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larafan25 19-10-12 22:14


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6487724)
I think its somewhat down to the technology they are using to be honest. It's literally just a camera capturing her face. Where Enslaved had individual muscle and points of the actors faces mapped out.

Sure, but if they can still go in and manually tweak the animation and enhance the articulation themselves, I'm sure it could be just as good.

Linoshi Croft 19-10-12 22:17


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6487726)
Sure, but if they can still go in and manually tweak the animation and enhance the articulation themselves, I'm sure it could be just as good.

To me that just makes using the motion capture seem pretty much unnecessary if they can produce better facial expressions in Underworld than untouched actual facial motion capture.

Lukass 19-10-12 22:17

I agree. The facial animations are poor.

larafan25 19-10-12 22:18


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6487731)
To me that just makes using the motion capture seem pretty much unnecessary if they can produce better facial expressions in Underworld than untouched actual facial motion capture.

Well not if you take real reference footage and add it to the work done in TRU.

Then I assume you get a masterpiece.

just*raidin*tomb 19-10-12 22:19

It seems to me what they're doing is capturing the facial expressions on camera as reference and going back in to match up the animation.

That's what Uncharted does I'm pretty sure.

larafan25 19-10-12 22:20


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6487736)
It seems to be what they're doing is capturing the facial expressions on camera as reference and going back in to do match up the animation.

That's what Uncharted does I'm pretty sure.

Yep, something like that.

Linoshi Croft 19-10-12 22:21

Uncharted does it by hand, using reference. Tombraider is actually capturing and using the facial capture. Apparently...


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6487732)
I agree. The facial animations are poor.

Glad I'm not the only one. :p


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6487734)
Well not if you take real reference footage and add it to the work done in TRU.

Then I assume you get a masterpiece.

They should of simply used the better technology. Then we'd have the closest to realistic as possible and Lara would really come to life. Unfortunately, with have....well something pretty dire.

Lukass 19-10-12 22:22

In the leaked footage though, the animations seem fine :)

larafan25 19-10-12 22:24

I think the facial animations are great when she's talking to Sam at E3, and at the campfire.

just*raidin*tomb 19-10-12 22:25

I'm fine with the animations. I don't really see the problem. Sometimes they look kind of meh...okay, but they never look awful and generally look good to me.

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