilla earlier during my daily trailer watch.

Lukass 21-04-12 21:37

I don't care now, but once they're about to announce her and the composer, I'll get excited...every new information about the game is exciting to me.

Rai 21-04-12 21:39


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6122169)
I couldn't two rats about the VA at this point. .__.

*give :)

Me neither, tbh.

I actually fear we'll have info overload at E3, there won't be any time to process it all. We won't know what to pick apart first :vlol:

Lukass 21-04-12 21:42


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6122180)
*give :)

Me neither, tbh.

I actually fear we'll have info overload at E3, there won't be any time to process it all. We won't know what to pick apart first :vlol:

Oh, I want news so bad, so so bad, but I don't want them to reveal too much. I want a lot of surprises in the game...

tomee 21-04-12 21:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6122180)
I actually fear we'll have info overload at E3, there won't be any time to process it all. We won't know what to pick apart first :vlol:

Same here. I fear they'll release a crapload of info, and we'll be overspoilt.

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