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Cezar 07-01-21 20:27

UroshUchiha >> how do you play this game? O_o I thought it's available only in some Asian countries... It's in Serbia too?

TRF 07-01-21 21:21

If you are playing on Android, you can alway search for Tomb Raider Reloaded APK. I've downloaded the APK from a website, since Google Play didn't allow me to download it directly from there server. Note that this version is the 0.6.3.

Don't know if there is an update pushed through in GP though.

UroshUchiha 07-01-21 22:57

Exactly what TRF said. I am on Android and I have acquired the APK for the v0.6.3 version of the game.

Jamise_Croft 08-01-21 20:45

I used to trash this game but now I'm obsessed with it, is so addictive

UroshUchiha 11-01-21 10:03

I just got the Staff weapon and boy does this one make the game easy. Initially, it shoots two bolts that are homing. If you upgrade it with bullet spread and ricochet boosts you just have to stand at the start of the stage and wait for stuff to do. No longer do you have to chase those annoying rats cause the bullets follow them on their own haha.

The games FPS even starts to tank if you boost the stuff with various other upgrades from how much stuff happens on the screen when you use it.

Lara_Fan1 12-01-21 00:08

Is there a way to download it for iPhone? Every website I’ve tried it’s just for android phones.

tlr online 12-01-21 17:39

This is Ed Perkins, Director of Mobile Publishing (Tomb Raider Reloaded) for Square Enix London, talking about why he left the forum during a Twitch stream. Can anyone give me some examples of the comments he's talking about?

In case this isn't clear, everyone is welcome on this forum so please help us keep Tomb Raider Forums a friendly and inclusive venue by reporting any offensive and/or rule breaking comments.

Tombraider95 12-01-21 18:19

I didn't even know he was on the forum? Wut?

klona 12-01-21 18:39

While I think the homophobic claims are very false (knowing that the forum being predominantly LGBT), everything else is pretty much true.
I don't think proof is needed on how some people here tear each other apart over different opinions. :p

Caesum 12-01-21 18:45

He must have stumbled upon daventry's posts I suppose

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