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Stevo505 07-04-12 02:42


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6088712)
I think we should explore some Native American mythology. That hasn't really been done yet...

Do they really have tombs? I know they have burial grounds but I don't know about tombs. She needs to raid tombs :pi:

just*raidin*tomb 07-04-12 02:43


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6088715)
Do they really have tombs? I know they have burial grounds but I don't know about tombs. She needs to raid tombs :pi:

They got undiscovered tombs now beotches.

Stevo505 07-04-12 02:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6088719)
They got undiscovered tombs now beotches.

Ooooo. I like it...

larafan25 07-04-12 02:44

Let's go Angels and Demons and get into some...whatever that stuff is type of tombs.

Stevo505 07-04-12 02:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6088722)
Let's go Angels and Demons and get into some...whatever that stuff is type of tombs.

We could raid the tomb Jesus arose from!! :D :vlol:

Lukass 07-04-12 02:45

I'd love her to look for the Holy Grail.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6088724)
We could raid the tomb Jesus arose from!! :D :vlol:


just*raidin*tomb 07-04-12 02:46

I know there's a snake-like thing in Ohio that was made by a primitive civilization...I don't think its a tomb though.

Lets take this in a slightly different direction. Has Lara ever explored an abandoned town? That would be really cool and beautiful. Especially in a tropical area. All the overgrowth on the rotting architecture. D:

larafan25 07-04-12 02:50

Jesus' tomb is kind of just round and boring, plus they think they found it already.

Holy Grail sounds cool.

But what place could be a good wilderness with tombs inside it?

I could see a large Egyptian desert, with giant pyramids, jungles, and sooo many dark claustrophobic tombs.

In fact, I'm certain we're going to Egypt next.

I just can't imagine where CD would take us...where? :/

Where would they set an entire game?

leglion 07-04-12 02:51


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6088712)
I think we should explore some Native American mythology. That hasn't really been done yet...

Nah. Unless the culture she's exploring has some actual tombs, i don't want it.

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6088709)
With multiple locations?

Imagine Egypt or Greece as one game instead of one level. That's how it could be done.

larafan25 07-04-12 02:52


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6088738)
Nah. Unless the culture she's exploring has some actual tombs, i don't want it.

Imagine Egypt or Greece as one game instead of one level. That's how it could be done.

Oh, well we knew that, we were talking about how we would have multiple locations but done with hubs...

I actually wouldn't mind an entire game set in Greece...

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