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Richard_Croft 17-05-12 21:40

Every time I enter this thread and see you guys discussing I'm like


Lukass 17-05-12 21:47


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6173246)
Wow, I ****ing hate this forum right now.

Some of you are being cocky bigots who seem to think your assumptions are facts. Please grow up a little bit.


Originally Posted by Mr. Giraffe (Post 6173260)
This :)

Even if hunting is mandatory, so was a lot of things in previous games.

Swimming, running, jumping, killing some of the animals.... All these things were mandatory and no one whined about it. Get over it and enjoy the abilities that the game has.

Agreed. People should learn how to accept certain things even if they don't like them. Grow up :/ I don't mind the lack of swimming at all. There will be other things that are fun.

larafan25 17-05-12 21:54

Wouldn't part of growing up be accepting different opinions even if you don't like them? :/

TippingWater 17-05-12 21:56

Alrighty, time for a positive remark, I do love her muscle definition in the new screenshot :).

larafan25 17-05-12 21:58

Her hair seems lighter, is that because it's daytime? Is it daytime? I wonder.

There is a river, that seems nice.

We can't swi- nevermind.


TippingWater 17-05-12 21:58


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173289)
Her hair seems lighter, is that because it's daytime? Is it daytime? I wonder.

There is a river, that seems nice.

We can't swi- nevermind.


Yeah :o.

Lukass 17-05-12 22:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173283)
Wouldn't part of growing up be accepting different opinions even if you don't like them? :/

Coming from you? :/

Anyway, I like her hands.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:00

^Don't I accept others opinions?

Hmm...then I wonder which day it is.

Day four is the wolf's den ...I think, so this must be day 2 or 3...I think it's day 3. I think it's the day she escapes the scavenger den.

Linoshi Croft 17-05-12 22:01

She looks very clean...

SpyrosMonster 17-05-12 22:01

Were you talking about this picture?

I don't see any HD in it! The Quality sucks!...

That's what I call HD...

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