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Lukass 09-03-12 11:20

^ She won't tell us anything.

lcroft_lc 09-03-12 11:35


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6025802)
but Karl tweet this

So if she visit studio then she saw new Tomb Raider ...I am confused now :confused:

...Definitely she saw Tomb Raider demo ! ...someone tweet her for info :D

This reply is for that party-

What?????? There's a Square Enix party and I wasn't invited???? @Kranzl @SquareEnixLiz what's up with that????
And I am sure that demo consists of Hitman Absolution and Sleeping Dog, not TR. ;)

Lukass 09-03-12 16:56

So beautiful, isn't it? :)

larafan25 09-03-12 16:58

Wut is that?

Lukass 09-03-12 17:09

Some stage perhaps? :)

lcroft_lc 09-03-12 17:10


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6026091)

Where is it? Crystal D's HQ? :confused:

larafan25 09-03-12 17:11


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6026103)
Some stage perhaps? :)

Where did you get the image?

klona 09-03-12 17:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6026091)

Where did you find that!? (Keeley's voice)

Lukass 09-03-12 17:25

I can't tell you folks. I won't spoil it for you :pi:

klona 09-03-12 17:27


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6026142)
I can't tell you folks. I won't spoil it for you :pi:

Just tell us if it's new or old. :p

Anja 09-03-12 17:27


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6026142)
I can't tell you folks. I won't spoil it for you :pi:

evil.... :pi: JK

larafan25 09-03-12 17:29

Old wall with logo pasted on.

Lukass 09-03-12 17:29


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6026148)
Just tell us if it's new or old. :p

No comment, sorry. Just not now, yet. :pi:

Charlie91 09-03-12 17:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6026159)
No comment, sorry. Just not now, yet. :pi:

I know this picture:)

lcroft_lc 09-03-12 17:35

LOL Lukass why you are teasing them? Can I tell it to them? ;)

Lukass 09-03-12 17:36

Damn you :vlol:

lcroft_lc 09-03-12 17:38

As you damned me. ;)

Lukass 09-03-12 17:39

Ugh! I curse you! :vlol:

lcroft_lc 09-03-12 17:41

You can start a "Where is this picture from" thread game to pass time. :p

jhs270694 09-03-12 20:58

Lol i give up on any good info until E3 now... reminds me of this pic :vlol:

i hope im not spamming to many iimages on the forums lol

larafan25 10-03-12 03:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6027487)
Nice reading, thanks :)

btw. The Lara's pic from Underworld looks epic.

Why is that bow in front of her? :confused:

Someone who made the box art probably had a separate image of the bow and it accidentally got put on a layer above Lara.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6027491)
Still green. :pi:

IKR? Besides, if they were going to use a unofficial box art, why not use this one? I mean, every site is using it these days. :p

You know it, gurlfriend! :ohn:

I would personally prefer the face shot over the tourniquet render.

quoted from here...

As to move the discussion to the discussion thread. :pi:

Mikky 10-03-12 03:12

^ Good idea. :p

As I was saying in the thread - I love the image they use for TR1:

It's from the side so you can clearly see her pyramid boobs. :vlol:

larafan25 10-03-12 03:20

I think overall they chose really good pictures of the games, good ones which don't get chosen often.

Mikky 10-03-12 03:38


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6027514)
I think overall they chose really good pictures of the games, good ones which don't get chosen often.

I agree, but I think they should of chosen an actual in-game pic for GoL. And the fact that they said, "Guardian of Light was a spinoff game that presented a more cartoonish or comic book version of Lara Croft," was really misleading, imo. :p

larafan25 10-03-12 03:49

It did present a more cartoonish/ comic book version of Lara Croft. That's not misleading at all. :confused:

Mikky 10-03-12 04:07


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6027541)
It did present a more cartoonish/ comic book version of Lara Croft. That's not misleading at all. :confused:

Assuming that they're only talking about her appearance, the only time that's true is in the opening and ending cinematics. I don't see how she was comic/cartoonish in the rest of the game. :p

Stevo505 10-03-12 04:10

TRU Lara looks so much like TR1 Lara as she appears on the box art.

larafan25 10-03-12 04:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6027561)
Assuming that they're only talking about her appearance, the only time that's true is in the opening and ending cinematics. I don't see how she was comic/cartoonish in the rest of the game. :p

Her character/ lines were somewhat exaggerated.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6027566)
TRU Lara looks so much like TR1 Lara as she appears on the box art.


Mikky 10-03-12 05:34


Add the survival element.
The first suggestion in the suggestion thread. Amazing or what? 0_o

lcroft_lc 10-03-12 06:55

87 days and 11 hours till E3. :D
196 days and 3 hours till the start of Fall 2012. :(

klona 10-03-12 08:19


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6027649)
87 days and 11 hours till E3. :D
196 days and 3 hours till the start of Fall 2012. :(

NCFirebolt21 10-03-12 08:59

If Crystal wants their TR release to clash head-on with Ubi's ACIII (like, in the same week or fortnight), they better have a good idea of what they're doing.

lcroft_lc 10-03-12 12:35


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 6027733)
If Crystal wants their TR release to clash head-on with Ubi's ACIII (like, in the same week or fortnight), they better have a good idea of what they're doing.

They shouldn't release TR before/after 1/2 weeks of ACIII release or they will not get much attention of Action-adventure fans. They rather release it along with CoD 9 cause they are FPS fans not action-adventure fans.

Weemanply109 10-03-12 14:54


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6027649)
87 days and 11 hours till E3. :D
196 days and 3 hours till the start of Fall 2012. :(

You're keeping count?

lcroft_lc 10-03-12 15:02


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6028053)
You're keeping count?

Yes. I am waiting for new info. :)
And a nice smiley that is. :D

Tonyrobinson 10-03-12 15:40

I really would love to see the crocodile's return to the series. I'd imagine it'd make for a good few fights. :D

larafan25 10-03-12 15:42

^Oh yes, giant crocodiles swimming around in the water like Resident Evil 5, those things were scary.

Lukass 10-03-12 15:47


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6028060)
Yes. I am waiting for new info. :)
And a nice smiley that is. :D

I don't want you to update us everyday with your countdown. It's frustrating to see the numbers.

Tonyrobinson 10-03-12 16:03


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6028106)
^Oh yes, giant crocodiles swimming around in the water like Resident Evil 5, those things were scary.

Yeah, I mean even know Lara doesn't swim we have seen her wade through water how cool would it be to see her wading along peacefully and suddenly getting grabbed by a huge heart attack inducing crocodile! :D

larafan25 10-03-12 16:04


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6028137)
Yeah, I mean even know Lara doesn't swim we have seen her wade through water how cool would it be to see her wading along peacefully and suddenly getting grabbed by a huge heart attack inducing crocodile! :D

It would be awesome.

That makes me wonder what types of enemies or other living creatures we'll see on the island, given it's supposed to be a natural/ dynamic/ alive world.

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