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Ughhhh, I can't with all the floppy threads just 3 days after release with the name "soooo...." and then the thread is about when TR 2 is coming out and what do we think will happen. Or "what do YOU want in TR2" with pointless emphasis on the "you" -__-
This is getting rather ridiculous. |
After the release, we should make a big thread about what we liked in this TR that should return for the sequel and what we don't want to see again AT ALL :p.
So, I just saw the Euro Gamer demo, which for some odd reason ahd never seen before, and it turns out that Victor is shot by Vlad, he could be dead or not but it's propably the former. So that means that since he and Steph are dead Liam will die in teh beginning too because they were the only three excluded from the Endurance week thingy, too bad, he looked cool D: !
Also, in the redone scene when Mathias (or whoever that ugly weirdo is) was talking to Sam: "...you must be shared with the otehrs..." OMG, if I didn't know that Sam has something to do with Himiko this would sound SOOO ducked up o_O ! |
I can see a lot of people making threads about how much they love the game and how good it is when there just on the den level...
Hey, look, we have a new sub-forum for this section.
Soooo... Anyone here been having any technical problems with their game so far? :pi: |
It makes me kinda excited, really :p |
OMG, Lara shot Vlad's dick in the Euro Gamer Expo demo :vlol: !
I CAN'T! Also, why aren't there subtitles for Russian? I can't get what Vlad is saying :hea: ! I hope there will be subtitles in the actual game! |
I pretty much doubt they'll do that, Core made a fool of themselves for reviving her in such a stupid way Quote:
I think its unfair that some of us get recomended to avoid the forums. We're still 9 days away and it already feel like the 4 days before Underworlds release. Why can't people just hold their tounges. And by the 'people' I mean the idiots who are already spoiling little parts. Or big parts for that matter.
So a member over on Eidos reckons they've just seen the launch trailer. Anyone have any news on this? I think it's a wind up.:pi:
Is it just me, or it seems like she cannot die when she normally falls from high ledges :o?
I watched a tiny bit of the beginning cutscene. I couldn't help myself. XD What I'll say is that that punch on Lara was very weird. :confused:
Everyone watching stuff is laaaaaaaame. Lol you waited 4 years to watch another dude low quality play on YouTube :ton:
Oh well, all you people watching walkthroughs, enjoy it but don't start bitching later when you play the game about how you already knew everything that happened.
The last time I watched a TR video was last year so i'll have a pretty fresh experience when I play it. :jmp: |
Ok, no offence, but if you're all "seriously ill with spoilerophobia" , that doesn't mean that everyone else is too!
We like to watch stuff, that doesn't mean anything, it's a completely different experience when you play and when you watch a game. So please, continue moaning about how some people post spoilers and let us be as naive as we want. |
People got their own brains, they watch by knowing it won't bother them in future. I love watching gameplay vids. At least you know what you're buying. Playing it yourself is a totally different experience. You stay fresh/"virgin" |
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