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Mikky 10-07-13 15:04


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847350)
Good chance they wouldn't, but that isn't the point. She said "lift" in Legend, which was made by CD, so... Not that I should even be applauding them for having written locally for Lara.

I think the difference, in the case of their language, between Legend Lara and Reboot Lara is the time of their upbringing. TRL Lara was raised in the what, 80s? Reboot Lara was brought up in the 90s and 2000s. There are so many influences that affect the modern day English language, yes, even in the UK, mainly the media and TV. You can't possibly expect this Lara to be all posh and proper with her language, it just wouldn't be believable at all. :p

Now, don't get me wrong, Camilla's "British" accent is quite awful and she does mispronounce a few words, but just in this case of saying "elevator" instead of "lift", I mean, it's hardly Earth-shattering. It's completely understandable why she would say it.

And yes, I now feel ashamed that I'm discussing this super-nitpicky subject that you brought up. :pi:

Spong 10-07-13 15:05


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6847367)
IKR? I love that :p

You have impeccable taste :cool:

Phlip 10-07-13 15:27


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847358)
Personally, I don't really see why it's such a big deal. If anything for arguments sake it makes more sense for Legend Lara considering her background and less sense for reboot Lara considering she didn't grow up with an aristocratic background. *shrugs*


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6847368)
I think the difference, in the case of their language, between Legend Lara and Reboot Lara is the time of their upbringing. TRL Lara was raised in the what, 80s? Reboot Lara was brought up in the 90s and 2000s. There are so many influences that affect the modern day English language, yes, even in the UK, mainly the media and TV. You can't possibly expect this Lara to be all posh and proper with her language, it just wouldn't be believable at all. :p

Now, don't get me wrong, Camilla's "British" accent is quite awful and she does mispronounce a few words, but just in this case of saying "elevator" instead of "lift", I mean, it's hardly Earth-shattering. It's completely understandable why she would say it.

And yes, I now feel ashamed that I'm discussing this super-nitpicky subject that you brought up. :pi:

It's aristocratic and posh to use British English nowadays? LOL, I'm more high class than I thought, then.

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 15:41


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847377)
It's aristocratic and posh to use British English nowadays? LOL, I'm more high class than I thought, then.

No, but you're failing to see that realistically Lara language being distorted by American English is pretty normal considering most peoples in England is.

Patrick star 10-07-13 19:04

I know this might sound stupid , but did anyone thought Lara was dead after the helicopter crash ? :p ....I really thought that ! when Roth was trying to awake her , screaming at her and she is still unconscious I thought he'll cry : " Oh ,nooooo Laraaaaaaaaaaa " one second or another !!!!
stupid I know :cln:

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 19:20

I remember the first time I played the game, at the part where the demons capture you and string you up! When she pulled herself free and fell on the ground I thought I did something wrong and she died :vlol: :pi: then she got up..

sierra xb 10-07-13 19:32


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847347)
Would an American even know what a lift was though? :pi:

most probably would not, unless they spent alot of time watching british tv. I made a point to learn british and aussie terms for things, more for fun than anything else :)

larafan25 10-07-13 19:34

I know what a lift's an elevator, isn't it?

Something that is goes up...the lift.

xLara_Nathanx 10-07-13 19:36

''Lift'' is also the Dutch word for elevator.


tomee 10-07-13 21:00

Same in Hungarian. *shrugs*

Either way, I'm happy that I don't have to deal with such, first world British problems.

Spong 10-07-13 21:20


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6847567)
I know what a lift's an elevator, isn't it?

I think you'll find it's the other way around ;)


Phlip 10-07-13 22:14


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6847396)
No, but you're failing to see that realistically Lara language being distorted by American English is pretty normal considering most peoples in England is.

No disrespect, but I do disagree. I dunno what region you're from, though. I'm mostly from East Sussex.

Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6847660)
I think you'll find it's the other way around ;)


Love it. :vlol:

tomee 10-07-13 22:26


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847703)
I'm mostly from East Sussex.

sooooo, what else you are, partially?

Linoshi Croft 10-07-13 22:36


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6847703)
No disrespect, but I do disagree. I dunno what region you're from, though. I'm mostly from East Sussex.

I'm original from the Midlands but moved quite a bit around that area and into the North West of England. Pretty much all places had some form of distortion to the language. I mean there so many American shows and such and even most things we use being in American English (Including Word by default). To me it seems like it's inevitable. *shrugs* So, to me the use of the word 'elevator' is really not that big of a deal considering I've heard it and 'lift' in equal use.

Lara_Fan_33 11-07-13 05:53


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6847271)
I've decided what the best cutscene is in TR9. It's the one when Lara reaches the radio tower console. Why is it the best? Because the leaves all over the console look flippin' awesome :cool:

just saw this and have to say i agree those leaves look sooo good :tmb: I noticed them right away when the cutscene started heha, and Laras face when Alex cracks that joke :p

LNSNHGTDS 11-07-13 08:00

As a matter of a fact she did call it "lift" in Legend so it seems weird that she says "elevator" this time instead. Maybe they forgot to de-Americanize Lara's lines :p ?

I can see why some people are pissed but I just can't relate, I usually prefer the British version or spelling of words but I occasionally stick to the American version so I almost don't recognise which word is used for what.

For example, up until now, I couldn't tell whether lift or elevator was the British word, same goesfor the words apartment and flat.

princebenidere 11-07-13 09:15

I wonder how many sales TR did now. just curious
maybe 5 or 6 mill or maybe higher?

tiann 11-07-13 10:32


Originally Posted by princebenidere (Post 6847923)
I wonder how many sales TR did now. just curious
maybe 5 or 6 mill or maybe higher?

I'm wondering that too. and for the love of God they need to release the figures from the Steam purchases.

tomee 11-07-13 11:08


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6847909)
As a matter of a fact she did call it "lift" in Legend so it seems weird that she says "elevator" this time instead. Maybe they forgot to de-Americanize Lara's lines :p ?

I can see why some people are pissed but I just can't relate, I usually prefer the British version or spelling of words but I occasionally stick to the American version so I almost don't recognise which word is used for what.

For example, up until now, I couldn't tell whether lift or elevator was the British word, same goesfor the words apartment and flat.

Flat is British and apartment is American, if I know correclty.

I usually also stick to British spelling and words. They taught me 'colour' and not 'color' and this applies to a lot of other things. But sometimes I would automatically write trashy instead of rubbish for example.

I don't know why I prefer pants to trousers though. :p It sounds better to me, I guess.

jajay119 11-07-13 11:14

^ Apartment is now just as used in Br. English as flat is. Though, apartment carries connotations of luxury where a flat would be pretty basic.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6847909)
As a matter of a fact she did call it "lift" in Legend so it seems weird that she says "elevator" this time instead. Maybe they forgot to de-Americanize Lara's lines :p ?

I can see why some people are pissed but I just can't relate, I usually prefer the British version or spelling of words but I occasionally stick to the American version so I almost don't recognise which word is used for what.

For example, up until now, I couldn't tell whether lift or elevator was the British word, same goesfor the words apartment and flat.

I think they get away with it in TReboot; elevator is becoming much more common now, especially in comercial and trade sectors where, whether people like it or not, American English is the dominant one. Some word such as diaper, chips ( when referring to crisps) or band-aid have never krept through and would be far more inexcusable because that really is a case where no one would say it in Britain.

Spong 11-07-13 11:20

Bad writing is what it comes down to primarily, a story and its dialogue written by people who's only inspiration appears to be films. Also, a bad choice of voice actress, a "proper" Brit would've spotted & flagged up those differences during read throughs because they stand out.

Phlip 11-07-13 11:33


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6848039)
Also, a bad choice of voice actress, a "proper" Brit would've spotted & flagged up those differences during read throughs because they stand out.


They say they did a thorough international search and auditioned thousands of girls (or something) and they turned up a girl in their own back garden who overacts and has a questionable accent.

I've no doubt they probably auditioned a good few actual English girls with great acting abilities who weren't afraid to point out any American English used, but I bet CD thought they were probably too ugly. I doubt it's a coincidence all the VA's for Lara are super attractive (especially the German one).

Spong 11-07-13 11:36


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6848050)
...I bet CD thought they were probably too ugly. I doubt it's a coincidence all the VA's for Lara are super attractive (especially the German one).

It's almost like they're fulfilling the same role that the real life Lara's used to, you know, the ones Crystal ditched in order to get away from the "Lara as a sex symbol" thing :pi::whi:

jajay119 11-07-13 11:40


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6848039)
Bad writing is what it comes down to primarily, a story and its dialogue written by people who's only inspiration appears to be films. Also, a bad choice of voice actress, a "proper" Brit would've spotted & flagged up those differences during read throughs because they stand out.

You'd think that; but surprisingly not. The amount of Hollywood written and produced movies I have seen set in Britain and featuring a British actor and there has still been Americanisms creeping in such as, like I said before, Chips (crisps), Soda, Band aid and diaper which is reduculous as, also like I said, this is a case where nobody actually says them as opposed to elevator which is becoming quite common now.

trfanX34 11-07-13 11:47


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6848050)
I doubt it's a coincidence all the VA's for Lara are super attractive (especially the German one).

Have you seen Lara's Spanish VA? Not exactly what I'd call a sex symbol.

TRItheMaster 11-07-13 12:21


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6848063)
Have you seen Lara's Spanish VA? Not exactly what I'd call a sex symbol.

Ya got that right. :vlol:

Linoshi Croft 11-07-13 12:26


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6848039)
Bad writing is what it comes down to primarily, a story and its dialogue written by people who's only inspiration appears to be films. Also, a bad choice of voice actress, a "proper" Brit would've spotted & flagged up those differences during read throughs because they stand out.

I doubt it. They'd probably be more focused on the paycheck. Plus, Rhianna Pratchett is English and it was her job to go through cutscenes and such and make sure everything sounded appropriately 'English' :p So...

and this...


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6848056)
You'd think that; but surprisingly not. The amount of Hollywood written and produced movies I have seen set in Britain and featuring a British actor and there has still been Americanisms creeping in such as, like I said before, Chips (crisps), Soda, Band aid and diaper which is reduculous as, also like I said, this is a case where nobody actually says them as opposed to elevator which is becoming quite common now.

Spong 11-07-13 12:39


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6848083)
Plus, Rhianna Pratchett is English and it was her job to go through cutscenes and such and make sure everything sounded appropriately 'English' :p So...

...that just shows she's not a very good writer if she failed to pick up on the things us nobodies have spotted a mile off. She was too bogged down in dealing with what Crystal handed to to her, and didn't she go on about how she was toying with the idea of making Lara gay? Seems like her mind was probably on everything but the details :pi:


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6848056)
You'd think that; but surprisingly not. The amount of Hollywood written and produced movies I have seen set in Britain and featuring a British actor and there has still been Americanisms creeping in such as, like I said before, Chips (crisps), Soda, Band aid and diaper which is reduculous as, also like I said, this is a case where nobody actually says them as opposed to elevator which is becoming quite common now.

What your movie example underlines, and what was no doubt the driving force in TR9's dialogue as well, is the need to make the film/game more accessible to and more accepted by the American (largest) market. Doesn't mean it's right though.

jajay119 11-07-13 12:42


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6848099)

What your movie example underlines, and what was no doubt the driving force in TR9's dialogue as well, is the need to make the film/game more accessible to and more accepted by the American (largest) market. Doesn't mean it's right though.

I couldn't agree more to an extent, though I find some uses more acceptable. Elevator is one of them as it is used here but lift is not in America so I don't think they'd know what it is... though you could argue that for the other things I suppose.

LNSNHGTDS 11-07-13 14:00


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6848032)
I think they get away with it in TReboot; elevator is becoming much more common now, especially in comercial and trade sectors where, whether people like it or not, American English is the dominant one. Some word such as diaper, chips ( when referring to crisps) or band-aid have never krept through and would be far more inexcusable because that really is a case where no one would say it in Britain.

Not living in the United Kingdom or being British myself I think that you present the most plausible excuse of CD's "mistake" , I think I kind of understand now.


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6848050)
They say they did a thorough international search and auditioned thousands of girls (or something) and they turned up a girl in their own back garden who overacts and has a questionable accent.

I've no doubt they probably auditioned a good few actual English girls with great acting abilities who weren't afraid to point out any American English used, but I bet CD thought they were probably too ugly. I doubt it's a coincidence all the VA's for Lara are super attractive (especially the German one).

My theory is that they hired an actor that lives in America because it would cost less, I mean, they had to spent money on promotion for a guy to jump around and a kick-boxer or whatever which were both reaaally relevant to the game :rolleyes: ...

I was one of the first peopel to support CD's actions and it's not that I'm not grateful or anything and I did love the new game however, some of their actions are confusing me... as far as I know, many people were fired between Underworld and Tomb Raider, if the previous people were still in charge (which I think weren't) I think the whole thing would have turned out a lot better than it did.

As for them being pretty the German and the French voice actresses are the exact opposites. Camilla, Yuko (Japanese VA) and the Arab VA whose name I always forget were pretty, the rest were all average, to say the very least!

spyrostr 11-07-13 22:23


Friday, July 19

4:00pm - 5:00pm - The Art of Video Games
Room 7AB

Quite a bit has changed since Dark Horse first published Mass Effect in 2010, as the publisher has grown this line of books to include franchises like Last of Us, Dragon Age, Bioshock, The Legend of Zelda, and most recently, HALO and Tomb Raider! From canonical comics to beautiful hardcover art books, Dark Horse has firmly established that there is life for popular gaming franchises far beyond the games themselves. Dark Horse PR director Jeremy Atkins, creators Faith Erin Hicks and Neil Druckmann (The Last of Us), PopCap Games- Plants vs. Zombies Franchise Art Director Jeremy Vanhoozer, 343 Studios- Halo Franchise Development Director Frank O'Connor and some surprise guest writers and artists offer a look at what's to come.

Evan C. 11-07-13 23:58

Have anyeone seen the last page of The Beggining? There's even an image of that ^

AimlessThunder 12-07-13 03:51

Me wants! :D

motoleo 12-07-13 10:56

New-t stands for trend really? Oh, okay well then I'm glad they closed that thread because that term makes no sense. Trends change.

Then I'm not sure anyone really is one. Redundancy at its best.

tiann 12-07-13 10:58


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 6848718)

Me wants! :D

she looks like a hooker with those prostitute-high boots

Mikky 12-07-13 15:19

I am playing Tomb Raider. 4 months late, but all the same, I am ****ing playing Tomb Raider. Y'all shall deal. :cool:


Lukass 12-07-13 15:43


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6849044)
I am playing Tomb Raider. 4 months late, but all the same, I am ****ing playing Tomb Raider. Y'all shall deal. :cool:



Hmmm you like it?

EscondeR 12-07-13 15:48


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6848895)
Trends change.

It's the only hope...
Doesn't make some trends less idiotic though.

LNSNHGTDS 12-07-13 17:12


Originally Posted by tiann (Post 6848897)
she looks like a hooker with those prostitute-high boots

What are you talking about? Hooker boots are thigh-high, those are too short :ohn: ! Besides, it's the usual length for Lara's boots, it's just that TReboot's boots were shorter.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6849044)
I am playing Tomb Raider. 4 months late, but all the same, I am ****ing playing Tomb Raider. Y'all shall deal. :cool:


Glad you, apparently, like it :D !

Mikky 12-07-13 19:17


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6849057)

Hmmm you like it?

Yeah, it's good. Nothing mind-blowing (as I knew already), but I'm enjoying it. Just happy to finally be playing the game, ha. :p Playing it in Hard mode (#pro) and I'm that bit after you find the second pilot, in that corpse-filled den. Woo. I told myself I wouldn't collect stuff and do the side tombs on my first play through, but I can't resist it. I really enjoy doing it. xD

Oh, and the MP on the PS3 is terrible. How was the game released with the MP like that? Lag and players falling through the map. And this is after the patch. :vlol:

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