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Phlip 14-02-13 19:41


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6650487)
Aren't you supposed to love a voice actress for her, you know, voice acting? :p
I can sense that jab at Camilla coming from a mile off.

Tell that to CD, maybe they'll stop giving interviews to them and hiring models. (Not that Camilla could pass for a model.) :tmb:

b.gluch 14-02-13 19:43

i wish Nora was british, she would look so much better as Lara than Camilla.

Zebra 14-02-13 19:44


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6650105)
Possibly, she's quite popular in Germany? She seems like a sweet and down-to-earth girl imo. I hope I'll be able to play the game in German (though obviously after I've completed it in English), so I can hear her voice. I still prefer Camilla's to her voice, but it's pretty nice :)

EDIT: Hah, they're poking fun at Camilla's many moans and screams :pi::p

EDIT2: Apparently Nora can't handle the style of the camera, you know, the shaky camera. It makes her feel ill, so I guess she won't be playing as herself :p

That's not what she said, actually. She said that she can't play first person shooters (she didn't know the term first poersn shooter so she tried to describe it but it was pretty clear what she meant) because the camera makes her feel sick. However, she said that she didn't have that problem in Tomb Raider because it's not a first person game.

CBS_TombRaider 14-02-13 19:46


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6650496)
That's not what she said, actually. She said that she can't play first person shooters (she didn't know the term first poersn shooter so she tried to describe it but it was pretty clear what she meant) because the camera makes her feel sick. However, she said that she didn't have that problem in Tomb Raider because it's not a first person game.

Oh, oops, my apologies for mis-translating. My German isn't always up to snuff, so thanks for clearing that up :D

Mikky 14-02-13 19:47


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6649666)

Thanks for that.

It's so silly to have 3 (very bright) white ledges in consecution. You see the intial ledge and you already know you can climb there, so what is the point of having the other two right above it? No-one is that blind or stupid. :confused:


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6650214)

Very interesting and entertaining article. :p Personally, I don't think most of this has happened throughout TR's advertising campaign, but still, some has. We've seen plenty of gameplay and good interviews, but I wish they'd tone down the all the "OMG, this game is so like a an action movie! It's so like James Bond! *explosions!!!*" in the trailers. But what can I say? OTT action appeals to the majority.

And regarding what you said about M ratings, why do people always assume just because a game is M rated, it has to be "Mature"? That is just the name of the rating, it doesn't necessarily mean the game is going to have deep and meaningful content that a 50 year old will enjoy. It's just M rated because it has to be; there's violence, gore and swearing. You shouldn't be expecting any actual "mature" things from the game.


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6650461)

Lol, they all made me laugh.

Rai 14-02-13 19:48


Originally Posted by b.gluch (Post 6650495)
i wish Nora was british, she would look so much better as Lara than Camilla.

Neither of them have to look good as Lara, they're the VAs. Looks don't come in to it, except maybe Camilla's facial expressions during the motion capture process, and I don't see anything wrong with her work there.

b.gluch 14-02-13 19:52

Lara deffinatly has glimpses of Camillas face sometimes. and she kinda looks like a bimbo at times, she's not ugly by any means though

LNSNHGTDS 14-02-13 20:46

Camilla is a flawless queen from flawless land and no other basic bitch could EVER stand up to her in terms of voice acting or looks (except if her oponent is Asian) .

As for the rest of the voice actressess I only like Yuko (Japanese) and Nadine (Arabic) the other look basic and fake. I'm also intrested is seing the Italaina voice actress and the (possible) Chinese voice actress.

Was the final voice actress revelaed by the way?

Underhoe 14-02-13 20:50

Camilla Flawington is a talentless piece of rubbish.

LNSNHGTDS 14-02-13 20:52


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6650593)
Camilla Flawington is a talentless piece of rubbish.

Your favourites would never against her!

Weemanply109 14-02-13 20:54

She's definitely not a great on-screen actress, but I think she might have a chance at voice acting


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6650329)
"Ah, youre doing it right emo Lara" *Licks around mouth*
"Im always at your service Redbeard!"
*Le Kisses*

She betta gobble it all up!

Underhoe 14-02-13 20:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6650602)
She's definitely not a great on-screen actress, but I think she might have a chance at voice acting

I saw the unedited version. :vlol: I agreed with the second choice, tbqfvrh.

Weemanply109 14-02-13 21:12


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6650605)
I saw the unedited version. :vlol: I agreed with the second choice, tbqfvrh.

I was in fear I might get banned. :pi:

Mikky 14-02-13 21:16


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6650593)
Camilla Flawington is a talentless piece of rubbish.

Tru dat.


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6650602)
She's definitely not a great on-screen actress, but I think she might have a chance at voice acting

Um, I think it's the other way around. :p

Weemanply109 14-02-13 21:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6650674)
Um, I think it's the other way around. :p

If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting... :pi:


Carbonek_0051 14-02-13 21:18

Still don't get the Camilla love. As much as I hated Juddith Gibbons & Jonell Elliot, both of them can act better than Camilla. If it weren't for Camilla, this game would be perfect for me. Her voice acting brings down the script a lot from what I have seen. :/

Luckily the game looks brilliant otherwise.

Mikky 14-02-13 21:19


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6650677)
If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting... :pi:


Lol, what? :vlol:

I just meant that she's a good on-screen actress but just not the best voice actress. Well, in my opinion. :p

Weemanply109 14-02-13 21:20

I hated her at first, but I grew to like her. I still think there is better potential VA's, but I can deal with this.

Lara holic 14-02-13 21:22


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6650683)
Still don't get the Camilla love. As much as I hated Juddith Gibbons & Jonell Elliot, both of them can act better than Camilla. If it weren't for Camilla, this game would be perfect for me. Her voice acting brings down the script a lot from what I have seen. :/

Luckily the game looks brilliant otherwise.

so true, lets just say I love her in grey's, and I think she nailed it, and that's about it.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6650685)
Lol, what? :vlol:

I just meant that she's a good on-screen actress but just not the best voice actress. Well, in my opinion. :p

I thing she is a good actress as well:) , great one too, especially in grey's as I've stated above.

Caesum 14-02-13 21:32


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6649336)
I just can't believe this ...


I'm glad they've changed it to what we have now. Her prototype version looks awful. It has jaw of a male.

Underhoe 14-02-13 21:32

@the flopmilla discussion : If she tries hard, she can be good (a nice example is the 'bowl'n'candle' scene with Whitman), but her voice is terribly irritating when gets high-pitched. I'm just literally grossed out by her scream, it makes me want to punch babies.

tomee 14-02-13 21:35


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6650727)
If she tries hard, she can be good (a nice example is the 'bowl'n'candle' scene with Whitman), but her voice is terribly irritating when gets high-pitched. I'm just literally grossed out by her scream, it makes me want to punch babies.

Yeah, she can be great and awful at times. That scream when she fell on the rusty spike sounded more like an orgasm. The scream where she stepped in the bear trap was much more fitting. Also that scene when she talked to Sam on the walkie-talkie was awful. Sam's VA also sounds weird.

Valentino 14-02-13 21:35

Remember when most of the people didn't like Keeley. Then when she was gone people suddenly loved her. Keeley was undoubtably the best voice actress in terms of voice acting. It struck me yesterday when I was watchin the Anniversary cutscenes and her voice is so different to how it was in Legend. The tone and attitude was just different but perfect for a younger Lara.
Camilla has been great so far. She might have a different attitude in the next game which other may like.

LNSNHGTDS 14-02-13 21:37


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6650735)
Remember when most of the people didn't like Keeley. Then when she was gone people suddenly loved her. Keeley was undoubtably the best voice actress in terms of voice acting. It struck me yesterday when I was watchin the Anniversary cutscenes and her voice is so different to how it was in Legend. The tone and attitude was just different but perfect for a younger Lara.
Camilla has been great so far. She might have a different attitude in the next game which other may like.


Truth tea all over the place, bitches won't handle it :ohn: !

Isaac 14-02-13 21:37


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6650732)
Yeah, she can be great and awful at times. That scream when she fell on the rusty spike sounded more like an orgasm. The scream where she stepped in the bear trap was much more fitting. Also that scene when she talked to Sam on the walkie-talkie was awful. Sam's VA also sounds weird.

I've said it when we first had the gameplay footage at E3 and I was flamed for that lol.
I still think she sounds like whining/complaining instead of really being physically hurt.

"NOOOO, GET OFF OF MEE!!1", yeah, right. Even with all the actual footage, I still can't fully love her voice. People can say what they want about Keeley Hawes, she at least had a tolerable voice.

tomee 14-02-13 21:42


Originally Posted by Isaac (Post 6650737)
People can say what they want about Keeley Hawes, she at least had a tolerable voice.

Even though, my favourite is Jonell Eliot, I can't say her voice would've fit LAU Lara and neither would've Keeley's voice fit TR4-AoD Lara. She had that soft and sweet voice. I really loved it.

Since we're talking about moaning. :p

Underhoe 14-02-13 21:43

If only it was Tamzin... :(

LNSNHGTDS 14-02-13 21:44


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6650745)
Since we're talking about moaning. :p





Mikky 14-02-13 21:46


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6650735)
Remember when most of the people didn't like Keeley. Then when she was gone people suddenly loved her. Keeley was undoubtably the best voice actress in terms of voice acting. It struck me yesterday when I was watchin the Anniversary cutscenes and her voice is so different to how it was in Legend. The tone and attitude was just different but perfect for a younger Lara.
Camilla has been great so far. She might have a different attitude in the next game which other may like.

Preach sista.


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6650747)
If only it was Tamzin... :(

I actualy think she would have been better than Camilla. I mean, Tamzin is proper British, not half-British. :pi:

tomee 14-02-13 21:46


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6650747)
If only it was Tamzin... :(

I still to this day can't fathom how Camilla can voice Lara. Her voice just don't match Lara's. Something must be wrong with my ears. Maybe she puts on a different tone? I still believe Tamzin sounds more like Lara lol.

GUMI 14-02-13 21:47

Dont forget about this video :pi:

Spong 14-02-13 21:47


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6650745)
Since we're talking about moaning. :p

Sounds better than the actual dialogue in TR9. It's all in English too, not American :pi:

Mikky 14-02-13 21:49


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6650754)
I still to this day can't fathom how Camilla can voice Lara. Her voice just don't match Lara's. Something must be wrong with my ears. Maybe she puts on a different tone? I still believe Tamzin sounds more like Lara lol.

I know exactly what you mean! Even in the Final Hours episode when Camilla put on her English accent, I was still thinking how she sounds nothing like Lara. It's weird. She must put on some kind of voice when she's voice acting. O_o

Carbonek_0051 14-02-13 21:51


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6650735)
Keeley was undoubtably the best voice actress in terms of voice acting.

Keeley is definitely one of my favorites, but Minnie Driver was definitely the best Lara voice actress for me after Shelley Blond.

Minnie slays your favs.

Heartache 14-02-13 22:18

i want keeley back :(

TheRCroft 14-02-13 22:19

It's the first time I'm ever pre-ordering a game, so I don't know really well how things work. Imagine that I pre-ordered the Survival Edition and it's all done and they're just waiting for the payment but then I decided to acquire the Collectors' Edition and so I pre-ordered that too and payed it, without cancelling the first one because in the site there's not an option to cancel a pre-order. So my question is do I just do nothing because they end up cancelling the pre-order for lack of payment or do I really have to look for an option to cancel it?

LNSNHGTDS 14-02-13 22:21


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 6650837)
i want keeley back :(

I know the feeling D: .

I was really sad to see her go, Camilla won't ever replace her in my mind, she might be good but she's not Keeley good D: !

xLara_Nathanx 14-02-13 22:23


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6650840)
It's the first time I'm ever pre-ordering a game, so I don't know really well how things work. Imagine that I pre-ordered the Survival Edition and it's all done and they're just waiting for the payment but then I decided to acquire the Collectors' Edition and so I pre-ordered that too and payed it, without cancelling the first one because in the site there's not an option to cancel a pre-order. So my question is do I just do nothing because they end up cancelling the pre-order for lack of payment or do I really have to look for an option to cancel it?

I'm not 100% sure, but it sounds like your pre-order of the SE should automatically be cancelled. They won't send it until you pay for it, right? In the game store from which I pre-ordered, you have to pay 5 euros for the pre-order. If you don't pick up your pre-order in 3 days, it cancels and your 5 euros are wasted.

Heartache 14-02-13 22:26


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6650841)
I know the feeling D: .

I was really sad to see her go, Camilla won't ever replace her in my mind, she might be good but she's not Keeley good D: !

yes :hug: keeley was just perfect imo. the more i hear from camilla the less i like her as lara. it just doesnt fit :(

TheRCroft 14-02-13 22:30


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 6650847)
I'm not 100% sure, but it sounds like your pre-order of the SE should automatically be cancelled. They won't send it until you pay for it, right? In the game store from which I pre-ordered, you have to pay 5 euros for the pre-order. If you don't pick up your pre-order in 3 days, it cancels and your 5 euros are wasted.

Oh good, I wouldn't like if they needed to charge me for something that I didn't want D: And yeah, I think that's correct! Really? You didn't pre-order it online, then?

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