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SEN1138 06-03-13 06:06


Originally Posted by JayB18 (Post 6688039)
9 hours in and just finished the river/parachute scene after impaling Lara about 5 times. About how far am I?

About 1/3rd of the way through.

motoleo 06-03-13 06:09

Must be a short game. I don't know if this game has replay ability or not.

mizuno_suisei 06-03-13 06:12


Originally Posted by JayB18 (Post 6688039)
9 hours in and just finished the river/parachute scene after impaling Lara about 5 times. About how far am I?

Quite a bit to go!

WolfBoy1985 06-03-13 06:13


Originally Posted by JayB18 (Post 6688039)
9 hours in and just finished the river/parachute scene after impaling Lara about 5 times. About how far am I?

You got a long way to go...

mizuno_suisei 06-03-13 06:15


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6688064)
Must be a short game.

Hell no! Took me 22hours over 3days for my first playthrough. Haven't had a long playthrough like that since AoD.

The1andOnlyTR 06-03-13 06:17

How do I change outfits? D:

WolfBoy1985 06-03-13 06:18


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6688079)
How do I change outfits? D:

Pffttt, how she gonna change outfits when she's too busy running for her life!

SEN1138 06-03-13 06:20

I am at the end and it has took me around 13hrs (with quite a few side tombs thrown in). I wouldn't say the game is all that long - although there is quite a large amount of extra information that needs collecting.

The end is incredibly anti-climactic in terms of gameplay...All that challengeless climbing was sending me to sleep.

WolfBoy1985 06-03-13 06:20

No way, the climb right at the end was incredible! like a movie.

skylark1121 06-03-13 06:22

I'm back, and loving the new TR game soooo much!! I love the length. I've played for at least 15 hours, and I still haven't beaten the main story (I've done a fair amount of exploration, etc.).

I really can't put into words how much I'm loving this game. <3

iittopper 06-03-13 06:22

I am not able to find anyone for multiplayer . anybody facing this issue?

WolfBoy1985 06-03-13 06:24


Originally Posted by iittopper (Post 6688087)
I am not able to find anyone for multiplayer . anybody facing this issue?

I think it's unanimous that multi-player should be destroyed for all time.

Don't bother finding anyone.

motoleo 06-03-13 06:24


Originally Posted by iittopper (Post 6688087)
I am not able to find anyone for multiplayer . anybody facing this issue?

Just wait.

Lukass 06-03-13 06:34


Originally Posted by WolfBoy1985 (Post 6688092)
I think it's unanimous that multi-player should be destroyed for all time.

Don't bother finding anyone.

I couldn't agree more. I bet CD already realised that adding the MP was a huge mistake and unfortunate decision.

lcroft_lc 06-03-13 06:58

Installation finished. :jmp: Tomb Raider reboots in 7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

Stevo505 06-03-13 07:03


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6688121)
Installation finished. :jmp: Tomb Raider reboots in 7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

Have fun. It's sooo good.

Captain Rob 06-03-13 07:11

Finally back home and online.
My XBox CE finally showed up late at about 4:00 PM. What a great day for UPS to be training a new driver. At least she was cute.
I can't open and play until tomorrow because I have an early dentist visit so he can do some tomb raiding on my teeth for the second time (four visits in total). Half of my face is going to be numb for 7-8 hours. Oh well.
Always remember to regularly visit your dentist.

dantedmc 06-03-13 07:11


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6688103)
I couldn't agree more. I bet CD already realised that adding the MP was a huge mistake and unfortunate decision.

MP is a useless crap.As i stated before, they could use their resources on improving SP instead. The team in Montreal studio should have worked on some spacial, unique additional tombs instead.

TRItheMaster 06-03-13 07:35

OH.MY.GOD. RIGHT before the release date of the ME dlc and the release of TR, my INTERNET, decides to stop ****ing working!!! I spent 3 DAYS, 3 DAYS! WITHOUT INTERNET! :cen:

SEN1138 06-03-13 07:36


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6688148)
OH.MY.GOD. RIGHT before the release date of the ME dlc and the release of TR, my INTERNET, decides to stop ****ing working!!! I spent 3 DAYS, 3 DAYS! WITHOUT INTERNET! :cen:

What is this sorcery? You didn't die?

Soul 06-03-13 08:05

Haha XD A good friend of mine, who has no idea about my TR-obsession, asked me today whether I already tried out the new TR, as it's "bloody cool"

I really think this game will sell well :tmb:

tombraiderxii 06-03-13 09:02

Strange, I was able to connect to several MP matches without a problem. IMO, the multiplayer's quite fun. Rescue's a lot harder than I thought it'd be, but still really fun! :tmb:
I need to try the Shanty Town map, and the Hitman weapons were quite handy. :D

As for the story mode, I'm at the night hub radio tower-bound. I'm discovering a lot more compared to my December playthrough. Kudos to CD for improving the exploration aspect (the best and most immersive CD TR to date!) It certainly feels more open... I still can't believe we all actually have the game now! :eek: It's so surreal tbh... the game is so immersive and atmospheric that when you take a step back and just take it all in, it just pulls you in!

I was especially impressed with the forshadowing to the village incident when you're in the wolf hub. The subtle orange hues past the gate.. you just get the feeling that something isn't right, and it's really easy to get lost in the hubs. I avoided SI, and it made it so much more enjoyable! :D I haven't been this immersed since Bioshock and Deus Ex HR. :jmp:

Shark_Blade 06-03-13 09:03

This section is sizzling hot. On average it'll be 200+ views.

lcroft_lc 06-03-13 09:15


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6688127)
Have fun. It's sooo good.

I will. :D

sikasika18 06-03-13 09:35

I have been one of those constantly bashing CD for their previous Tomb Raider games and to be honest....THIS GAME IS THE BEST TR EVER!!!!

The felling is right there, that special feeling you got when playing the core tr games.
That feeling is hard to put down in words but I felt it.
That, plus an awesome story to go through makes this (to me) the best Tomb Raider ever.
I love how she moves and runs and reacts to the world around her.
I love the exploration and the huge hubs with lots of spaces to try to get to.
And you actually had to work out how to a few times=)
I have been playing this game nonstop for 3 days and I'm not done yet:D

CD, you should be proud of yourself.
Go out and celebrate, get drunk, get some=P
You guys are awesome!!!

Summer B 06-03-13 09:58

*sigh* Far too much shooting for my liking... I thought TR was about exploration and discovery, not how many people you can frag.

Still enjoying it though...

dantedmc 06-03-13 09:58

Hey guys, is TR coming on PS4?

b.gluch 06-03-13 10:00

i think there was a enough exploration, i agree there is alot of combat which i was skeptical about at first but it turned out to be really fun so i dont really mind.

Gamd1011 06-03-13 10:38

Phew! Just finished my first play-through. I was NOT expecting the game to be as long as it was. :yik:
I died a lot though...:pi:

Suggestions for the sequel:

  • Lower the amount of combat, I don't want to have a gun-fight around almost every corner.
  • Don't use as many cliches in the story.
  • At least try to develop the supporting characters more. (They were all boring and uninteresting... I liked Sam though :p)

EscondeR 06-03-13 10:40


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6688292)
Suggestions for the sequel:

Get rid of the supporting characters

Fixed ;)

TippingWater 06-03-13 10:41

They should have made Tomb Raider:The Beginning (comics) in-game.

Gamd1011 06-03-13 10:46


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6688295)
Fixed ;)

Yeah... no.

I actually liked the interaction Lara had with the other characters. I just wish they were created with more interesting personalities, instead of the cliche stereotypes they were given. You can tell they were made to show Lara's character, instead of showing their own.

James_Croft 06-03-13 10:54

Jason Graves added 2 new tracks on his Soundcloud...

Tomb Raider Overture [8 Minutes]

Credits [11 Minutes]

Oops, guess I'm late to the usual.

daventry 06-03-13 11:07

I was thinking of getting the Game for PC, but $70 is a little too much thank you very much

Cochrane 06-03-13 11:07

A general note: I get that fonts by FontFont are expensive. And I get picking and choosing to keep the cost down. But still, they could have afforded more than one weight of FF DIN. As it is, using only the black weight, it feels like a more shouty, less elegant version of german road signs (which are plenty shouty and unelegant already), especially in the cases of all-uppercase text (like in most menus).

Nothing against FF DIN, I really like the font. But the way it's used here, it really bashes your head in. Making text light gray instead of full white doesn't really solve the issue. In fact, the light gray texts are prime examples where FF DIN Light or Regular would have been a better choice.

All in all, I like the typography, honestly. But I think e.g. Skyrim did it better, with plain Futura Narrow, doing its best to get out of your way.

_Ninja_ 06-03-13 11:31


Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6688323)
I was thinking of getting the Game for PC, but $70 is a little too much thank you very much

You can find cheaper offerings you know.

lcroft_lc 06-03-13 11:41


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6688259)
Hey guys, is TR coming on PS4?

Yes, TR 12 is schedueld for PS4 in 2022. :)

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 11:47


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6688301)
Yeah... no.

I actually liked the interaction Lara had with the other characters. I just wish they were created with more interesting personalities, instead of the cliche stereotypes they were given. You can tell they were made to show Lara's character, instead of showing their own.

This to be honest, I still like Sam, Whitman and Grim a lot though :tmb: !

So, how many survivors are there left in the end, could somebody give me a number, NOT NAMES, just a number, thanks :) .

Peep Show 06-03-13 11:52


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6688360)
This to be honest, I still like Sam, Whitman and Grim a lot though :tmb: !

So, how many survivors are there left in the end, could somebody give me a number, NOT NAMES, just a number, thanks :) .

4 (Lara included).

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 12:11


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6688366)
4 (Lara included).

Oh, that is ok I guess, half of them (excluding Steph, Liam and Victor who are apparently just there, and die anyway ) ... Thanks :Δ !


On anotehr note, PC graphics are salying, for real :O !


Flawless Trailer :jmp: !!!

There may be spoilers, I guess?


I think that we can all agree that this video is a shoutout to hair-fans :p ! Flawless by the way :tmb: !

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