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BinRaider 19-06-12 20:03


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6266089)
Really? That's awesome, how do you know this? XD

Some guy said it was in a render of her near the end of the game in his article.

Stevo505 19-06-12 20:13


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6266037)
Apparently it's not the final bow. Apparently it's like some badass looking one that olympic archers use.

Ugh, compound bow? I hate those. They're so ugly.

BinRaider 19-06-12 20:19


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6266172)
Ugh, compound bow? I hate those. They're so ugly.

Yeah that's the name. Apparently it was silvery or something.

LNSNHGTDS 19-06-12 20:23


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6265962)
Lol no, it was part of some school trip I went on in high school and we watched an educational video of the Nile River. :(

Egypt <3 :p !


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6265995)
They probably enabled some all weapon cheat or something.



Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6266001)
maybe but maybe not because you have to shoot the wooden door to get there.

She still has the pickaxe ;) .


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6266023)
Also, I don't know if it's just me but THIS animation looks a little awkward. :p

Yeah it kinda is, it's normal though :p ... it's just not normal for Lara to move... normal :D !

klona 19-06-12 20:29

I noticed the bow is placed differently in the Turning Point trailer.

Adrenaline 19-06-12 20:52


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6266172)
Ugh, compound bow? I hate those. They're so ugly.

Really ugly. :(

Mikky 19-06-12 21:02

Not all compound bows look the same, FYI. :ohn:

LNSNHGTDS 19-06-12 21:32


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6266269)

Not all compound bows look the same, FYI. :ohn:

Sorry, that's ugly too :p !

Mikky 19-06-12 21:33


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6266328)
Sorry, that's ugly too :p !


Billy959 19-06-12 21:41

MEH! I love the ornamented bow from the renders!

SpyrosMonster 19-06-12 21:55


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6266201)
She still has the pickaxe ;) .

Yeah it kinda is, it's normal though :p ... it's just not normal for Lara to move... normal :D !

Yes! I forgot about the pickaxe! It would be great you had to brake the whole wooden door manually!

as for the animation that's why it seems awkward to me! you are right.

LNSNHGTDS 19-06-12 22:00


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6266373)
Yes! I forgot about the pickaxe! It would be great you had to brake the whole wooden door manually!

as for the animation that's why it seems awkward to me! you are right.

As always :rolleyes: !

Joking :p !

SpyrosMonster 19-06-12 22:07


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6266386)
As always :rolleyes: !

Joking :p !

show off -.-

jk <3 :p

_Awestruck_ 20-06-12 00:31

Well, a female journalist from IGN had to sound off on the issue:

I barely skimmed it, but it felt more negative than anything.

LNSNHGTDS 20-06-12 00:35


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6266556)
Well, a female journalist from IGN had to sound off on the issue:

I barely skimmed it, but it felt more negative than anything.

My reply to that article.



Shark_Blade 20-06-12 00:42

^She wasn't even raped in Aod tbph..

TheRCroft 20-06-12 00:44


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6266566)
^She wasn't even raped in Aod tbph..

It's only rape when one of the parts doesn't want to perform the sexual activity or doesn't want any involvement with the other, which wasn't the case in AoD :p

Shark_Blade 20-06-12 00:51


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6266569)
It's only rape when one of the parts doesn't want to perform the sexual activity or doesn't want any involvement with the other, which wasn't the case in AoD :p

No, that is wrong. There is no sexual intercourse or penetration, hence it is not rape. Educate yourself for goodness sake. :ohn:

A sexual harassment is a more suitable word. But Lara seemed to enjoy it anyway.. but let's not get into that.

Stevo505 20-06-12 00:51


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6266560)
My reply to that article.

Did you read through the article? The author clearly stated her issue wasn't with the attempted rape scene, but rather that CD backpedaled and denied that sexual assault is not a theme in Tomb Raider.

I sort of agree with her - CD blatantly denying it is kind of fishy.

_Awestruck_ 20-06-12 00:52

The problem that this article has ultimately created is that it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation. People were pissed off when they said that sexual assault was present in the game, and now people are pissed off that they're denying it.

I'm not sure the statement they issued last week ended up solving much, if anything. They just can't win.

TheRCroft 20-06-12 00:52


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6266576)
No, that is wrong. There is no sexual intercourse or penetration, hence it is not rape. Educate yourself for goodness sake. :ohn:

A sexual harassment is a more suitable word. But Lara seemed to enjoy it anyway.. but let's not get into that.

Oh shoot, you're right, I thought you had written that Lara hadn't suffered an attempt of rape, I really need to sleep :p

Stevo505 20-06-12 00:55


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6266579)
The problem that this article has ultimately created is that it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation. People were pissed off when they said that sexual assault was present in the game, and now people are pissed off that they're denying it.

I'm not sure the statement they issued last week ended up solving much, if anything. They just can't win.

Agreed. It's kind of sad. The article of this author did note that "If books, movies and television can handle such heavy subject matter, so can gaming." It seems like she appreciates CD's direction, but not the fact that they don't have the guts to stick by their creative choices.

_Awestruck_ 20-06-12 00:58

Well Kotaku made it an issue, followed by Gamastura, followed by practically every other news outlet online.

Crystal probably felt cornered and felt the need to backpedal on the entire issue. I doubt the scene will be removed at all, which means that despite whatever they say they're still standing by their work.

TheRCroft 20-06-12 00:59

LOL, I just can't at the media. Seriously, one week they're complaining about Tomb Raider using rape in its story, now that CD came clean and explained that it really doesn't go further than that (which it doesn't), they say they wanted CD to own up to it. Like Awestruck said, CD really can't win.

Love2Raid 20-06-12 01:03

Here is the statement again, in case you need it:

It does seem contradictory, I cannot deny that. 'Sexual assault will not be covered in this game'. Then what the hell was that guy doing, checking if she's ticklish? :rolleyes:

But it is clear that nothing more will happen than what was shown in the gameplay trailer, and it was never their intention to take it further. Nothing has changed since the media 'uproar', nothing has changed because of that. That's what it is about.

TheRCroft 20-06-12 01:06

I like to believe that what CD was trying to say with that was and I quote a comment from IGN:


"There is the theme, but Lara wont get her clothes torn off and the whole island full of enemies will take turns on her" like the media was making it sounds like.
Of course, that is what I want to believe. Maybe CD just lied to soften the controversy.

_Awestruck_ 20-06-12 01:07

They never explicitly said that it wouldn't be in the game, that's the thing. They said that it's "categorically not a theme" that they emphasize. It can still be present, but I think they meant that it wasn't a issue that they're putting heavy emphasis on, especially considering that the scene itself is about her killing somebody.

Stevo505 20-06-12 01:09


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6266607)
They never explicitly said that it wouldn't be in the game, that's the thing. They said that it's "categorically not a theme" that they emphasize. It can still be present, but I think they meant that it wasn't a issue that they're putting heavy emphasis on, especially considering that the scene itself is about her killing somebody.

They didn't say "emphasize" but they did say "cover." That makes it sound like they don't cover it at all.

Hairhelmet12 20-06-12 01:11


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6266556)
Well, a female journalist from IGN had to sound off on the issue:

I barely skimmed it, but it felt more negative than anything.


TheRCroft 20-06-12 01:11

Exactly, I feel like people are shifting the focus from what's really important and character-defining in that scene, the fact that she has to kill a human being for the first time. I in no way consider the whole "I'm feelin' ya" thing a major theme, because it doesn't go further than what we've seen.

Love2Raid 20-06-12 01:14


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6266607)
They never explicitly said that it wouldn't be in the game, that's the thing. They said that it's "categorically not a theme" that they emphasize. It can still be present, but I think they meant that it wasn't a issue that they're putting heavy emphasis on, especially considering that the scene itself is about her killing somebody.

Well, they should use more clear wording next time, because it's very confusing.

_Awestruck_ 20-06-12 01:17


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6266619)
Well, they should use more clear wording next time, because it's very confusing.

Then again I could be wrong, especially considering the massive line that the media drew in the sand. They could have just been lying to alleviate some of the drama and controversy. Either way, they're misspeaking an awful lot lately. And, I agree with a good bit of people over on IGN's comment section who say "Let them make their game" because giving them bad press on everything that they say is just silly at this point.

LNSNHGTDS 20-06-12 05:58


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6266566)
^She wasn't even raped in Aod tbph..

Neither was she in the new game, and as stated won't be...


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6266569)
It's only rape when one of the parts doesn't want to perform the sexual activity or doesn't want any involvement with the other, which wasn't the case in AoD :p

Lara obviously didn't want Kurtis to touch her, she was definately not enjoying it! Just look at her face.

In both situations the ugly man was rubbing his hand on Lara's body and she didn't want to, the only difference is that in the new game she eventually kills the ugly guy.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6266578)
Did you read through the article? The author clearly stated her issue wasn't with the attempted rape scene, but rather that CD backpedaled and denied that sexual assault is not a theme in Tomb Raider.

I sort of agree with her - CD blatantly denying it is kind of fishy.

They never said there was a theme, this is the only scene of similar content in the game, therefore it's not a theme of the game so they're still wrong :p , and no I really didn't bother to read the whole article... :p

Spong 20-06-12 06:00


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6266865)
Lara obviously didn't want Kurtis to touch her, she was definately not enjoying it! Just look at her face.

But she had the same emo face throughout AoD, not just that one scene.

LNSNHGTDS 20-06-12 06:02


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6266869)
But she had the same emo face throughout AoD, not just that one scene.

OMG :vlol: ! Well still, she even closed her eyes and grimaced in a way "Oh crap! WTF does he want?" and still, SHE WASN'T ENJOYING IT :p !!!

Shark_Blade 20-06-12 06:15

^How do you know she's not enjoying it? She returned the favor when she frisked Kurtis.


LNSNHGTDS 20-06-12 06:16


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6266878)
^How do you know she's not enjoying it? She returned the favor when she frisked Kurtis.


Again, look at her face and spressions. She might have had a bitchy-ish face most of the time but in that cutscene it's even worse.

tomee 20-06-12 15:46

I don't think she particularly hated it but that definitely wasn't something she was in urgent need. It looked like to me she was just rather surprised and had no idea what to do.

brand.seph 20-06-12 15:58

Hey guys, just a question, is this track official? Sounds like a piece from the main theme.

Tomb_of_Darkns 20-06-12 15:59


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6267647)
Hey guys, just a question, is this track official? Sounds like a piece from the main theme.

If you look at the description on the video it says fanmade :)

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