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Phlip 30-11-12 16:59


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6542543)
we've cancelled the game cos Lara's ankle bends funny..

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

lcroft_lc 30-11-12 18:12


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6542543)
we've cancelled the game cos Lara's ankle bends funny..

Then you realizes there's still 94 days left until launch. So went back on polishing.

But the glitch will still be in the final product and we have to download a bloody big god damn patch to fix it. :hea:

Weemanply109 30-11-12 18:54

Y'all never believed that I was right about Peep Show having exclusive gameplay footage. :vlol:

Spong 30-11-12 18:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6542747)
Y'all never believed that I was right about Peep Show having exclusive gameplay footage. :vlol:

You're probably confusing believe with care ;)
Not that I have the faintest idea what you're talking about anyway :p

Weemanply109 30-11-12 19:00


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6542751)
You're probably confusing believe with care ;)
Not that I have the faintest idea what you're talking about anyway :p

If you have no clue what I'm talking about, then I'm sure that first sentence is probably already invalidated. :p

Spong 30-11-12 19:05


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6542760)
If you have no clue what I'm talking about, then I'm sure that first sentence is probably already invalidated. :p

Not knowing the subject matter doesn't invalidate me guessing what other people might've thought. They obviously would know what you're talking about, unless I was deliberately creating a flawed scenario in my head :p

Weemanply109 30-11-12 19:12


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6542762)
Not knowing the subject matter doesn't invalidate me guessing what other people might've thought. They obviously would know what you're talking about, unless I was deliberately creating a flawed scenario in my head :p

Anyway. What I was meaning is that I said last night that there was going to be an exclusive gameplay leak today from Peep Show, but Meagan contacted him via PM and convinced him to not share anything till December 4th, so it's ruined, but I have seen a small glimpse of the additional footage that isn't included in the Final Hours video, it shows platforming, etc.

Spong 30-11-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6542772)
Anyway. What I was meaning is that I said last night that there was going to be an exclusive gameplay leak today from Peep Show...

Oh right. Cheers for bringing me up to speed :tmb:


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6542772)
...but Meagan contacted him via PM and convinced him to not share anything till December 4th, so it's ruined...

LOL @ it's ruined.
It's hardly ruined. Sure, it sucks that we've got to wait a few more days, but marketing is a business and that takes precedence.

I'm sure the footage will still be just as good in a few days time, especially if there's finally some platforming :D

pTURKEYq 30-11-12 19:24


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6542543)
we've cancelled the game cos Lara's ankle bends funny..

Wow...! Your sarcasm is so advanced! I almost believed you.

Weemanply109 30-11-12 19:27


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6542791)
Oh right. Cheers for bringing me up to speed :tmb:

LOL @ it's ruined.
It's hardly ruined. Sure, it sucks that we've got to wait a few more days, but marketing is a business and that takes precedence.

I'm sure the footage will still be just as good in a few days time, especially if there's finally some platforming :D

The plan was ruined, not our lives or our expectations or anything else. My point was valid. :confused:

Though, I agree with the last sentence. :D

MeaganMarie 30-11-12 20:25


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6542772)
Anyway. What I was meaning is that I said last night that there was going to be an exclusive gameplay leak today from Peep Show, but Meagan contacted him via PM and convinced him to not share anything till December 4th, so it's ruined, but I have seen a small glimpse of the additional footage that isn't included in the Final Hours video, it shows platforming, etc.

I don't think it's ruined either, you just have to wait a few days. :P

I contacted him because the way that you two were talking about it seemed like a community member leaked footage, which was not the case. I was really worried about that, because I want to to continue giving community the same access as press at events and it would really work against my case if a fan broke embargo. Turned out that's not what happened, though!

Lukass 30-11-12 20:27

I don't get it. How is that even possible that it got out before official reveal? :confused:

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 20:28


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6542937)
I don't get it. How is that even possible that it got out before official reveal? :confused:

Someone put it online and he happened to find it before it was taken down is what it sounds like.

Weemanply109 30-11-12 20:28


Originally Posted by MeaganMarie (Post 6542934)
I don't think it's ruined either, you just have to wait a few days. :P

I contacted him because the way that you two were talking about it seemed like a community member leaked footage, which was not the case. I was really worried about that, because I want to to continue giving community the same access as press at events and it would really work against my case if a fan broke embargo. Turned out that's not what happened, though!

I can wait. I've prepared myself. ;)

Yep, nobody on TRF is responsible for the footage. How did the footage even get out, tho? :vlol:

MeaganMarie 30-11-12 20:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6542937)
I don't get it. How is that even possible that it got out before official reveal? :confused:

It was mostly confusion - from the plan those two were hatching, publicly (I laughed so hard at "GURL, CHECK YOUR PROFILE VISITORS"), I thought a fan was talking about their impressions somewhere. Turns out he had seen some B-roll that was given to press to use in interviews and so forth. It's not supposed to go live until the 4th so we can finish showing a few more territories the game. It's really not a huge deal, but it's good we caught it so that it's fair to everyone else who attended.

Weemanply109 30-11-12 20:33


Originally Posted by MeaganMarie (Post 6542949)
It was mostly confusion - from the plan those two were hatching, publicly (I laughed so hard at "GURL, CHECK YOUR PROFILE VISITORS"), I thought a fan was talking about their impressions somewhere. Turns out he had seen some B-roll that was given to press to use in interviews and so forth. It's not supposed to go live until the 4th so we can finish showing a few more territories the game.

Interesting. :pi:

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 20:36

I'm LOLing so hard right now at Meagan's edits to Larafan's post over at the Eidos Board.

Clever. :vlol:

The1andOnlyTR 30-11-12 20:37

Is the HD version up yet? The one Justin said would be out?

motoleo 30-11-12 20:38


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6542968)
I'm LOLing so hard right now at Meagan's edits to Larafan's post over at the Eidos Board.

Clever. :vlol:


_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 20:39

Search engine

Spong 30-11-12 20:39

^Touché :vlol:


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6542968)
I'm LOLing so hard right now at Meagan's edits to Larafan's post over at the Eidos Board.

Clever. :vlol:

What's she done? Edited them so they make sense? :p

MeaganMarie 30-11-12 20:40


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6542968)
I'm LOLing so hard right now at Meagan's edits to Larafan's post over at the Eidos Board.

Clever. :vlol:

Not sure why Kittly Litter popped into my head...

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 20:40

^ That surprisingly was the one that I laughed the hardest at. :p

Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6542978)
What's she done? Edited them so they make sense? :p

:vlol: I didn't get to see his original post, but if I had to take a good guess: Probably.

Weemanply109 30-11-12 20:42


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6542971)
Is the HD version up yet? The one Justin said would be out?

SpyrosMonster 30-11-12 20:42


LNSNHGTDS 30-11-12 20:43


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6542985)


Weemanply109 30-11-12 20:43


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6542985)

Fixed. xo

EDIT: Damn you ^

klona 30-11-12 20:45

I clearly win now:

SpyrosMonster 30-11-12 20:46


Originally Posted by MeaganMarie (Post 6542980)
Not sure why Kittly Litter popped into my head...

Meagan please give us the full SUPER HQ version of the TR COVER!!!

klona 30-11-12 20:51

Remember the snails? :D

tampi 30-11-12 20:51


Originally Posted by MeaganMarie (Post 6542949)
It's not supposed to go live until the 4th so we can finish showing a few more territories the game.

A few more??? How much of them? I do not want to see them. But I know that I can not overcome the temptation if you show.:(

motoleo 30-11-12 20:53

The snails lol where is larafan25 anyway

Weemanply109 30-11-12 20:56


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6543015)
The snails lol where is larafan25 anyway

He's not coming back to TRF. He now is an inhabitant of the Eidos Forums. He'll be missed here, he was probably the most optimistic and active TR fan ever. :vlol:

MeaganMarie 30-11-12 20:58


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6543010)
A few more??? How much of them? I do not want to see them. But I know that I can not overcome the temptation if you show.:(

I'm off to Madrid and Millan, and Brian is in Hong Kong, I think!

The1andOnlyTR 30-11-12 20:58


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6543010)
A few more??? How much of them? I do not want to see them. But I know that I can not overcome the temptation if you show.:(

She doesn't mean she's showing new territories from the game, she means she's showing new territories the game.

Meaning showing the game to different parts of the world..

Right? :p

Rai 30-11-12 20:58


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6543010)
A few more??? How much of them? I do not want to see them. But I know that I can not overcome the temptation if you show.:(

i think Meagan means places they're showing the game when she said territories, not necessarily areas in the game. :)

Ah beaten :D

scremanie 30-11-12 20:59

^Ah, beaten to it. Damn you Rai. :p


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6543010)
A few more??? How much of them? I do not want to see them. But I know that I can not overcome the temptation if you show.:(

She means showing the game to large communities. Not showing stages or levels from within the game.

tampi 30-11-12 21:00


Originally Posted by MeaganMarie (Post 6543028)
I'm off to Madrid and Millan, and Brian is in Hong Kong, I think!

:eek: Madrid? :(:o Milan is a beautiful city:)
I envy Brian.

Barcelona exists!:p

MeaganMarie 30-11-12 21:00


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6543034)
^Ah, beaten to it. Damn you Rai. :p

She means showing the game to large communities. Not showing stages or levels from within the game.

Whoops! Sorry! Didn't mean to confuse anyone!

tampi 30-11-12 21:02


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6543031)
She doesn't mean she's showing new territories from the game, she means she's showing new territories the game.

Meaning showing the game to different parts of the world..

Right? :p


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6543034)
She means showing the game to large communities. Not showing stages or levels from within the game.

Thanks god. :jmp:

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