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Stevo505 29-04-12 22:48

Lukas, is that real???

Rai 29-04-12 22:49

That pic is really impressive. Imagine if you saw that for real as you're flying above it. It should be the logo :pi:. Who made it?

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:50

Talk about an aggressive ad campaign.

Lukass 29-04-12 22:51


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6140131)
Lukas, is that real???

I'm confused myself. Just found it on the internet. Um, it looks pretty real to me, but it's obvious it's not a real island :/ But it looks awesome whatever it is.

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:51

I hope it is at least made by Crystal. I might poop myself.

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:52

Where did you find it?

Lukass 29-04-12 22:52


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6140144)
I hope it is at least made by Crystal. I might poop myself.

Tell me about it D':

Rai 29-04-12 22:53

What were you looking for when you found it?

Lukass 29-04-12 22:54


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6140153)
What were you looking for when you found it?

Tomb Raider Reborn. I don't remember the website :/

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:56

It might just be fan-made then D: It's still an awesome picture though.

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:56

Well it's from flickr so its definitely probably fanmade but it is cool.

Lukass 29-04-12 22:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6140166)
It might just be fan-made then D: It's still an awesome picture though.

Of course it's fan made, but it looks awesome indeed. If they made something like this for us...oh well :/


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140168)
Well it's from flickr so its definitely probably fanmade but it is cool.

I saved it on my Flickr. Oh and I just found out. It's from Deviantart and made by "Doppel".

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:59

Crystal should use it for their TV commercials... imagine the camera zooming out of the trees on the island and then slowly the Tomb Raider logo made out of trees appears, and then it fades into the regular logo with the release date. That sounds nice to me :)

Weemanply109 29-04-12 23:00

^or they just had an advert with gameplay or CGI.

When I first heard this, I wasn't too keen on it, but now I'm a fan of it. I just like how depressing it is. However, I love the current theme just as much.

Lukass 29-04-12 23:00

^^I'd love that. Won't happen tho'.

Stevo505 29-04-12 23:02


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6140175)
^or they just had an advert with gameplay or CGI.

When I first heard this, I wasn't too keen on it, but now I'm a fan of it. I just like how depressing it is. However, I love the current theme just as much.

I don't really like this that much =/ It makes her situation seem really sad and stuff, which it is, but there's no sense of hope in it. I think what we got in the trailer suits the tone of the game a lot more.

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 23:22

I love it. I could definitely imagine the piece being used near the end of the game in an isolated and mysterious situation. It has so much emotion behind it.

Lukass 29-04-12 23:35

I was so looking forward to hear some Japanese tones in the soundtrack, but from what we've heard so far it seem like there's not even a hint of anything Japanese, which is a little disappointing to be honest.

TRexbait 30-04-12 00:26


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6140177)
I don't really like this that much =/ It makes her situation seem really sad and stuff, which it is, but there's no sense of hope in it. I think what we got in the trailer suits the tone of the game a lot more.

If you listen all the way through. There's a clear tonal shift near 3/4 of the way through. It sounds more determined, like she's moving onwards and pushing through.

I thought it was perfect.

larafan25 30-04-12 00:28

^I agree, it's an amazing piece.

Stevo505 30-04-12 00:30


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6140342)
If you listen all the way through. There's a clear tonal shift near 3/4 of the way through. It sounds more determined, like she's moving onwards and pushing through.

I thought it was perfect.

You're right, near the end it does sound a little more optimistic. I still prefer the piece that was finally used though.

Lukass 30-04-12 00:37

Watching Uncharted 3 videos, man, it looks amazing, I wish TR is like that <3 I like the detailed environments. It's a shame it's so linear according to PS3 players, but oh hell, it does look brilliant!

Linoshi Croft 30-04-12 00:40

I really hope it isn't :/

larafan25 30-04-12 00:41

I will cry of pain if Tomb Raider is anything like UC3.

TR should be more like ND's Jack and Daxter: Precursor Legacy

Stevo505 30-04-12 00:42

As long as the environments are as detailed, the characters as lifelike, the music as epic, and the storyline as captivating as they are in Uncharted... I will be forever happy.

Linoshi Croft 30-04-12 00:46

UC's storylines were just full of cliché's and rather shallow to be honest. I want a deep and fascinating plot for TR.

Lukass 30-04-12 00:47

I meant the details etc. not the gameplay or something. Just the environments.

just*raidin*tomb 30-04-12 00:48

We can already tell Tomb Raider is very detailed from the demo. ^

I don't want it to be like Uncharted 3 though... no no. I've played it and loved it but this is Tomb Raider and that is Uncharted.

I want it to be more like Batman Arkham Asylum. So many hidden areas. So much depth. So many collectible items. THAT's how I want Tomb Raider to be. Give me complexity and depth. Batman AA even had me scared at some moments. I really think it's environments and atmosphere are a great foundation for tomb raider.

I really hope the gameplay is similar in that regard. But of course changed to fit in with Tomb Raider.

Lukass 30-04-12 00:52


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140386)
We can already tell Tomb Raider is very detailed from the demo. ^

I don't want it to be like Uncharted 3 though... no no. I've played it and loved it but this is Tomb Raider and that is Uncharted.

I want it to be more like Batman Arkham Asylum. So many hidden areas. So much depth. So many collectible items. THAT's how I want Tomb Raider to be. Give me complexity and depth. Batman AA even had me scared at some moments. I really think it's environments and atmosphere are a great foundation for tomb raider.

You're right. I was also watching one really long interview with Karl in which he stated that the spaces are enormous and there's so much to explore since she's supposed to be an explorer and adventurer. I still can't imagine how big is one hub. It's safe to say it's gonna be bigger than TRU Mexico, but how many times bigger? 3 times? 10 times? 20 times? I don't want to be unpleasantly surprised how small the hub could be :/

just*raidin*tomb 30-04-12 00:55

I honestly don't think they'll be bigger than Mexico, just more complex and overlapping.

larafan25 30-04-12 01:59


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140398)
I honestly don't think they'll be bigger than Mexico, just more complex and overlapping.


I think the hubs are already bigger than Mexico...


TippingWater 30-04-12 02:07


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6140466)

I think the hubs are already bigger than Mexico...


I find that hard to believe. I mean all of their previous games had really short levels, so with that logic in mind I really don't expect the hubs to be as big and interactive as they say.

larafan25 30-04-12 02:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6140476)
I find that hard to believe. I mean all of their previous games had really short levels, so with that logic in mind I really don't expect the hubs to be as big and interactive as they say.

My only belief issue is that they aren't saying...are they?

It's so under talked about, if anything they've made more of a point of saying it's not a giant open world...

What we can see is the night hub, in video and in many screenshots.

We know there is this large rounded space with a small village in it and a monastery, it's about the size of...this temple area in TRU but slightly bigger...actually much bigger, and with places to go up in the mountains...

OH **** BULLS.

Guise it's gunna be big.

edit: We need to come up with a way to measure the hub...

just*raidin*tomb 30-04-12 02:23

It just doesn't look that big to me...sorry. :/

larafan25 30-04-12 02:24


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140490)
It just doesn't look that big to me...sorry. :/

Dats okayee yall.

Imma scannin ma TRU guide image of the full Mexico map furr us yall heeer.

just*raidin*tomb 30-04-12 02:25

Okaye den

Weemanply109 30-04-12 02:25

Erm. I need to revise the leaked gameplay videos again, because I honestly don't understand what some of y'all are talking about.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6140236)
I was so looking forward to hear some Japanese tones in the soundtrack, but from what we've heard so far it seem like there's not even a hint of anything Japanese, which is a little disappointing to be honest.


Stevo505 30-04-12 02:31

There probably won't be Japanese influences in the main theme music, but I bet there will be some in the background music during the game.

TippingWater 30-04-12 02:31


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140490)
It just doesn't look that big to me...sorry. :/

I share your thoughts. I just got a vision from the future, Tomb Raider will be a beautiful and cinematic game, but it will be only a tad longer than Legend :o.

Stevo505 30-04-12 02:32

They're aiming for 10 hours... Legend wasn't even 10 hours. Was it?

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