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_Ninja_ 23-06-13 14:59

Disagree completely. The character is very well made.

dream raider 23-06-13 15:12

Genuinely curious
What are some things about this character that you liked exactly?

Spong 23-06-13 15:13


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6831690)

Older sexy Lara is coming back.

The state of her hair, it looks like a horse's mane! :eek:
Whoever drew it either got carried away or genuinely thought Lara would spend the next ten years of her life avoiding salons.


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6831713)
Boring, young, unsure, generic, plain, American Lara is here to stay.

You make me sad with your truthness :(

AimlessThunder 23-06-13 15:14


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6831711)
I don't see any resemblance with the older sexy Lara you name :p

You are right.

_Ninja_ 23-06-13 15:19


Originally Posted by dream raider (Post 6832043)
What are some things about this character that you liked exactly?

Plenty. I like the design, the voice. I like that she is tough and scared at the same time and not a one track 'Mary Sue' type tough chick. I like the progression through the story.

motoleo 23-06-13 15:25


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6832045)
The state of her hair, it looks like a horse's mane! :eek:
Whoever drew it either got carried away or genuinely thought Lara would spend the next ten years of her life avoiding salons.

I like her face in this one.

dream raider 23-06-13 15:29


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6832050)
Plenty. I like the design, the voice. I like that she is tough and scared at the same time and not a one track 'Mary Sue' type tough chick. I like the progression through the story.

Fair enough. Although I'm not a huge fan of the design or the voice, they aren't the reason I don't like this interpretation of Lara. Didn't you think her character growth was a little unrealistic though?


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6832055)
I like her face in this one.

Same. Reminds me a little of Rhona Mitra.

motoleo 23-06-13 15:30


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 6832046)

Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6831711)
I don't see any resemblance with the older sexy Lara you name :p

You are right.

I'm not talking about classic.

Evan C. 23-06-13 16:06

Something I did:

Classic Lara Croft was on an island when she finds the reboot Lara. She stares for a bit, observing how she was looking all messed up, so she bangs her hair and says: "I don't think I'm THAT kind of Croft..." (SHOT)


_Ninja_ 23-06-13 16:41


Originally Posted by dream raider (Post 6832061)
Didn't you think her character growth was a little unrealistic though?

No actually. Not that I give a toss about realism.

**LARA LOVER** 23-06-13 17:22

So I'm playing uncharted 3 multiplayer right now and on uncharted tv the tomb raider soundtrack is playing....awkward! :p

dream raider 23-06-13 17:24


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6832108)
Something I did:

Classic Lara Croft was on an island when she finds the reboot Lara. She stares for a bit, observing how she was looking all messed up, so she bangs her hair and says: "I don't think I'm THAT kind of Croft..." (SHOT)


Oh wow! Really classic! :D The slightly auburn hair, the eyes, lips, make up and skin tone! Great job!:tmb: Like a hybrid of a realistic classic Lara and a little Angelina Jolie. :cln:


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6832171)
No actually. Not that I give a toss about realism.

It's not about realism really, it's about having a subtle and complex narrative that makes the events and character growth unfold without it looking tacky and shallow.

renspyro 24-06-13 15:59


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6832225)
So I'm playing uncharted 3 multiplayer right now and on uncharted tv the tomb raider soundtrack is playing....awkward! :p

LOL Wut!? :vlol:

Anyway, i was listening the Soundtrack Jason released today, and found this...

If you see the comments, JG says Sam was supposed to be killed by Lara!! As i thought initially, Sam was possesed by Himiko, he says also this ending was better for him, but dissapointing, so CD change it

Now i want to see that ending :mad:

CBS_TombRaider 24-06-13 16:24


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6833016)
LOL Wut!? :vlol:

Anyway, i was listening the Soundtrack Jason released today, and found this...

If you see the comments, JG says Sam was supposed to be killed by Lara!! As i thought initially, Sam was possesed by Himiko, he says also this ending was better for him, but dissapointing, so CD change it

Now i want to see that ending :mad:

Yeah, she was originally supposed to die after she'd been possessed by Himiko. Crystal changed it because it'd mean the player would have gone through all those trials as Lara, but it'd be for nothing in the end, since Sam dies anyway. Apparently Jason preferred the original ending, and I can sort of see where he's coming from. While it's nice that Lara manages to save Sam and all, the original ending carries more impact, in my opinion, even though it'd be more depressing.

I doubt you can see that ending though, the decision was probably made before they constructed the actual cutscene in which Sam dies.

larafan25 24-06-13 18:42


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6832108)
Something I did:

Classic Lara Croft was on an island when she finds the reboot Lara. She stares for a bit, observing how she was looking all messed up, so she bangs her hair and says: "I don't think I'm THAT kind of Croft..." (SHOT)


I love this, it's really classic Lara in real life, yet still...I find something is missing.

Like, her face is too pretty and something is too, fine about her features.

Maybe it's the pointedness of her lips. I'm still not sure.

This is probably people's least-favorite image of Lara, though I really love it because it's quite obviously the crux of classic Lara's features, but there's something naked and natural about it.

You know, I can actually see reboot Lara growing into your manipulation. As she ages her face won't look so round, she'll loose the bit of baby fat they said they gave her in her face.

Though what I'd want from a realistic classic Lara would be thicker eyebrows and perhaps wider lips that come to less of a point.

Stevo505 24-06-13 19:22

Her breasts probably won't grow into those melons though :p

larafan25 24-06-13 19:23

I meant I can see TReboot Lara becoming Evan's image. lol.

Though we can see she has large breasts too. :pi:

NCFirebolt21 25-06-13 09:38

This may be out of the ordinary but... has anyone tried to extract all the music from the game to make a custom complete soundtrack?

I know Jason is uploading music to his SoundCloud (grateful to him for doing that and CD/SEE allowing him to do so), but it'd be cool if someone wrote out a script so people could personally extract the music. I'd love to find out what goes where... hell, it'd probably motivate me to play TR again!

Fyler 25-06-13 13:23

:tmb: Just finished this game, liked it a lot! I thought I wouldn't because of the factors that make it a mature rating and Lara before she was the Lara Croft we know, but actually liked it a lot. Great graphics, gameplay, Lara was fantastic, I liked the other characters and the implementation of different resources for weapons, how to navigate the environment, and using a reasonable source (salvage) to upgrade equipment. I also liked the dual pistols in the end, although I did mess it up xD I didn't see the button commands at first. I like all the previous Tomb Raider games, but this one is the first true next-gen one in my book. 9/10 for me, very very well done imo.

The only thing I would say for the future is that to me, Tomb Raider doesn't need to be excessively bloody or use excessive foul language. In this game I was fine with it because it made sense for the story they were trying to tell, which I liked a lot. I think as far as death scenes, those can be gruesome as all get out because God knows that Egyptian tombs or wherever else have some nasty stuff in there to keep people away will crush you, but as far as language Lara uses and environmental things, if that content doesn't fit within the story, it shouldn't be in the game.

Only reason I say that is that there are some video games out there that just pull that stuff out of no where, it's not appropriately placed or anything, to get the mature rating. I don't know, is it like more profitable or something? If it's not appropriate and doesn't fit the story it's a turn off for me. Now that we're getting closer to Lara being the "Tomb Raider gal," I think other than the potential deaths you could run into and possibly grossness in the environment, there's no calling need for any of that. This Tomb Raider that came out in 2013, yes, future games, it depends on the story.

tlr online 25-06-13 15:43

Some posts removed. Keep it family friendly or take it to MGC.

dream raider 25-06-13 15:46


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 6833959)
Some posts removed. Keep it family friendly or take it to MGC.

Party pooper! :ton:

Phlip 26-06-13 09:00

I've just thought, right, imagine TressFX hair underwater, with every strand proper floating around individually! How gorgeous would that look? :D

Linoshi Croft 26-06-13 11:53


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6834666)
I've just thought, right, imagine TressFX hair underwater, with every strand proper floating around individually! How gorgeous would that look? :D

That's probably why it was removed from the reboot. :whi: Fans already moaned about how her hair moved with or without TressFX out of water.

tomee 26-06-13 20:20

Gay Raider on 9gag

TheRCroft 26-06-13 20:52


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6834754)
That's probably why it was removed from the reboot. :whi: Fans already moaned about how her hair moved with or without TressFX out of water.

I actually never considered that :p What if the TressFX effect was created when Crystal already didn't have time to properly animate it in a believable way underwater?

AimlessThunder 27-06-13 08:44

I was never a huge fan of all the previous tombs in Tomb Raider, I always preferred urban environments, but the tombs in the latest game opened up my appetite! Too bad they were so very short..

9006 27-06-13 12:46


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6835179)

Haha, somehow it doesn't have the same effect. I wonder if any females would like it better :tea:

LNSNHGTDS 27-06-13 13:27

So I saw both parts of the Decent film series the otehr day and it was awesome! I was also able to tell where Crystal got some of the ideas which was nice and not over-done.

Even the characters reminded me of Lara.

Sarah was an ordinary woman with little to no skills whatsoever yet she managed to get out alive the first time and therefore she reminds me a lot of TReboot Lara.

Juno, on the other hand, was a lot more experienced and managed to survive a rather harsh situation for quite some time too and she was also quite witty, her attitude, skills and determination reminded me of TR1-TRU Lara.

That being said, Juno was better and I kept wishing Sarah would die when I thought she killed Juno :p !

tiann 27-06-13 13:52


Originally Posted by 9006 (Post 6835830)
Haha, somehow it doesn't have the same effect. I wonder if any females would like it better :tea:

If they had put a bit more clothes on him and didn't make him look such a pretty boy man-whore, maybe it would be more appealing :p

I kinda associate the man raider image with Drake and Indiana :p

Rai 28-06-13 13:00

A new podcast, though I'm certain someone will tell me 'it's posted 100 years ago, Rai!' as usual :p.

I don't know if it's available on the blog yet, so I gave Eidos forum's Driber's link. I don't think there's anything TR related, yet...still listening.

tomee 28-06-13 21:10

A fanart from DA. I thought it looks really cool. :eek:

larafan25 28-06-13 21:13

I remember this from a while ago, I think I saw a wip of it. It's awesome. Reminds me of something out of God of War, the contrast between the lower red, hot area and the cool light coming from the top.

motoleo 29-06-13 00:37

You can die by slipping and falling on slopes in Tomb Raider Underworld.

klona 01-07-13 16:20

What on earth.
I just received this on my email from amazon about my preorder:



Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:

BradyGames "Tomb Raider: The Story of Lara Croft"
Estimated arrival date: October 01 2014 - October 06 2014
Its new release date is 15th September 2014.
Why that far?

Tonyrobinson 01-07-13 17:27

Probably coming out alongside something else TR related. Could well be the movie or another spin off or game. :)

Phlip 01-07-13 19:13

What if Lara searches for (and possibly finds) The Garden of Eden in TR10? Just a thought. XD

EscondeR 01-07-13 19:18


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6839591)
What if Lara searches for (and possibly finds) The Garden of Eden in TR10? Just a thought. XD

Maybe Sovngarde already :p

AimlessThunder 01-07-13 19:20

EscondeR 01-07-13 19:29

Bleh... That's not Lara defo... Not in her nature :rolleyes:

Killercowz 01-07-13 19:37


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6839621)
Bleh... That's not Lara defo... Not in her nature :rolleyes:

You never know, I could totally picture Lara lighting up half way through a tomb being all wonky and disheveled. Couldn't you see her puffing with Tutankhamun?

I could totally picture it.

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