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TombRaider_Ed 22-05-21 08:50

Hopefully I can clear it up a little bit. In terms of terminology, here's what each type of 'launch' means, as the platforms are managed very differently:

- Closed Beta = play for a limited time through invite only, such as being on an ambassador program or having to apply for a spot to play early
- Open Beta = anyone has access anywhere in the world but understands that what they're playing is for a limited time to help with technical stability or balancing
- Early Access = play the game early and have access to it ongoing, likely paid to help a team fund the remainder of development as well as get vital data about stability and gameplay balancing

- Soft launch = a controlled rollout across geographical territories of an early version of the game that, whilst it remains live until it launches globally, you may experience progress resets as the game is still undergoing major updates. The territories are categorised so that you're getting the first launch out to low priority countries where there are fewer people wanting to play, so those that do play are helping test technical infrastructure, then the next wave are higher value players who will likely stick with the game so you're testing game balancing and putting new features in (where Reloaded is now so all our updates at the moment come with balancing changes to make sure it's not too grindy) then the final stage before worldwide launch is where you have all your launch features in and you're doing an overall balance from progression to difficulty to events etc. Then we move to....
- Hard / Global Launch = the game has all the desired features in and it's balanced and ready for the most valuable players, such as fans of the franchise and markets that play alot of mobile games (US, UK, most of Europe.) We hold back some features until this point to make sure there's something exciting to look forward to when we release.
Live Ops = once we've gone global, we then have a multi-year plan for new features, outfits, events, levels etc that we work on to make sure we're constantly improving the game and adding cool new stuff that makes you want to stick with us.

Hope that clarifies things :D

Mikky 22-05-21 10:30

Thanks for explanation. Hopefully the global launch is not too far off now. August-September, if I had to guess

charmedangelin 22-05-21 18:17

Is City of Vilcabamba where the game gets BS? Waves upone waves of enemies, barely doing any damage.

Mikky 23-05-21 16:19

To my surprise, I got another Scion piece while replaying a level :confused: I understand that we could collect more parts of the relics after the latest update, but I never imagined that included the Scion too; I thought they'd be saving them for the end of the chapters. So we can complete the Scion before even getting to Egypt? What will we be collecting for the rest of the game then? Just other relics? Unless , of course, they're planning another "wipe" for existing players on the full launch and changing things up.

UroshUchiha 24-05-21 07:53


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8300169)
To my surprise, I got another Scion piece while replaying a level :confused: I understand that we could collect more parts of the relics after the latest update, but I never imagined that included the Scion too; I thought they'd be saving them for the end of the chapters. So we can complete the Scion before even getting to Egypt? What will we be collecting for the rest of the game then? Just other relics? Unless , of course, they're planning another "wipe" for existing players on the full launch and changing things up.

You can now finish all 4 relics that are in the game. The change note maybe wasn't clear but that's the point. Relic pieces are no longer hard coded to a level, you can get any piece in any level. It's random and the higher level you do more of the chances you have for it to drop.

The first 3 can only drop from 1-5 (Doing Tomb 5 allegedly gives you higher chances). And so far Owl only drops in Tomb 6 cause We don't have 7, 8, 9 and 10. I'm missing only the last piece of the Owl to have them all.

Mikky 24-05-21 12:01

Right. I just really thought the Scion would be different as it's so tied to the game's lore. As for the Owl, so the drop rate for those pieces must be super low on St Francis Folly then, because I've played that level numerous times and still haven't seen another one. I'm not too bothered though, the benefits are nothing special 🙃

TombRaider_Ed 25-05-21 16:08


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8300309)
Right. I just really thought the Scion would be different as it's so tied to the game's lore. As for the Owl, so the drop rate for those pieces must be super low on St Francis Folly then, because I've played that level numerous times and still haven't seen another one. I'm not too bothered though, the benefits are nothing special ��

Yeah I had this corrected when I realised the Scion was being used in this way - it will be replaced with another relic and the Scion will go back to being a narrative element in an upcoming update! :D

TombRaider_Ed 25-05-21 16:10


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8300032)
Is City of Vilcabamba where the game gets BS? Waves upone waves of enemies, barely doing any damage.

If you submit your feedback on Discord (I haven't been active in it yet so apologies if you've already submitted this) about the balancing it will help the team target this in a future update. I found in Vilcabamba once you've had a few weapon upgrades it gets a lot easier, but I've been playing the game a lot so I'm not a good judge of balance for sure!

Mikky 25-05-21 17:56

Hey, Ed. I don't use Discord and I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me here; just a couple of things I've been wondering about for a while.

Sometimes, a green or red border appear on the upgrades from the angel or devil - what do they mean?

Purple and gold upgrade ores are sometimes dropped by enemies, with their description being that they're used to upgrade more powerful equipment, but they don't appear anywhere in our inventory, and well, the basic ores are used to upgrade everything. Are these planned to be used in a later update?

And I think that's it. Answer whenever you can, there's no rush

charmedangelin 01-06-21 22:36

So, TR Reloaded is broken.

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