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Jami393 06-03-13 21:16


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689224)
Well it's a possibility, but it would be too weird if two people with the same name worked for the same series for the same reason :p ! And it's propably him because it seems like something he would do :p !.

Yeah it must be the same guy, but I thought he wasn't going to be involved (no matter how little) with the reboot series?

SEN1138 06-03-13 21:20


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6689238)
I have a very egoistic view: If I don't like it, it's a fault. :D And did you honestly forget everything you knew, or more to the point, did you really think they wanted us to? I they did, I would have expected a different name for the game and a different heroine. You know, an actual new series instead of just "kind of" like a new series.

The combat in TR2 is nowhere near as bad as here (in this section; Soul: I mean something that happens after Shantytown). In particular, it's better paced. I actually like the combat, but it's getting too much at once. As for Legend… I don't consider that part of the benchmark for good TR games. But it's not about comparisons. I'd dislike this much fighting in any game. I guess dedicated shooters are even worse, but then, I don't play them, and this game didn't try to sell itself as a dedicated shooter.

The one thing that irritates me about all of this is that they created a Tomb Raider game, yes it was a reboot, the focus has been misplaced onto combat and away from mystery and intrigue. If they wanted to create an action game with a little 'mystery' on the side why didn't they just create a new franchise? It's because it wouldn't have sold - the only thing that is keeping this game from being another shooter/adventure game (and potentially disappearing into oblivion after a month) is the Lara Croft character, and the reputation built by older Tomb Raiders.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 21:23


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6689238)
I have a very egoistic view: If I don't like it, it's a fault. :D And did you honestly forget everything you knew, or more to the point, did you really think they wanted us to? I they did, I would have expected a different name for the game and a different heroine. You know, an actual new series instead of just "kind of" like a new series.

The combat in TR2 is nowhere near as bad as here (in this section; Soul: I mean something that happens after Shantytown). In particular, it's better paced. I actually like the combat, but it's getting too much at once. As for Legend… I don't consider that part of the benchmark for good TR games. But it's not about comparisons. I'd dislike this much fighting in any game. I guess dedicated shooters are even worse, but then, I don't play them, and this game didn't try to sell itself as a dedicated shooter.

Oh, I see :p . Well no, I certainly didn't forget anything and I doubt that they wanted us to, I'm just saying that since it's a new beginning it can be different but still borrow elements from the two previous eras which I think the game did good enough.

I'm not a fan of sooting either, in fact, if there's anything I hated about Legend it was the "waves" of enemies, I just couldn't stand it! But I could still tolerate the whole thing because I don't care that much about combat, if the whole game was similar to Legend's final level then I guess I would have a problem, but only if it was like that, which luckily wasn't.

As for the new game, I find the combat enjoyable, most of the times, at times I can be like "Urgh, another battle!" but, like I said, so long as it's not all over the game I can stand it.


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6689248)
Yeah it must be the same guy, but I thought he wasn't going to be involved (no matter how little) with the reboot series?

I thought the same, but didn't anyone actually officialy said something like that, I mean did he or someone else said that he would stay away from tthe series?

Jami393 06-03-13 21:27


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689257)
I thought the same, but didn't anyone actually officialy said something like that, I mean did he or someone else said that he would stay away from tthe series?

I don't know if it was him, or someone from Crystal said something. All I know is that I heard he wasn't going to be involved, and here we are, having him credited for TReboot's cinematics.

Mikky 06-03-13 21:29


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689214)
Ruins the game doesn't it? Everybody seems to be sucking up to CD without actually pointing out the glaring faults in the game.

Yep, my thoughts exactly.


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6689238)
I have a very egoistic view: If I don't like it, it's a fault. :D And did you honestly forget everything you knew, or more to the point, did you really think they wanted us to? I they did, I would have expected a different name for the game and a different heroine. You know, an actual new series instead of just "kind of" like a new series.

The combat in TR2 is nowhere near as bad as here (in this section; Soul: I mean something that happens after Shantytown). In particular, it's better paced. I actually like the combat, but it's getting too much at once. As for Legend… I don't consider that part of the benchmark for good TR games. But it's not about comparisons. I'd dislike this much fighting in any game. I guess dedicated shooters are even worse, but then, I don't play them, and this game didn't try to sell itself as a dedicated shooter.


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689251)
The one thing that irritates me about all of this is that they created a Tomb Raider game, yes it was a reboot, the focus has been misplaced onto combat and away from mystery and intrigue. If they wanted to create an action game with a little 'mystery' on the side why didn't they just create a new franchise? It's because it wouldn't have sold - the only thing that is keeping this game from being another shooter/adventure game (and potentially disappearing into oblivion after a month) is the Lara Croft character, and the reputation built by older Tomb Raiders.

Wow, it's actually a relieve to see people who share my opinions about the game. I thought I was going crazy.

And yeah, it's true that people seem to be letting their excitement and hype for the game cloud their judgement. Maybe in a few weeks time when they have calmed down a bit, we can see what people really think.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 21:33


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689251)
The one thing that irritates me about all of this is that they created a Tomb Raider game, yes it was a reboot, the focus has been misplaced onto combat and away from mystery and intrigue. If they wanted to create an action game with a little 'mystery' on the side why didn't they just create a new franchise? It's because it wouldn't have sold - the only thing that is keeping this game from being another shooter/adventure game (and potentially disappearing into oblivion after a month) is the Lara Croft character, and the reputation built by older Tomb Raiders.

Do you honestly think that anyone outside this forum would buy the game just because Lara is in it? I don't think so! Sure, the game had a reputation... in the 90s. In the 90s everyone new TR, not just gamers. After AoD it was kinda forgotten, I mean sure, there was still a strong fanbase and people would talk about it now and then but let's face it, the game had lost most of it's fame and glory.

Almost all critics are praising the game and most of them say it's the best one so far, so whatever it accomplished it did it on it's own, not with the help of the Classics or Lucozade or Angelina Jolie or anything like that.


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6689262)
I don't know if it was him, or someone from Crystal said something. All I know is that I heard he wasn't going to be involved, and here we are, having him credited for TReboot's cinematics.

Maybe Karl said it :whi: ...

Jami393 06-03-13 21:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689268)
Maybe Karl said it :whi: ...

Possibly. I came across Gard on IMDb when looking this up, and it says the only thing he is credited for is the Lara Croft character. But I did see his name for cinematics in the reboot.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 21:38


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6689274)
Possibly. I came across Gard on IMDb when looking this up, and it says the only thing he is credited for is the Lara Croft character. But I did see his name for cinematics in the reboot.

Meh, I don't know, trying to figure out things like that can be a pain in the ass most of the time.

But, judging by the fact that he has done the same thing in the series before, I guess it's safe to say that he helped with cinematics :tmb: .

Jami393 06-03-13 21:42


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689279)
Meh, I don't know, trying to figure out things like that can be a pain in the ass most of the time.

But, judging by the fact that he has done the same thing in the series before, I guess it's safe to say that he helped with cinematics :tmb: .

I'm going to double check on the credits, to confirm for myself and possibly anyone who wants to know, about Gard's name in the credits.

SEN1138 06-03-13 21:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689268)
Almost all critics are praising the game and most of them say it's the best one so far, so whatever it accomplished it did it on it's own

I think this is irrelevant, critics consistently give COD games 8 and 9's, to me this shows the depth of so-called game 'critics'. I am going to patiently wait till all the hype has blown over and people start to replay the story and notice its obvious weaknesses.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 21:49


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6689284)
I'm going to double check on the credits, to confirm for myself and possibly anyone who wants to know, about Gard's name in the credits.

Cool, thanks :tmb: !


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689289)
I think this is irrelevant, critics consistently give COD games 8 and 9's, to me this shows the depth of so-called game 'critics'. I am going to patiently wait till all the hype has blown over and people start to replay the story and notice its obvious weaknesses.

Well, opinions vary but most people seem to love it, and I'm not talking about critics or fans of the series, I'm talking about the average gamers, which were actually the main target group of thsi game.

The way I see it, the gameplay is created for the everyday gamer and the story is downright fanservice. Perosnally, I couldn't be happier with that, my main intrests in a game are it's story and characters, everything else comes after that.

maximum_123 06-03-13 21:51

I just completed it and I really enjoyed it! However, I'm a little disappointed that it took me just 7 hours, and that was with a lot (I thought, anyway) of exploration and going out of my way. I finished with 70% complete, so there's still a bit to go back on but I'm happy with the game! I loved it, and there were some really standout scenes. It also played well and looked incredible on PC.

Heartache 06-03-13 21:53

the toby gard thing is true. saw it myself.

Jami393 06-03-13 21:57


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 6689303)
the toby gard thing is true. saw it myself.

Yeah and here is a pic of it. May not be in the best quality but you still can make the name out.

So he's done a fair bit in the game, even though it was said he wasn't involved.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 22:03

^ Kewl!!! I like how he always comes back to his "child" :jmp: !

Jami393 06-03-13 22:05


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689318)
^ Kewl!!! I like how he always comes back to his "child" :jmp: !

But this isn't his child no more, it's Crystal's child. I wonder why no one from either Crystal or Square said anything about Gard's involvement in the game.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 22:10


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6689323)
But this isn't his child no more, it's Crystal's child. I wonder why no one from either Crystal or Square said anything about Gard's involvement in the game.

Well yeah, they "adopted" her but he can still "visit" :p !

Well, think about it this way; do they talk about EVERY single person who worked in the game? No matter how important he was in the original game, Legend and Anni his work in TR is not worth mentioning, in Crystal's eyes at least, other than giving him credit in the credits.

tomekkobialka 06-03-13 22:11


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689251)
The one thing that irritates me about all of this is that they created a Tomb Raider game, yes it was a reboot, the focus has been misplaced onto combat and away from mystery and intrigue. If they wanted to create an action game with a little 'mystery' on the side why didn't they just create a new franchise? It's because it wouldn't have sold - the only thing that is keeping this game from being another shooter/adventure game (and potentially disappearing into oblivion after a month) is the Lara Croft character, and the reputation built by older Tomb Raiders.

I still try to imagine - what would the game be like if the lead character was somebody completely new? I can't imagine it, to be honest. :o I wouldn't care half as much for her (or him) as I do with "Lara Croft" in it. If this game weren't some kind of an origins story I wouldn't bother playing it at all. :p The whole "origins" thing is what keeps this game standing on its two feet, IMO.

I know this is pretty obvious, but it's quite's almost as if half of this game is the whole TR franchise, not the game itself.

Look. :o My point is: The actual gameplay of this game seems almost irrelevant compared to the character of Lara herself. It's almost as if somebody came up with a story for Lara's beginnings and flipped a coin to decide whether to turn it into a video game or a movie. :ton: Hence the exploration and puzzling is there because Lara is in there, not because the game depends on exploration and puzzling (IMHO).

Jami393 06-03-13 22:14


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689331)
Well, think about it this way; do they talk about EVERY single person who worked in the game? No matter how important he was in the original game, Legend and Anni his work in TR is not worth mentioning, in Crystal's eyes at least, other than giving him credit in the credits.

Well yeah I see you're point. :p

_Ninja_ 06-03-13 22:15

Got to Shanty Town today. We'll see about this monstrous amounts of combat people are reporting. Because so far there has been very little.

BTW: combat =/= flaw.

Scorpio1991 06-03-13 22:23

I don't know how accurate it is but according to IMDB Toby Gard has been credited as a writer for all Tomb Raider games since he left.
Maybe they are just giving him pity credit for creating Tomb Raider? :confused:

Jami393 06-03-13 22:26


Originally Posted by Scorpio1991 (Post 6689360)
I don't know how accurate it is but according to IMDB Toby Gard has been credited as a writer for all Tomb Raider games since he left.
Maybe they are just giving him pity credit for creating Tomb Raider? :confused:

That's just them giving credit for the Lara Croft character.

b0bb13 06-03-13 22:27

Did Esconder seriously post in a closed thread just to add a basic insult?

I've never seen such high levels of pressedness in any individual like, ever.

Only TR lover 06-03-13 22:28

Can any of you guys who's playing TR on PC confirm that there are lens flare effects, fire illumination and water (and blood) drops on the screen?

These actually:

Somehow I don't have them!? I'm not playing the game on high detail but most of the settings are high or ultra. What actually activates them?

_Tomb_Raider 06-03-13 22:29

Just beat the game!
MAN, this was just FLAWLESS! :cln: :cln: I have no words! Loved every second of it, truly!

tomblover 06-03-13 22:30


Originally Posted by b0bb13 (Post 6689368)
Did Esconder seriously post in a closed thread just to add a basic insult?

I've never seen such high levels of pressedness in any individual like, ever.

Old dogs and new tricks, we all know that story... :p


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6689370)
Can any of you guys who's playing TR on PC confirm that there are lens flare effects, fire illumination and water (and blood) drops on the screen?

These actually:

Somehow I don't have them!? I'm not playing the game on high detail but most of the settings are high or ultra. What actually activates them?

There is definitely water, at least the non-hexagonal kind. :tmb:

Controfiliburu 06-03-13 22:31


_Awestruck_ 06-03-13 22:32


Originally Posted by b0bb13 (Post 6689368)
Did Esconder seriously post in a closed thread just to add a basic insult?

I've never seen such high levels of pressedness in any individual like, ever.

Does this surprise you?

Only TR lover 06-03-13 22:33


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6689374)
Old dogs and new tricks, we all know that story... :p

There is definitely water, at least the non-hexagonal kind. :tmb:

I have that effect where water runs on screen (camera) and the picture stays blurry for few moments, but no drops like in 1st screen. It's funny 'cause I saw them in every xbox gameplay?!

Linoshi Croft 06-03-13 22:39


Anyone else get this with tressfx. It disappears at certain angles..

Dark_Messiah 06-03-13 22:41


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6689392)

Anyone else get this with tressfx. It disappears at certain angles..

Yeah. One of the reasons I turned it off too! I am waiting for the nVidia fix and all the problems should be gone.

People may complain about Laras hair - but without the hair she looks.. well.. no comment

b0bb13 06-03-13 22:41

Omg yes, baldie Lara. <3

Linoshi Croft 06-03-13 22:42

She looks so much like Camilla with her hair like that :vlol:

Yocy 06-03-13 22:46

Alot of people have complained about the other characters in this game and how the game would be better off without them.
But I must say this article makes them look a lot better :>

JasonAW 06-03-13 22:54

I hope this is the right thread, but I am stuck. I need ammo for my bow but can't find any, and I am on a high ledge, the only way down is dying. Is there a way to restart the level?

SEN1138 06-03-13 23:08


Originally Posted by JasonAW (Post 6689419)
I hope this is the right thread, but I am stuck. I need ammo for my bow but can't find any, and I am on a high ledge, the only way down is dying. Is there a way to restart the level?

Reload the game and it may appear - I was stuck once or twice and this worked.

JasonAW 06-03-13 23:11


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689437)
Reload the game and it may appear - I was stuck once or twice and this worked.

I've tried that, but there is still no ammo there... and I think I am near the end too lol. I'll keep trying. Thanks

TippingWater 06-03-13 23:19

She dies so easy during the parachute sequence! DAMN IT CD! DAMN IT!

maximum_123 06-03-13 23:21

When do sales numbers get released? [IMG]http://*********/forums/images/smilies/images/smilies/party.gif[/IMG]

Alister's_Brain 06-03-13 23:22


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6689451)
She dies so easy during the parachute sequence! DAMN IT CD! DAMN IT!

I thought that was the easy part. The river imo was frustrating...

*dies and gets neck impaled*

okay cool I'll avoid that next time.

*dies, watches death again*

damn it, sorry Lara.





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