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Lara holic 05-03-13 22:49

For All Nvidia Geforce Users

I've contacted Nvidia today about TR issues with geforce graphics cards and the frame rate drops when turning TressFx on and they've replayed the following:

"We are aware of major performance and stability issues with GeForce GPUs running Tomb Raider with maximum settings.
Unfortunately, NVIDIA didn’t receive final code until this past weekend which substantially decreased stability, image quality and performance over a build we were previously provided. We are working closely with Crystal Dynamics to address and resolve all game issues as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, we would like to apologize to GeForce users that are not able to have a great experience playing Tomb Raider, as they have come to expect with all of their favorite PC games. "

so all you guy have to do is wait for a few days to play it as good as possible :), I still don't have the game but when I do, I hope the issues will be resolved and the performance increased.

fallenangle 05-03-13 22:52


Originally Posted by croft-girl-fan (Post 6686805)
So because the early reviews praised the game and the "early adopters" love the game you feel its not a good game??? You'd have pre-ordered if everyone bashed it left, right and centre as the worst game of this generation and a utter flop for the franchise?

Early adopters always love games that turn out not to be rubbish. The relief that results often produces a critical faculty bypass in some gamers that only time will correct with a more considered opinion.

It might be though that the game is indeed fantastic and they've been right all along. However I was and still am not willing to risk £35 on it with the evidence so far. I made that sort of mistake with Legend.

It was the less enthusiastic serious reviews and earlier previews I was actually referring too that finally put me off ordering as much as the uncritical comments of the early adopters since release. The latters' almost undiluted praise is simply unhelpful, that's all I meant.

leoarcie 05-03-13 22:58

Anyone know when the game will be available at the PSN?

tombraider4ever 05-03-13 23:01


Originally Posted by Lara holic (Post 6687587)
For All Nvidia Geforce Users

I've contacted Nvidia today about TR issues with geforce graphics cards and the frame rate drops when turning TressFx on and they've replayed the following:

"We are aware of major performance and stability issues with GeForce GPUs running Tomb Raider with maximum settings.
Unfortunately, NVIDIA didn’t receive final code until this past weekend which substantially decreased stability, image quality and performance over a build we were previously provided. We are working closely with Crystal Dynamics to address and resolve all game issues as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, we would like to apologize to GeForce users that are not able to have a great experience playing Tomb Raider, as they have come to expect with all of their favorite PC games. "

so all you guy have to do is wait for a few days to play it as good as possible :), I still don't have the game but when I do, I hope the issues will be resolved and the performance increased.

That sounds very reassuring, I havent recived the game either, I hope that I will get it tomorrow, along with my new nvidia card. I hope that this will get resolved by tomorrow evening :jmp: I want to play with all settings on ultimate and the hair thingy :D

Lara holic 05-03-13 23:04


Originally Posted by tombraider4ever (Post 6687614)
That sounds very reassuring, I havent recived the game either, I hope that I will get it tomorrow, along with my new nvidia card. I hope that this will get resolved by tomorrow evening :jmp: I want to play with all settings on ultimate and the hair thingy :D

I don't think it will get resolved by tomorrow as they've just released a beta driver today :o, in a week seems more likely.

TippingWater 05-03-13 23:07

Apparently Lara's father is still named Richard Croft.

tombraider4ever 05-03-13 23:07

Well, it's great that they are working on it, and that it will get resolved :), it's just that a week sounds long to wait :o

Psycho_Kenshin 05-03-13 23:17


Originally Posted by fallenangle (Post 6687596)
Early adopters always love games that turn out not to be rubbish.

Broad generalizations aren't very fruitful. I've found people who play a game on release day often complain or find the game bad, perhaps equal to or more so than people praising new games on the net. Being an "early adopter" to a piece of entertainment doesn't take away your credibility. Everyone has their own personal taste, even on release day.

Anyways, I'm loving this game, very strong stuff.

TwinPistols92 05-03-13 23:20

UGH! I have the game, but I can't play it cuz I have to study for an exam and a quiz and do HW for tomorrow! The torture!

M1chae1a 05-03-13 23:29

Ok so i'm playing the game and it's awesome but when I go into the basecamp system and update and such, I can't read any of the writing. It's so small even when I stand next to the tv I can't read it :( Any ideas on how to make it bigger?

Tomb_of_Darkns 05-03-13 23:38

Does anyone know if TR will be on PSN? The reason is I'm lazy and I'd rather just have it digitally lol

ivaneiroX 05-03-13 23:51


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6687675)
Does anyone know if TR will be on PSN? The reason is I'm lazy and I'd rather just have it digitally lol

yes on us psn store

James_Croft 06-03-13 00:13


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6687675)
Does anyone know if TR will be on PSN? The reason is I'm lazy and I'd rather just have it digitally lol

PSN updates every wednesday so it should be available March 6th.

Love2Raid 06-03-13 00:16


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6687663)
Ok so i'm playing the game and it's awesome but when I go into the basecamp system and update and such, I can't read any of the writing. It's so small even when I stand next to the tv I can't read it :( Any ideas on how to make it bigger?

You can adjust the in-game HUD size in Display Options. I hope this helps. :o

Tonyrobinson 06-03-13 00:17

Anyone else think the cannibals were channeling Gollum in the Geothermic cave? :vlol:

Uzi master 06-03-13 00:18

I really must congratulate Crystal, they managed to make QTE's more frustrating than I thought possible. Thanks for not telling me what buttons to press Crystal Dynamics!

In other news, I just shot the rapist guy in the face.

Love2Raid 06-03-13 00:22

I keep failing those too, lol. I suck. :p

leoarcie 06-03-13 00:22


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6687697)

Thank God -.-

Uzi master 06-03-13 00:24

Hmm... just noticed the game was running on my integrated graphics... Apparently they don't want me even selecting Nvidia cards, well a quick trip to the control panel should change that.

Tomb_of_Darkns 06-03-13 00:27

So I have to wait tomorrow to buy the game on psn? Oh darn i didn't want to wait lmao oh well

Phlip 06-03-13 00:35

- So on PC do other characters' hair have that TressFX or not? -

M1chae1a 06-03-13 00:46

I tried adjusting hud size to make the writing bigger but it didn't work. I still can't read much :(

JayB18 06-03-13 00:50

One thing that really impresses me compared to LAU is how much stuff you can climb on. It was fun trying to get to rooftops of buildings in the night hub and area before it and finding out that you actually can. There are also several ways to get to climb to your destination at times. The environments feel much more natural and less restrictive so far.

God Horus 06-03-13 00:51


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6687760)
- So on PC do other characters' hair have that TressFX or not? -

It has been stated multiple times in the TressFX thread that only Lara has it.

Summer B 06-03-13 00:52

Been playing it for a good few hours now, and I have to say I really like it so far... just at the point where your journey to rescue a certain girl in the "oriental domicile" begins.

It's funny, in a way it doesn't really feel like the old Tomb Raiders, but at the same time it's not so different that you can say it's different. It's just as addictive as the old Tomb Raiders, imo, but there aren't enough tombs to explore so far... which is where the "doesn't feel like TR" comes in, it just doesn't have the same "adventure" feel to it... it's weird, not bad, just different.

I just wish there were different environments, so far it's been pretty much the same - maybe because all roads seem to lead back to the same place eventually, the island much be tiny if you cover so much ground so quickly... but anyway, please tell me we get some different locations and enemies, these werid guys are getting on my nerves, lol.

Anyways, loving it so far... even if what I just said doesn't make it sound that way. ;)

frozen_star 06-03-13 01:03


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6687774)
I tried adjusting hud size to make the writing bigger but it didn't work. I still can't read much :(

Congratulations! on getting your game. :tmb:

you ordered pc collector edition?? if yes, does it give you survival edition on steam on standard edition when activated??

M1chae1a 06-03-13 01:20


Originally Posted by frozen_star (Post 6687802)
Congratulations! on getting your game. :tmb:

you ordered pc collector edition?? if yes, does it give you survival edition on steam on standard edition when activated??

Thanks and no i'm on xbox. Sorry can't help with that :(

ItIsOkBro 06-03-13 01:21

Oh no CD removed the line in my signature :(

Zreen001 06-03-13 01:31

So Whitman is the new Alister as far as I can tell, I just wanna strangle him. Otherwise pretty good game minus multiplayer and quick-time events. I can't help but notice that, with Square Enix involved, things look slightly Final Fantasy 13 with faces and even some animations. Not quite worth the 60 bucks I paid for it but it's a refreshing game.

SEN1138 06-03-13 01:37


Originally Posted by Zreen001 (Post 6687834)
So Whitman is the new Alister as far as I can tell, I just wanna strangle him. Otherwise pretty good game minus multiplayer and quick-time events. I can't help but notice that, with Square Enix involved, things look slightly Final Fantasy 13 with faces and even some animations. Not quite worth the 60 bucks I paid for it but it's a refreshing game.

What? Whitman is an absolute ass, I couldn't tolerate him in another Tomb Raider game.

Tomb_of_Darkns 06-03-13 01:42

Just got the game on PSN and its currently downloading!!! I can't wait Also if you guys didn't know if you had bought it through PSN you get all the skins!!! and ShantyTown for Multiplayer AND hitman absolution weapons!!! All for 60 BUCKS!!! SO happy....Also got Quantum Conundrum with it so thats cool! lmao WOW so many benefits for getting it online!!!!

tombraiderxii 06-03-13 01:44


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6687228)
PS3 has sharper textures and better colors (IMO) but playing a little bit of it, the frame rate can drop sometimes. The characters also froze in one cutscene and I had to skip it. I'll be going back to PC. Got the CE for the collectibles mostly. :p

Mathius in the cutscene where you first meet him? Yeah. same thing happened to me, but overall it's running pretty smoothly. My brother can't hunt deer to save his life! :vlol:

frozen_star 06-03-13 01:57


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6687819)
Thanks and no i'm on xbox. Sorry can't help with that :(

No issues. Enjoy!

Caldwin 06-03-13 01:58


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6687846)
Just got the game on PSN and its currently downloading!!! I can't wait Also if you guys didn't know if you had bought it through PSN you get all the skins!!! and ShantyTown for Multiplayer AND hitman absolution weapons!!! All for 60 BUCKS!!! SO happy....Also got Quantum Conundrum with it so thats cool! lmao WOW so many benefits for getting it online!!!!

Got the Collectors Edition. Also got quite a bit of an incredibly articulated toy, iron on patches, map, nice tin.

Oh, and the Gamestop I went to had a contest where we shot nerf darts at a promotional standee of Lara. Closes to a headshot took it home. I won! Barely able to get it in my trunk, but I made it home.

And I still have the storage space on my PS3 hard drive! :ton:

Linoshi Croft 06-03-13 01:59

Finished the main story :D

M1chae1a 06-03-13 02:03

Probably a silly question but I know the game saves automatically but is it still ok to switch it off or do you have to manually save it?

Linoshi Croft 06-03-13 02:04


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6687867)
Probably a silly question but I know the game saves automatically but is it still ok to switch it off or do you have to manually save it?

I just switch it off, the thing saves like every 10 steps :pi:

M1chae1a 06-03-13 02:06


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6687868)
I just switch it off, the thing saves like every 10 steps :pi:

Ok lol just wanted to double check :p

JayB18 06-03-13 05:43

9 hours in and just finished the river/parachute scene after impaling Lara about 5 times. About how far am I?

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 06:05


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6687513)
Anyone else notice that the motion captures actors didn't actually play the game ones. Lauren Mary Kim supposedly motion captured Sam but she was voiced by another actress in the game infact she was voice by two actresses in the game neither of them were Lauren though! :p

Wow, I would have never noticed that :p (except maybe if I actually watched the credits... ) , nice find :tmb: !

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