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Billy959 25-02-13 23:53


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6670796)
Even Instagram isnt safe. Someone posted a picture and small spoiler

(i covered the White text with my hands to erase it)

I was searching for TR pics(don't know why tho) and there was a million pics of the game,luckily it was only the menu and the den!

zackfarron 25-02-13 23:55


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6670800)
(i covered the White text with my hands to erase it)

I was searching for TR pics(don't know why tho) and there was a million pics of the game,luckily it was only the menu and the den!

Lol yeah stop searching the tomb raider tag now. Well its not a major spoiler and everyone kinda knows it already but still.

Mikky 25-02-13 23:59

Spoiler time! Like, seriously.

Grim dies so early on. They, like, developed his character for 5 minutes. Why is he even there, then? So silly.

Oh, and this game has far too much combat. There's a fire fight every other minute to the point where it seems quite repetetive. Just gonna say it - Uncharted.

TRItheMaster 26-02-13 00:03

[QUOTE=Mikky;6670803]Spoiler time! Like, seriously.

****, I READ IT! GOD DAMMIT! :hea::cen:

EDIT: Oops. :o

zackfarron 26-02-13 00:05

OMG REMOVE THE QUOTE LOL ... that was close :hea::hea::hea::hea:

Mikky 26-02-13 00:05

Lmao, you idiot! I said it was a spoiler for a reason! :vlol:

And don't quote my post. Everyone can see the white text.

_Ninja_ 26-02-13 00:08

Ok. I'm not coming in here anymore...

Carbonek_0051 26-02-13 00:11

Spoilers are being discussed already? Wow, you think people would have manners and wait until the game was released.

Anyway, DmC & TR have both shown that reboots can be amazing when done right. I found my two games of the year. <3

jajay119 26-02-13 00:12


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6670809)
****, I READ IT! GOD DAMMIT! :hea::cen:

Yeah... now has everyone else thanks to you quoting it. You could have looked over if as it was virtually invisible but you've made it so much easier to see and taken the choice not go spoil you chose to waiver yourself and taken it from everyone else. Edit it out, would you kindly?


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6670819)
Spoilers are being discussed already? Wow, you think people would have manners and wait until the game was released.

Anyway, DmC & TR have both shown that reboots can be amazing when done right. I found my two games of the year. <3

Ikr? At least some, like Mikky, are being responsible though... others not so much and they're the problem here.

AshesBorn 26-02-13 00:14

Do you people have no self-control or willpower? You see there's white text and you don't want to be spoiled, but you highlight it anyway? It makes zero sense.. :confused:

:BitterSweet: 26-02-13 00:14

Someone should start a 'General Spoiler Thread', you can discuss whatever you want in there. I don't want to be accidentally reading something because someone quoted a spoiler like I just did with a character...

Any who, going by that YT channel it with the walk through, it only took him 14 parts (13 if the ending video is just the ending) to finish the story, that's not very long. And adding up the times its roughly 3 hours. :/

Peep Show 26-02-13 00:16


Originally Posted by :BitterSweet: (Post 6670826)
Someone should start a 'General Spoiler Thread', honestly. I don't want to be accidentally reading something because someone quoted a spoiler like I just did with a character...

Any who, going by that YT channel it with the walk through, it only took him 14 parts (13 if the ending video is just the ending) to finish the story, that's not very long. And adding up the times its roughly 3 hours. :/

He probably uploaded the ending before the other parts, I didn't watch them but you should check if he cuts off the game at some point.

ivaneiroX 26-02-13 00:16

i've been playing the game and is amazing to bad i have to play it on 360 cant wait to get the ps3 one!! i can answer questions if you guys want to ask anything

Peep Show 26-02-13 00:16


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6670828)
i've been playing the game and is amazing to bad i have to play it on 360 cant wait to get the ps3 one!! i can answer questions if you guys want to ask anything

How? I CANT I feel like i'm the only one who's not playing the game atm.

Mikky 26-02-13 00:18


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670827)
He probably uploaded the ending before the other parts.

Yes, exactly.

There still more parts before the ending one, he just either hasn't uploaded them yet or youtube is taken their sweet time processing them.

Evan C. 26-02-13 00:18


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670829)
How? I CANT I feel like i'm the only one who's not playing the game atm.

We are like two :o

:BitterSweet: 26-02-13 00:18


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670827)
He probably uploaded the ending before the other parts, I didn't watch them but you should check if he cuts off the game at some point.

No thank you. :pi:

But maybe you're right, he just uploaded two videos after the 'Ending' one.



Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6670831)
Yes, exactly. There still more parts before the ending one, he just either hasn't uploaded them yet or youtube is taken their sweet time processing them.

Oh okay. Good. :)

zackfarron 26-02-13 00:18


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670827)
He probably uploaded the ending before the other parts, I didn't watch them but you should check if he cuts off the game at some point.

Must have cut out a lot because a reviewer said the game was roughly 15 hours and 20 hours with all the side tombs and exploring.

ivaneiroX 26-02-13 00:18


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670829)
How? I CANT I feel like i'm the only one who's not playing the game atm.

a friend got it and he borrows me his xbox (he know how much i want to play the game) i can post pictures too but they will be offscreen

Peep Show 26-02-13 00:20


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6670835)
a friend got it and he borrows me his xbox (he know how much i want to play the game) i can post pictures too but they will be offscreen

Tell us your thoughts without spoiling anything if you want. :p

jajay119 26-02-13 00:20


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6670835)
a friend got it and he borrows me his xbox (he know how much i want to play the game) i can post pictures too but they will be offscreen

Thatd be great, AFTER next tuesday ;)

ivaneiroX 26-02-13 00:31


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670839)
Tell us your thoughts without spoiling anything if you want. :p

its amazing i've been playing without survival instict and you can even get lost the hubs are incredible big and you can get everywhere in then

i see in some reviews that they say theres so much shooting and thats a big lie you never see an army like in games like uncharted btw the AI its not stupid like in the monastery gameplay they sometimes are stupid but not like that and im playing in normal (i want to play hard on my ps3) i have die many times too and the QTE are almost non-existend later on the game

... i think thats all i want to say right now i think everyone in here will love the game i myself think this is a 10/10 TR :D

Peep Show 26-02-13 00:33


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6670863)
its amazing i've been playing without survival instict and you can even get lost the hubs are incredible big and you can get everywhere in then

i see in some reviews that they say theres so much shooting and thats a big lie you never see an army like in games like uncharted btw the AI its not stupid like in the monastery gameplay they sometimes are stupid but not like that and im playing in normal (i want to play hard on my ps3) i have die many times too and the QTE are almost non-existend later on the game

... i think thats all i want to say right now i think everyone in here will love the game i myself think this is a 10/10 TR :D

That's amazing to hear. :jmp:

Adrenaline 26-02-13 00:36

This is all so exciting.
I'm so pumped full of adrenaline for this game.

WitchBlade 26-02-13 00:37

My questions for ppl with the game.

(((Please white out your answers so others don't see)))
1. Can you unlock swimsuit Lara like in Legends?
2. Does she have unlockable clothing?
3. How wet and muddy can she get compared to underworld?
4. Does water clean off her body? (Blood and dirt are gross)
5. Lara's mansion???
6. Does Lara have a love interest? I hope not :hea:
7. Do you get the double guns?

zackfarron 26-02-13 00:41


Originally Posted by WitchBlade (Post 6670870)
My questions for ppl with the game.

(((Please white out your answers so others don't see)))
1. Can you unlock swimsuit Lara like in Legends?
2. Does she have unlockable clothing?
3. How wet and muddy can she get compared to underworld?
4. Does water clean off her body? (Blood and dirt are gross)
5. Lara's mansion???
6. Does Lara have a love interest? I hope not :hea:
7. Do you get the double guns?

I hope no swimsuit that would be awful, it just doesnt fit with this game or the new lara. Plus theres no swimming so a swimsuit would be stupid.

Peep Show 26-02-13 00:43


Originally Posted by WitchBlade (Post 6670870)
My questions for ppl with the game.

(((Please white out your answers so others don't see)))
1. Can you unlock swimsuit Lara like in Legends?
2. Does she have unlockable clothing?
3. How wet and muddy can she get compared to underworld?
4. Does water clean off her body? (Blood and dirt are gross)
5. Lara's mansion???
6. Does Lara have a love interest? I hope not :hea:
7. Do you get the double guns?

I don't have the game but I can answer you these

1. No.
2. No but there's DLC skins
5. You won't be able to explore Lara's home in this game

zackfarron 26-02-13 00:44


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6670877)
I don't have the game but I can answer you these

1. No.
2. No but there's DLC skins
5. You won't be able to explore Lara's home in this game

7. spoiler:Yes

Alister's_Brain 26-02-13 00:48

OMG OMGOMG Guys, guys!

My friend who works for gamestop asked if I wanted the Lara Croft standee from a Gamestop that is closing down nearby! Guess who's leaving right now to pick it up?


Rai 26-02-13 00:54

This is a completely random thought for you guys: many members here use Lara's name in their usernames and also, other characters such as Alister or Kurtis. I'm now wondering if this game will inspire new members to use character names from TR Reboot, such as Sam or Reyes. Hmm

nevillet 26-02-13 00:55


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6670785)
Okay judging by the last posts apparently something big leaked. Seriously staying away from this section and TR related stuff now.

Yep, me too. Time to sign off.

Sayonara, see you in a few weeks. Peace, out.

Zebra 26-02-13 00:59

Haha. I just had this idea: I've been thinking about if Lara gets back her dual pistols or not and then I remembered Crystal talking about the bow being her new iconic weapon...DUAL BOW :vlol:! Don't ask me how that would work :p.

Deboda3 26-02-13 00:59


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6670893)
Yep, me too. Time to sign off.

Sayonara, see you in a few weeks. Peace, out.

Ditto, too much is being released. :wve:

Cant wait for this game though! :yah:

zackfarron 26-02-13 01:01


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6670898)
Haha. I just had this idea: I've been thinking about if Lara gets back her dual pistols or not and then I remembered Crystal talking about the bow being her new iconic weapon...DUAL BOW :vlol:! Don't ask me how that would work :p.

mmm the demon hunter in diablo 3 can use dual crossbows, well its very cool, its not possible in real life obviously :).

TheRCroft 26-02-13 01:07

Is everyone getting a Lara Croft standee but me? :pi:

Evan C. 26-02-13 01:07


Originally Posted by alister's_brain (Post 6670883)
omg omgomg guys, guys!

My friend who works for gamestop asked if i wanted the lara croft standee from a gamestop that is closing down nearby! Guess who's leaving right now to pick it up?


omg i so hate you

zackfarron 26-02-13 01:08


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6670915)
Is everyone getting a Lara Croft standee but me? :pi:

I wish, not me, i wanted to ask if i could have at gamestop but was to scared. :hea:

TheRCroft 26-02-13 01:11


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6670920)
I wish, not me, i wanted to ask if i could have at gamestop but was to scared. :hea:

I definitely think you should ask. I mean, what's the worse that can happen? I think Lara's standee is well worth a try :mis:

But really, besides Alister's_brain, I've heard of two more people here who will have a Lara standee. Jealous :pi:

WitchBlade 26-02-13 01:14


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6670898)
Haha. I just had this idea: I've been thinking about if Lara gets back her dual pistols or not and then I remembered Crystal talking about the bow being her new iconic weapon...DUAL BOW :vlol:! Don't ask me how that would work :p.

Seriously, what up with the DmC avatars here? I'd think people here would support a superior game like Metal Gear Rising :confused:.


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6670874)
I hope no swimsuit that would be awful, it just doesnt fit with this game or the new lara. Plus theres no swimming so a swimsuit would be stupid.

Nothing stupid about seeing Lara's milky skin in a bikini son :o.


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6670878)
7. spoiler:Yes

Thanks for the info.

TRItheMaster 26-02-13 01:14

I'm so sorry everyone! I'm new at this!! :o

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