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TotalLost 28-02-13 13:53

I hold a physical retail copy of the PS3 Version in my bare hands aswell. Feels so Good.

klona 28-02-13 13:54

*shoots it with a gun*
Have fun. :wve:


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6676490)
PS3 version leaked. :p
Anyway, 5 days to go. This week has been the longest one in 2013 (and my life probably).

I'm actually surprised on how fast this week is going. :p

frozen_star 28-02-13 13:55


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6676435)
Never understood why people bought the guides ^

For my Tomb Raider Collection.

Jami393 28-02-13 13:57


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6676508)
I'm actually surprised on how fast this week is going. :p

Maybe it's because we are near the end of the waiting period for the game.

God Horus 28-02-13 13:59

OMG, the person I talked to said the game just shipped and tomorrow they will get it! I might have it by tomorrow!

klona 28-02-13 13:59


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6676514)
Maybe it's because we are near the end of the waiting period for the game.

I've waited for like... 3-4 years for this.
Just a couple of days isn't a lot for me...

lcroft_lc 28-02-13 14:02

Can anyone find me a similar image of this screen without TressFX effects:

Jami393 28-02-13 14:14


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6676517)
I've waited for like... 3-4 years for this.
Just a couple of days isn't a lot for me...

Well we all have waited the same amount of time for the reboot, and when we thought we could stop waiting at Christmas, we had to wait even longer because they had some more stuff to do to the game.

**LARA LOVER** 28-02-13 14:23


Originally Posted by frozen_star (Post 6676419)

cant wait for my copy.

btw it seems Limited edition guide has started shipping. Amazon USA just shipped mine and it showing in stock with them.

Cool preordered mine from amazon about two weeks ago. Hopefully mine will ship soon too! :tmb:

LNSNHGTDS 28-02-13 14:54

Ok, I've seen enough! I watched everything up until Himiko's tomb but now I'll just have to stop, I don't want to see any more major spoilers!

That being said, the game looks FANTABOLOUS!!! I can't wait to get my hands on it :jmp: !!!

Also, it's pretty much official that Karl did lie about the presence of supernatural stuff in the game :rolleyes: :p ...!

Dark_Messiah 28-02-13 15:06

The last Final Hours!

Jami393 28-02-13 15:08


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6676604)
The last Final Hours!

Before I watch this one, can someone please link me to the other Final Hours videos please?

FearEffect 28-02-13 15:19

TRU ? :eek:

Richard_Croft 28-02-13 15:24


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6676615)
TRU ? :eek:

When they started developing the game, they used the TRU model ;)

Zebra 28-02-13 15:37


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6676615)

That's just the guy's desktop background.

Phlip 28-02-13 15:41


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6676615)
TRU ? :eek:


Looks like the PS3 TRilogy PS Home model.

Richard_Croft 28-02-13 16:05

I just saw the episode and it's only the background of his pc :p

Lost_Paradise 28-02-13 17:16

I'm going to pick my copy tomorrow from the post office :jmp::jmp:

just_love_her 28-02-13 17:18


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6676826)
I'm going to pick my copy tomorrow from the post office :jmp::jmp:

Omg, lucky you! Jealous tbh. :p Have fun playing!

Richard_Croft 28-02-13 17:19


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6676826)
I'm going to pick my copy tomorrow from the post office :jmp::jmp:

Lucky you! Fnac usually sends out the games earlier, idk what is taking them so long :/

italibabee 28-02-13 17:21


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6676826)
I'm going to pick my copy tomorrow from the post office :jmp::jmp:

I'm jealous!
I have to wait to pick up my copy at GameStop the day it releases!

Lost_Paradise 28-02-13 17:25


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6676829)
Omg, lucky you! Jealous tbh. :p Have fun playing!

Thank you, first time I get a game before the release date.


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6676830)
Lucky you! Fnac usually sends out the games earlier, idk what is taking them so long :/

I got the game from megamania, this is the second game I bought there, the first was deus ex and I received it the day after the game released, guess this time I was lucky.

Richard_Croft 28-02-13 17:30


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6676838)
I got the game from megamania, this is the second game I bought there, the first was deus ex and I received it the day after the game released, guess this time I was lucky.

I guess I have to change the retailer then.
Last year they sent me ACIII and Far Cry 3 three days before the launch date, I was hoping the same thing with TR :o

LNSNHGTDS 28-02-13 18:08

I'm semi-depressed, knowing that I will get the game on April is a real bummer :/ ...!

I know it's just a video game, but these series mean a lot to me and even thought I had other stuff to keep my occupied during those four years I don't think that they'll be able to fill in for TR anymore. One month is nothing compared to four years but knowing that the game is out and having the walkthrough on a silver platter won't help at all! Not to mention that I already saw a bit more than I should have!

Oh well, some of you people are stronger than me, I'll try and look at you as role-models :p !!!

_Tomb_Raider 28-02-13 18:36

Why are you getting game that late? :D

Lukass 28-02-13 18:37

There are a few little things that bother me. Such small details, but still. One of them is that she has the bandage on her leg from the very beginning.

LNSNHGTDS 28-02-13 18:39


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6676944)
Why are you getting game that late? :D

Because, like Mikky said before "I don't have rich parents like you. :ton: " :p !

_Tomb_Raider 28-02-13 18:46


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6676950)
Because, like Mikky said before "I don't have rich parents like you. :ton: " :p !

Oh so I see, I had the same problem with Underworld. :p But I learned my lesson adn started saving money for this TR early so I could get it.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6676945)
There are a few little things that bother me. Such small details, but still. One of them is that she has the bandage on her leg from the very beginning.

Same here. I also hate sub-titles... Can't stand the color, and yes, I know we can turn them off, but sometimes it's just hard to hear everything.

LNSNHGTDS 28-02-13 18:50


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6676962)
Oh so I see, I had the same problem with Underworld. :p But I learned my lesson adn started saving money for this TR early so I could get it.

Same here. I also hate sub-titles... Can't stand the color, and yes, I know we can turn them off, but sometimes it's just hard to hear everything.

I did start saving but my savings... erm... ahem... left :whi: ... They least I can do knwo is start saving up again so that maybe I have a chance of getting it one week or two after release.


I don't mind the colour that much (it is kinda annoying but I can handle it) , but what annoys me is the <speaks Russian> <noise> <via headset> <no signal sounds> and other similar stuff like that, I guess it' propably for people with hearing problems but still... And the worst of all is that otehr languages are not translated, so therefore we don't know what Vlad was saying and what other characters are saying in Japanese... not to mention that Lara knows Japanese (maybe even Russian, TRilogy Lara did know :p ! )which makes it even more weird -_____- !

God Horus 28-02-13 19:02


SOOOOO there is a game store in a city pretty close that is getting TR today at 5:00. I talked to the owner and he said he can sell it to me today.

So if everything goes as planned, I should be shipwrecked on the island in about 6 hours!!

_Tomb_Raider 28-02-13 19:03

These guys are LOVING the game!


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6676969)
I did start saving but my savings... erm... ahem... left :whi: ... They least I can do knwo is start saving up again so that maybe I have a chance of getting it one week or two after release.

Oh so I see. :ton:

qrack 28-02-13 19:05


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6676983)

SOOOOO there is a game store in a city pretty close that is getting TR today at 5:00. I talked to the owner and he said he can sell it to me today.

So if everything goes as planned, I should be shipwrecked on the island in about 6 hours!!

Man, soooooo many stores breaking the street date. Square must be PISSED. Makes it much harder to find piraters when so many legitimate copies made it out into the wild before it was supposed to.

just_love_her 28-02-13 19:05


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6676983)

SOOOOO there is a game store in a city pretty close that is getting TR today at 5:00. I talked to the owner and he said he can sell it to me today.

So if everything goes as planned, I should be shipwrecked on the island in about 6 hours!!

One more lucky person and one more person I'm jealous at! :p
Have fun playing. :tmb:

LNSNHGTDS 28-02-13 19:06


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6676987)
Man, soooooo many stores breaking the street date. Square must be PISSED. Makes it much harder to find piraters when so many legitimate copies made it out into the wild before it was supposed to.

This, I mean there are only 5 days left, why can't some peopel wait :p ?

**LARA LOVER** 28-02-13 19:06


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6676985)
These guys are LOVING the game!

Oh so I see. :ton:

Saw this yesterday! Its awesome to see the game on the PS3! :D

Love2Raid 28-02-13 20:32

I can't stay away, hahaha, I just can't. :p

Only a few days left, so close! Knowing that a lot of people are already playing it is killing me. :vlol:

Soul 28-02-13 20:37

Anyone looked at Neogaf lately? :eek:
While the TR-threads used to be 90% filled with hate and "protect"-comments there are some really positive reaction by people, who have played it now.

Jami393 28-02-13 20:39

I wonder how many stores have broke the street date in selling the game. I haven't heard anything like this happening in the UK yet, for TReboot, but like we know there have been stores in different countries that are selling the game early.

just_love_her 28-02-13 20:42

I'm mixed now about people playing early. I'm happy for all of you but also I'm very mad and jealous. I'm also mad cause I'm pc player and can't play the game now. If I only had xbox360. :(

CiaKonwerski 28-02-13 20:44

Re-posting here...

Just a quick question you guys....

Is it better to have the game shipped to your house or to pick it up from the store? It says the shipping date is 3-5, so does that mean I won't get it until after that date? If so it would be best to just go in and pick it up from there right? that way I get it on the day it's released.

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